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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/25/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I've been holding off, saving my 1000th post because I couldn't think of anything sufficiently epic. Well, I'm glad I waited! Here goes... This episode was good, I liked it!
  2. 2 points
    All I know is that I'm going to be spending the entirety of Action Jackson thinking about Arrested Development and the various things Carl needs to get a stew going. Hope you feel better soon Paul! I'm coming down with my yearly fall cold because I refuse to realize it's too cold out to sleep with the window open(I live on the second floor over seniors it gets really hot in here) so I feel you!
  3. 1 point
    Yeah, I think some people do need that period of adjustment - especially if they were really social to begin with. I feel like having kids is a lot like graduating from school or transitioning from one long term relationship to another. You have your life before and your life after. Some people have trouble letting go of the past and neglect to appreciate what they have in their present - as if their past was somehow “better” when in reality, it was just different.
  4. 1 point
    Most good jokes can really be explained by:
  5. 1 point
    My wife is always trying to plan fun celebrations for birthdays and stuff (usually becoming frustrated in the process). Most of the time my sincerest wish would be to just be left alone for 12 hours or so. You know, watch a movie (or two), play some video games, maybe binge some TV, all uninterrupted without anyone else ever asking for a moment of my time. It doesn't usually happen (we go out and do something because the kid will get antsy otherwise), but that's what I'd really want. I'd say there's at least a 50% chance that's what this woman's husband really wants too.
  6. 1 point
    I actually did mention the other friend's birthday because I was subtley trying to be like "it's no longer about him." He has no idea any of this is being planned because she wanted to surprise him with it now, but I'm still like if that's how you wanted to do this then it should've been planned at least a month ago because y'all have a fuckin baby and you're the one that keeps claiming you can't do spontaneity anymore. And she was specifically trying to plan it around when the whole group was getting together so she would move this plan if need be, but my whole thing is like - he's an adult and if his feelings are hurt because we didn't do anything for his adult birthday that's not like 21 or 30 or something milestone-y then that's on the two of y'all to deal with and not the rest of the friend group. Cameron, they have done things for my birthday, but I'VE had to be the one to always plan it out and then tell everyone because I don't expect every one of my birthdays to be a surprise shindig. Plus they just had their first baby in June so this is really the first birthday we've all experienced with a baby in the mix. But it sounds like according to y'all this is just a rude awakening for them that life ain't gonna be filled with birthday sports games when you have kids now lol.
  7. 1 point
    I wonder what the Star Wars prequels would have been like if Vince Gilligan did the screen play?
  8. 1 point
    The is another alternative to just apologizing that should work. Convince both birthday people to have the party at the same basketball game but in different sections. Arrive with one group and every 10 minutes excuse yourself to (bathroom/get a drink/concessions) then sit with the other group. Go back and forth in a Saved By The Bell manner until they catch on and it backfires in your face.
  9. 1 point
    Still though... I mean, you wished him a happy birthday. As far as I'm concerned, you've done your part - lol. I guess the only thing I could think of is did they do anything big for your birthday? Or for any of the other friends? Did they use their baby as an excuse? I don't know. A lot of this stuff seems silly to me as an adult, much less as a parent. It would be like bitching that Santa doesn't bring you presents anymore (although, sometimes he still does ). When you become a parent you have to except that your life has changed. It's not about your birthday, because it's not about "you" any more - or at least, it shouldn't be. And you can't expect your non-child having friends to drop everything at the drop of a hat because a specific time is convenient for you. Again, if they want to try to plan a friend get together just to have a good time that's one thing. There's no pressure. There's no time constraints. And it's about the group rather than the individual. However, this just seems to be all about this guy and what he wants to do (or what his wife would like to do for him or whatever). Why can't the basketball game be a different day? Why does it have to be a part of his birthday celebration? It just seems really self-centered.
  10. 1 point
    Was your grandfather Ned Flanders?
  11. 1 point
    I think I’d be more sympathetic if they were like, “Hey, I miss you guys. We’re all adults now and have responsibilities, but I really don’t want to lose touch. We should really figure out a time when we can all get together and just hang out.” The fact that it seems to be framed as, “You fuckers need to celebrate *me* and *my birth*” makes me roll my eyes. For my birthday, I usually get a couple of gifts, and whatever dinner/dessert I want. That’s it. And I’m totally happy with that. If a friend of mine (or my mother) remembers to text me a “Happy Birthday” that’s just a bonus.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    Taylor, I think you need to call and leave a voicemail for Paul for this
  14. 1 point
    I have a random ass question for all the parents out there. When your birthday rolls around and it just falls at an inconvenient time and you can't do anything with your friends because of schedules and you can't get a sitter for your kids and yadda yadda. Do you just accept it and move on because lmao we're all adults and that's what happens, or do you guilt trip your friends into finding a specific day months later to celebrate that birthday because we "don't want him to think we forgot"? Yes I'm using a specific thing that just happened to me and yes I'm kinda really not happy that I'm being guilted into clearing my schedule for my friends because they are the ones with a baby and can't seem to just accept that their own birthdays get pushed to the side now.
  15. 1 point
    I know it's a typo but I love "hung amounts of money".
  16. 1 point
    Thank you so much for setting this up Shannon! What was your first episode of HDTGM? I think it was the first Twilight one that Doug Benson. It was love at first listen. I know that I obsessively listened to Catwoman, Leprechaun In The Hood, I Know Who Killed Me, Sucker Punch and Jingle All The Way right after Favorite catchphrase? oh that is a hard one. I know that I now use phrases like Absolutely Bonkers, Cuckoo Bananas, Next Level Crazy a lot in my every day life but I really love : The one and only June Diane Raphael: WHAT'S IT'S MISSION?! (I so regret not getting a tote bag when I could have. Honestly I will go to my deathbed regretting it) Just because something is difficult DOESN'T MEAN ITS GOOD (I 100% agree btw) Where's Scribbles??? Paul: Put her in a bra! Where does the butt start? (really any story of Paul's childhood but that's more a favorite moment) Jason: GIVE ME YOUR BABY ( 2 episodes) Help me Betty White with an urn if ashes (The Last Dragon) from Nick Kroll on the From Justin To Kelly show about the awful outfit one of the male characters was in: A Sarong never felt so right! (I don't know why but it's always stayed with me) Nicole Byer Bloodsport episode ( about the audience member who did the splits) HOW's YO DICK?! (Asking the important questions I personally want to know as ALWAYS!) A clip or moment that you'll always remember? The moment in Howard The Duck where June is trying to prove Howard tried to fly and he does and she screams THERE! RIGHT FUCKING THERE!!! I love how triumphant and vindicated she is. It was EVERYTHING! I (quietly) scream it to myself when I finally find stuff I've been searching for. (Starts talking about it around 47:51. They move on. They look at the DVD around 1:14:00. Sticher suddenly stopped working for me so I hope that's close enough?) The monologues from Miami Connection The Faberge Egg discussion in Freejack (As a history nerd who likes jewelry history I was losing my FUCKING MIND ) The episode you revisit the most Teen Witch, Bloodsport, Miami Connection, Hard Ticket To Hawaii, Hercules In New York, Howard The Duck, The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved: Rad, Teen Witch, Body Rock Hated: Hurricane Heist Blues Brothers 2000 My mind was so blown I can't even: A Night In Heaven How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine I have a really hard time sleeping. I've always been a late night person so I usually stay up every Thursday night until it's technically Friday and the episode has been uploaded. I'm disabled and mostly volunteer here and there in between doctors visits so I don't usually have to get up early and can usually get away with it most weeks. It's also really helpful when I'm trying to get to sleep but my mind won't turn off so I just put on an episode and fall asleep. Though that has resulted in me having weird dreams about Paul,June, and Jason visiting my grandmother's house.... On the upside dream Jason tried to teach me how to make a citrus sugar body scrub so that was cool. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff Ok so I'm going to get kind of dark and depressing for a bit. I think about a year and a half or a year or so after I found the podcast one of my 5 uncle's died. 14 months later my mom (these are all her brothers) also died suddenly. A year after that a great aunt died. Then my grandmother and her dog were killed on their way to my apartment the next year. A few months later? My best friend and cat both died suddenly on the same day. My last remaining cat died the next year. I had six years where I was just... surrounded by death and misery. I might not have been as close to my great aunt or uncle but people who I love were . I had never lived alone before my mom died and suddenly I was all alone. Losing my grandmother and best friend two and a half years later made it feel worse. One of the things that honestly kept me from just curling up and giving up was this podcast. Whenever I feel the sadness or anxiety I put on this. When I was alone for the first time in my first shitty apartment I would come home from class and I would have episodes downloaded onto my laptop because I lived to far out to get internet. This podcast helped me feel less isolated and alone. It reminds me there's joy and light in the world. Bad movies and comedy so there's got to be something worthwhile in this crazy world . I was so excited this past June to get to go to finally see the show live in Chicago and it was WONDERFUL. Even though I was running late and had a panic attack trying to get my cab , the second I sat down it was fun and delightful I honestly laughed my anxiety away? I've never gotten over a panic attack so quickly. I'm kind of new to the boards compared to some people and everyone has been so welcoming and has made the podcast even better. I look forward to Friday's every week to not just hear the podcast and what Paul, Jason, and June are going to talk about but also what all my fellow Balcony Monsters have to say (let's admit it : We're all balcony monsters at heart)!
  17. 1 point
    I was about to say that I didn’t remember seeing this movie, but now I remember that. Weirdly, I also remember a hell of a lot of details about that scene, but nothing else about the rest of the movie.
  18. 1 point
    My mom would always say when the weather starts to change everybody gets sick. I don't know where you are living but the weather is dropping here. I think we are soon to bypass fall and go straight into winter. P.S: Get well soon Paul! P.P.S: Get well soon everybody!
  19. 1 point
    Tis the season for illnesses! I've also been dealing with a terrible cold for like all month it seems. I finally got better last week but still can't seem to get rid of my cough lol. I don't even have children lol just an office full of people who don't know how to be more sanitary!
  20. 1 point
    11/1 Ep 25 - Duck Soup 11/6 VOTE (America) 11/8 Ep 26 - SPECIAL EPISODE ("where we answer fan questions and unveil our official ranking of the first 25 movies!") 11/15 Ep 27 - Mr. Smith Goes To Washington
  21. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? Since the very beginning. To make a short story longer, I was listening to Comedy Death Radio back in it's early early days, like episode 7 or so. I was always a fan of Paul's from Human Giant and various things he did and I remember him coming on to promote this new show he was doing with his wife and friend Jason. I love movies and Paul so of course I was going to tune it. I was instantly sold and in love and have never looked back. Favorite catchphrase? Not sure if it is a catch phrase per say but whenever I hear Jason or Paul in a real serious tone say "June, what did you think this was about?" or any similar phrase that starts with "June..." I start laughing before she can even respond in pure anticipation. Not strictly catchphrases but any Paul's Blockbuster or sad childhood stories and Jason's "Ladies, I'm single" moments always get me good too. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) Deep dives on JVCD's buns, June thirsting for Ernest, Sleepaway Camp confusion, Blowing out the candles, What is it's mission, spaghetti robots, what is a street fighter, and many many more. Honestly, I don't know the timestamps for them all are but if we could just get a compilation of Paul's Blockbuster stories I would be happy. On a personal note, I'll never forget when my Sharknado 3 comment was read and all the really nice things Paul had to say about it. The episode you revisit the most Sleepaway Camp, After Earth, Congo, lots of the ones with Jessica St. Claire The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved: RAD, The Wraith, Airborne and others in combination with movies I already loved like The Last Dragon or Miami Connection Hated: Seriously, fuck The Lake House. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine It's my Friday going home from work routine. For me the episode is released almost exactly when I finish work on Friday so I get to listen to it while I take my near hour long commute home. It's like starting my weekend off with a bang and ending my week with a laugh. Thursday is longest work day of the week and is also the night I watch a good 80% of the movies for the show. It's my punishment/reward for a long day's work. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I'll start off with the fluff first because that's easier than talking about feelings. I live in Japan so my options for streaming a lot of these things are limited. This means I often have to research the movie and go out and find a physical copy. This has led me to finding some other great bad movies but has also made me laugh a lot at the sometimes weirdly translated titles and promotional materials. Often trying to find a reason or why to the change is fun and interesting to me. On a deeper and more emotional level it is honestly all the incredible people I've met her on the forums for this show. It's starting to sound a bit like old hat at this point but it's so very true. I was listening to the show from the start but never thought about participating. I was having fun just listening. Then I noticed something in the first Sharknado movie, and I came to ask a question which was ignored. In fairness to the people at the time asking about a convenience store that is shown for less than a second in a very dry manner, not the best way to start. Then I started reading the mini-episode threads in which everybody was just talking. Some of it was about the movie and some of it was just talking about music, their lives, etc. I replied to one, and somebody responded back. So I wrote more and more people responded and I responded in kind. Just like that without any questioning or judging I was accepted by all the wonderful people here. It became a joy to check in every day and just see what people were up to or what they were listening to and things like that. I did my best to try and entertain people with silly stories or weird deep dives of small details that got to me. This year in September marks the 11th anniversary of my father's passing. Being away from home and not just away but far away made it very hard. I was very depressed for awhile naturally, but I thought I had got over it and got the best of it. I thought I had a handle on it because years had gone by and I was feeling better. Then about two years ago I had a string of very unfortunate things happen and I slowly became very depressed again. It was at this point I realized it wasn't a temporary thing because of my father's passing but it was something that had always been there that I had learned ways of hiding, ignoring and pushing it away. It took awhile but I started talking to professionals and soon things got better again. It was at this point I realized that I should focus on things that make me happy and brought me joy and one of those things was being here and interacting with everyone. When I came back I was warmly greeted and it was like I had never left and I realized how much coming here truly meant to me. Not only that but how much all of you guys meant to me. Though I have not physically met any of you, I have talked to a lot of you for a long time and do consider you friends. So much so I will refer to things you have said as "my friend said this" in daily conversations. It means a lot to me that random people that I have never met are willing to share so much of their lives and their personal problems, fears, desires, etc. with me. I feel some of the friendships that I have made here are stronger than some of the ones I've made in real life. I don't take it that lightly either. I am very humbled anytime anybody cares to hear what I have to say about something or even simply wants to know what's going on with me and my life. I feel like I can't scrape together enough words or the right words to say how I feel about the friends I've made and the people I've met here. Now with the ever growing MM threads and the rabb.it viewings and Unspooled I feel like I'm just getting to spend more and more time with people I like, getting to know more about them and even meeting new ones along the way. So simply thank you all for being there and thank you all for being so awesome. P.S: Though Ted Neeley handsomeness reports have stopped temporarily and the fact you all poo-pooed her raisin coleslaw my mother still checks in with me about you guys by asking me "what are your movies friends up to?"
  22. 1 point
    Me too! I was like "JASON!" I can't remember a show I've been happier to see him on with the possible exception of The Good Place
  23. 1 point
    This is amazing Shannon! Thanks for putting this together! I want to be able to answer all questions right now but I can't so I'm picking three and running with it lol Favorite catchphrase? Always always always, "What's its mission?!" June says the BEST shit and I wish I had snagged some of that merch before Disney yanked it off the site but alas I missed that and now it's forever stuck in my mind as one of the actual best moments of the show. I have to also give a beautiful shoutout to just "bonkers" because it is this show that has put that into my everyday vocabulary lol. The amount of things I have called T to B bonkers is in and of itself a little bonkers. Have I said it enough yet? Bonkers! The episode you revisit the most? "Sleepaway Camp" and "Deep Blue Sea" without a doubt. I do usually do a double feature of Deep Blue Sea and Lake Placid back to back since they were taped on the same night and PFT is in both, but DBS is the one that I absolutely love to listen to the most out of the two. And Sleepaway Camp is just a golden statue of an episode. It should go down in podcast history purely for the 10 minutes they spend trying to figure out who is related to who. It's also the episode I tell people to start on if they are just getting into the show. A perfect little nugget to get them introduced to the wild theories and hilarious banter between the three hosts and the guest. It makes me happy LITERALLY every time I listen. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff. God, where do I start? I think it's safe to say that as a member of this board, that this show has meant a hell of a lot to me from the get go. I was a little late getting into it, joining in 2014, but once I did I felt immediately welcomed by the crew already here and it felt like an easy transition to start posting my own thoughts and C&Os. The way that Jason, June, and Paul have brought together a large group of people who all have a love for movies (good or bad... but mostly bad lol) is absolutely astounding. I love the people that I have met because of this podcast. I love that I was able to actually MEET other fans of this podcast. I love that Paul interacts with us and chimes in and values our opinions and asks us every time to keep going because he loves reading what we have to say. Oh lord, I'm getting verklempt. Talk amongst yourselves for a bit... Anyway, this podcast above all others has never strayed away from what the core mission was supposed to be, and that's 4 friends talking about shitty movies that confound them. And now they have thousands of other friends talking along with them still trying to figure out how the FUCK did these get made??? I love this community, and I love this show, and I love Jason, June, and Paul. Thank you for 200 episodes (plus many mini eps)! Thank y'all so much for the entertainment and for staying true to who y'all are, and especially thank you for never quieting yourselves when people want you to shut up and stick to comedy. I think that above all else makes me feel safe as a fan of this show. I know this podcast and this forum are safe spaces for us all to come without fear of being ridiculed or yelled at or thrown away because any of us are not considered "normal" or what have you. Ugh I'm truly getting emotional so I better stop now lol. Thank y'all again and much love from your resident Texas photographer!
  24. 1 point
    Get well soon, Paul! Since my eldest son started school this year, I think I’ve been sick more days than well. I feel your pain.
  25. 1 point
    I haven't listened to an episode in exactly 1 year but seeing as it's going to be episode 200 and Halloween I thought what better time to jump back in but I was expecting something a little more seasonal than Action Jackson ... and it's a pain in the arse to find over here... so maybe I'll come back for the Christmas ep ... if there is one this year .. in saying that I have been keeping the spreadsheet going so if anyone is interested, here's an update... if this episode is longer than 80 minutes then the total runtime of the minis + the movies + the episodes = 28 days. that's a nice round number ... 4 weeks exactly ... I've hoped the 28-day mark would be hit on episode 200 for ages now ... see kids, dreams do come true ... you just gotta believe https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1fNUxhVbJf9FOIHnE1yorJj383JS51T0cjF6XsaE8tA4/edit?usp=sharing p.s. get well soon paul
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