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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/21/18 in all areas

  1. 7 points
    Can we get a spinoff podcast where Paul just tells stories from his bizarre childhood please? Scheer Tales. Like and Subscribe.
  2. 5 points
    I loved that Jessica St. Clair was on an in studio episode. I knew this would be a great episode just on her being the guest and it did not disappoint. What angered me most about this movie was Mario Lopez makes no real effort to explain his situation to anyone. I know it's the premise of the movie but why did he only tell people one time that he was kidnapped? He is in a horror movie scenario. I would never stop telling people until someone took me seriously. Imagine being in this scenario and all you do is tell someone one time. It drove me crazy. Did anyone else think, when June Lockhart said, "I WAS ON BROADWAY!" the first time that it was out of character? I didn't know her character was an actress until much later and I thought that they left in a genuine moment of frustration.
  3. 4 points
    I need to know in why in the world Mario Lopez's girlfriend wouldn't kill him for proposing to her in a diner. Given her characterization she didn't seem like the diner type. If they had just added a line about that being the spot of their first date or something it might fix it. Also when did he call off their (what seemed like it was going to be) elaborate wedding. Like how close to the day are we talking? Because the closer to the wedding itself and the more I hate him because that's just rude. Think of that poor maid who's already suffered so much for this shitshow. You could have prevented that. And all the people working on it, the guests coming from out of town etc. I'm not saying he should have married her but he should have broke it off in a timely manner for everyone else at least. If not for himself.
  4. 3 points
    Since Ever After came up in this discussion, I thought ya'll would be interested in this. Looks like there is a musical version of it headed to Broadway
  5. 3 points
    This episode was a Christmas miracle. I don't think this can be made into a shirt but June's "and I hate women too" is an all time HDTGM line. Jason is spot on that every action Mario Lopez is taking in the diner is insane but from the movie's point of view it is necessary. MJH has to think that Mario Lopez is alone otherwise she is a true monster when she kidnaps him. I think this movie needed a little more backstory on Mario. I would have thrown in that he spent 7 years in Tibet and while he was there a lot of people thought he was the reincarnation of Buddha because of the otherworldly patience he showed in all aspects of life. How else can you explain how easily he settles into this situation?
  6. 3 points
    I don’t know why the description leaves out June but I had a moment of being bummed before being happy that St Clair was on. And then! She was there! It’s a Christmas miracle
  7. 2 points
    What was Mario thinking calling his girlfriend instead of the police?! I know you don't want her to worry but call for help from professionals first THEN try her
  8. 2 points
    I was looking up shoes coming to HBO, Starz, Hulu, Netflix, and Amazon for next month, and I want to say Unforgiven will be on, I think, Hulu soon.
  9. 2 points
    This is what I'm saying! If someone told me at a Christmas party that they were kidnapped, I'd think they were making a weird joke. If they kept saying it over and over, I'd think they were really fucking strange or they were serious. At the very least, I'd ask my friend what's up with the weirdo they brought. I'd definitely ask my other friends or family "Why is that guy still doing this kidnapping bit? Do we need to contact the police? A mental hospital?"
  10. 2 points
    I don't think that actual duche Nick would have waited MONTHS to have sex with MJH. I also don't think that MJH would wait months to have sex with her boyfriend. So if he broke up with her because they had finally had sex why would he have stuck around so long if that's all he wants? She says that they've been dating for a few months so it seems like a good idea to bring him home. He's a giant prick and I can only imagine that he's just constantly hounding her for sex during their relationship. That sounds awful!
  11. 2 points
    I would PAY to listen to the bizarre world of Paul's childhood. They could have psychologists on to try to figure... Whatever is going on there. I'm fascinated by how Paul turned out somewhat normal.
  12. 2 points
    I haven't listened yet I just saw that Jessica St. Clair was the guest and exclaimed" Awww yeah! They brought out the big guns they brought back St. Clair!!! " my cats looked at me like I'm as crazy as Melissa Joan Hart in this monstrosity. Which... Rude. Though the fact that I worry about my cats approval so maybe?
  13. 2 points
    They loved it over there (6 up votes). Think I’m a moderator there now.
  14. 1 point
    Oh my god, the part where Melissa Joan Hart tries heating her food with a hair dryer! YOU ARE 28 YEARS OLD! YOU KNOW THIS WON'T WORK! If she were 10, I'd be okay with it. If she is that stupid, I can understand her family thinking she's a mess even if she has a job loving on her own.
  15. 1 point
    In the Heat of the Night is on Amazon Prime.
  16. 1 point
    Knowing that they were wearing matching outfits brought me more joy and serotonin than Prozac ever has
  17. 1 point
    Right?! Also I get it's for movie purposes but even if someone told me that was how a person joked clearly he is UPSET. I would be worried about why this person was so upset over their joke. There a "she dragged me gere! I'm kidnapped haha " and the there's " PLEASE HELP ME THIS PSYCHOPATH HAS ABDUCTED ME! " . Even if I bought it was a joke I'd be weirded out by the anger and desperation. If he kept it up or cornered someone and was like " look I am Not Joking " maybe So they might have believed him? And she never told her siblings that lie. So their first impression is her boyfriend angrily calling her names to their faces. Which they find not only acceptable but the brother seems to think is hilarious. Sorry I personally don't like people who mock and degrade their significant other and if I was her sibling I would think this guy was crazy and a dirtbag for straight up calling her names when meeting me for the first time. I might honestly worry she was in an emotionally abusive relationship but then again this family is awful. This movie did teach me that if I'm ever kidnapped and my captors try to make it seen like I'm supposed to be with them I'm going to just flat out cry. Like sobbing can't breath snotfaced cry. Good luck convincing people I'm ok if I'm sobbing like a baby. Honestly he should have broken down crying and that would have shut this shit down quick. People are very uncomfortable with tears and I bet because of our society 's fucked up toxic masculinity seeing a sobbing Mario Lopez would have really thrown that family for a loop.
  18. 1 point
    I haven't listened to the podcast yet, but I just want to bring this up right away. There was a moment that reeeeeeally made my stomach churn: When Mario and Melissa were sitting down to right their letters to Santa, they ate some milk and cookies. Then MJH proceeded to break out some wine.....my GAWD. To me that just seems like bubble guts waiting to happen. Btw....I really liked Melissa Joan Hart in this movie.
  19. 1 point
    This movie is part of my mom's three must watch Christmas movies (along with the original Miracle on 34th Street and the Alastair Sims starring Scrooge) so all of us in my house growing up had to watch this movie a lot. What you mention is close to how my Dad saw the movie. The things we see change are the things that relate to George because it is not some alternate reality but rather an imagined dreamscape created by Clarence based on George's memories. Nothing we see is what actually would have happened but rather on what George feels or thinks deep down would happen. So the fact that Mary tells him without him she'd end up an old maid and wouldn't marry Sam is kicking around in his mind somewhere and therefor that's what he sees.
  20. 1 point
    So, I basically love this movie. It's easily in my top 5 of all time. It's pretty much flawless (except for that comically large bottle of POISON that the pharmacist has just out on his table) in every way. I don't have a huge list of Christmas movies I watch because I am a literal scrooge. Some movies come and go or start to feel like chores after so many years. It's A Wonderful Life never gets old and I still look forward to it every year. I still ugly cry for almost the entire movie (I usually start crying within the first 10 minutes). I worked at a movie theatre for 18 years. I opened 15 consecutive Christmases. We would put movie quotes or important information on the day's schedule for the staff and, without fail, I put the "Merry Christmas, movie house! Merry Christmas, emporium! Merry Christmas, you wonderful old building and loan" quote on the Christmas schedule. I think one of the amazing things is how its able to get right to the line of being too much without ever crossing it. Whenever it starts teetering toward being too saccharine, there's a joke or a dark moment. Or the performance is too good that it doesn't feel syrupy in spite of everything. The movie just hovers there in a way I don't think any movie has. I'm kind of surprised Paul never saw this before. He definitely grew up in the era where this movie was on all. the. time. in December. People talk about A Christmas Story being on 24 hours straight but It's A Wonderful Life would run on multiple stations at the same time occasionally. I saw the last half hour of this movie so many times growing up.
  21. 1 point
    I’m still only in the first third of the episode, but I disagree when they say Mary wouldn’t/shouldn’t have become an old maid and would have married Sam “Hee-Haw” Wainwright. Here’s dialogue from the film: George: Wh-Why in the world did you ever marry a guy like me? Mary: To keep from being an old maid. George: You could have married Sam Wainwright and anybody else in town. Mary: I didn't want to marry anybody else in town. To me, her becoming an Old Maid doesn’t suggest that she’s incapable or falls apart without him, but rather that George and Mary are soul mates and destined to be together. They complete one another. If he doesn’t exist, she doesn’t just get another true love, because, as the movie stresses, everyone is special. Everyone is important. And everyone has a role. So, no, she’s not going to marry Sam, because that wouldn’t be right for either her or Sam. When George sees her as the Old Maid, he finally appreciates just how much they compliment each other. I don’t think it would be as effective if it was like, “Yeah, she got married to someone else and she’s doing great.” Then it’s just torture for him, but the whole point is interconnectedness. I also don’t think it would be fair for her to end up in a loveless marriage either. As for being skittish? Hell, I’d be scared to live in Pottersville. That place is sketchy as fuck. I’m sure it would be terrifying for her. She would probably be better off if the town had remained Bedford Falls, but with George not existing, and the town going to shit and all, that isn’t really in the cards.
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    Damn and I'm in Champaign, ILL right now and that call out just THRILLED ME
  24. 1 point
    Hope Adam Pally does some real soul-searching after this episode
  25. 1 point
    So apparently Whoopi convinced Harry Winston to lend them millions of dollars worth of jewelry for her character to wear. Work Whoopi!
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