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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/16/18 in Posts

  1. 2 points
  2. 2 points
    100% and I will cherish Mary Berry for the rest of my life. I do love Paul on the show as well because he clearly loves baking, just the way he gets his hands into dough in Masterclass when demonstrating anything. It's just like seeing someone who's found what they were put on this Earth to do. He definitely has an inflated opinion of himself, but he's also never cruel or vindictive to the contestants. He just says, "this is not good, you could have done better," "this is good,""this is a disaster," or "I would serve this at my restaurant." He's an honest authority... on a fucking reality show. My name is Quasar Sniffer and I will take ANY GOD DAMN OPPORTUNITY to talk about the Great British Baking Show. So my go-to topics are.... Batman, Star Wars, Star Trek, and bakewell tarts. Don't get me started!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Well of course he wants dongs to be shown more on screen, I mean have you seen that dude's hog? In other dong related news, did you guys hear that people online freaked out about a new issue of Batman where you could see the shadowed outline of his nude dong tip? It wasn't even really a closeup and it was in a shadow, but for some reason people were unprepared for Batdong.
  5. 1 point
    I think I like this house better. Even if Mickey Hargitay didn't build a heart shaped pool there. In fact that might make me like it even more
  6. 1 point
    You know who also does high fantasy , mystery, comedy, and and baking? Terry Pratchett's Discworld! Particularly the famed (and deadly) Dwarf Bread . It's even got it's own museum which I think is part of The Fifth Elephant book when the replica of the Scone of Stone is stolen. My name is Gigitastic and I love Discworld, cats, Harry Potter , cheesy 90s tv shows with bad ass women,The Great British Baking Show, and drag queens(particularly when they play Dungeons and Dragons).I really don't want to fight because I am a delicate flower and my body is already a broken mess as is.
  7. 1 point
    It's a short walk so yes. It's technically a part of your home environment, like if you had a driveway. I would judge you if you wore shoes in the pool, unless it was the kind with the painful rough "no slip" surface in which case pool shoes are fine. Judgment is saved for those who don't wear shoes when on airplanes, or when out running errands etc. Places where other people have to be. Though I do confess feeling weirded out by people just being barefoot in their yard for long stretches of time. I don't get the appeal of sitting on the ground with or without a blanket either though so *shrugs* And yeah 50 Shades would have been fantastic with Kevin Bacon in it. For something that is supposed to be super sexy I've never felt so bored. Dakota tried but honestly she's just so bland. Both her and her character... there's not much to work with. I don't think even a great actress could have salvaged that trash fire.
  8. 1 point
    I can't forget where my obsessions with British baking, linguistics, and High Fantasy truly merge: LORD OF THE RINGS!
  9. 1 point
    Yeah I know a lot of Asian cultures are big on taking your shoes off before going inside as a sign of respect. I grew up with in a pretty relaxed white household and we tended to do the same but we never like forced guests to take their shoes off. It just feels weird to have your shoes on inside especially when you have carpet. I don't trust people who go barefoot outside. That's how you get tetanus, hookworm and God knows what else. Of course half my family does it. The only thing worse are those weird glove like barefoot "shoes" Ugh
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I like him as a baker but I've heard stories that he's a bit full of himself which makes me sad. He's ok but nowhere near as wonderful as Mary. I'd literally watch paint dry if Mary talked about it.
  12. 1 point
    Speaking of Jayne Mansfield and Mickey Hargitay, has anyone seen the new MST3K on Netflix? They did The Loves of Hercules starring both of them, and it's one of the more enjoyable episodes of the run.
  13. 1 point
    Strangely enough- I never realized how similar Kevin Bacon and Bryan Adams looked... has anyone ever seen them in the same room together?
  14. 1 point
    Hell yeah, the Pink Palace! It's about 10 minutes away from where I lived in Memphis ... I used to jog by it. [pictured: not Jayne Mansfield's house]
  15. 1 point
    Jesus Christ, there will never a better reason to love you guys than the fact that this stupid movie sent you to goddamn JSTOR to get academic articles about male strip clubs ... Grad School Trip salutes you all. I think I might be in
  16. 1 point
    Wasn't she supposedly side eying her because her boobs were about to fall out of her dress onto the table? I seem to recall Sophia saying something to that effect . Speaking of Sophia Loren a local apple orchard has a llama named after her and I love her. I feed her apples every time I visit and tbh I half the reason I go there is because of the llamas.
  17. 1 point
    I am amused that on the poster it says 'Introducing the following Rock N Roll Stars' and then her foot blocks half the names. I have never heard of this, so I'm cautiously optimistic about it. I've also never seen CEG or GBB. I'm 0 for 3 today in this forum.
  18. 1 point
    I think I found it!!!!! I found it in an old newspaper archive: "You've come a long way. baby — at least according to a recent study by two Georgia State University researchers. The subject of their scholarly treatises Male strip shows. According to the 14 male strippers interviewed, their fans are “crazy,” “dangerous,'’ “wild" and "dirty.” (They expected, perhaps, Queen Elizabeth sitting front row center, sipping tea and passing out cucumber sandwiches?) As reported in Psychology Today, the female member of the research team went to a male strip show in Atlanta once a week for eight months. The audience, described as housewives, secretaries, students and professional women from 18 to 60. often showed up an hour early to get seats within grabbing range of the performers. They yelled things like. "Bring out the men!” They also would rip off the dancers G-strings and proposition their favorites before, during and especially after the show, as well as touch, pinch and kiss them during their "tabletop numbers The male dancers, the study reveals, feel “exploited and degraded.” Gosh, fellas Next thing we know you’ll be complaining that women are only interested in you for your bodies" Eureka Time's Standard June 26, 1983 https://newspaperarchive.com/eureka-times-standard-jun-26-1983-p-56/ Has the entire newspaper page complete with a photo of a male stripper kissing a patron. Ironically the story above this is about a company putting the bible on a video disc. I still can't find the exact Psychology Today article though. Maybe someone else can with this info. I'll keep trying though because now I *have* to read this! Also I feel bad for these guys. They needed better management. Just because you're a stripper doesn't mean you're customers are entitled to your body.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    OK ... I only had two goals for my pick this time around: I wanted to pick something that 1. I have never seen (I’m losing steam on the homestretch of my DLM challenge), and 2. is free somewhere on the internet. First, although this film is not hailed as a triumph of musical cinema, its legacy upon the world is enduring. I remember this film from my History of Rock 'n' Roll class. It stars and features music from the likes of Little Richard, Fats Domino, The Platters, Eddie Cochran and others. When this movie premiered in Great Britain in 1956, it marked one of the first mainstream introductions of early rock ’n’ roll music to the British public. As such, many future rock legends who were part of the British Invasion of the 1960s cite this film as a major moment of inspiration on their ensuing careers. John Lennon and Paul McCartney, for example, tell stories of how they first bonded as musicians by playing their favorite tracks from the movie for each other. Then, in 1960, they formed the Beatles and the world was never the same. Secondly, the star of the flick, Jayne Mansfield, is an underrated musical talent. This film plays up the idea that she is an “all looks, no talent” bombshell bimbo, but Mansfield only got started in movies after a fairly successful stint in Broadway musicals. She’s trained at both the piano and violin. Furthermore, she has become a sort of punk music icon. There are bands named after her and a several volumes of songs that reference her life and death. I give you: You can watch the whole thing here on YouTube.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Apparently Tai the Elephant had a multi picture deal, because oddly enough its the same elephant in both movies.
  24. 1 point
    Legit I think this episode will go down as one of the greats. The amount of time spent on the beginning of the film had me in tears and battles Sleepaway Camp for funniest time spent on the first scene of the film! Tawney is an amazing All-Star guest and I hope y'all bring her back more if June can't make it! Or hell even if June can make it!
  25. 1 point
    It's just a really podcast.
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