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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/14/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
  2. 2 points
    The Boys welcome JAMES ADOMIAN to say farewell to Jims.
  3. 2 points
    Looks like try month is the gift that just keeps on giving. What a guest, baby!
  4. 2 points
    First off, a big thank you to Cameron for most weeks kicking off the threads and a big thank you to the rest of you for jumping in to do so when need be. Second, thank you all that have watched and participated past and present. There are lots of movie I probably would have never watched if not for this. So good or bad thanks everyone for expanding my movie-verse. Like you said people come and go and life gets in the way at times, I know I've been there, but I really enjoy this and more than happy to continue with whomever wants to stick around and participate as well. For some of us we're coming up on our 5th picks, so maybe a change every now and again could be nice. I know a lot of like documentaries, so maybe we could have a round of docs at some point.
  5. 2 points
    Ryan Gaul is consistently hilarious in every character he does. Would love to see him on the show more often.
  6. 2 points
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Over the years as I've casually re-listened to a lot of HDTGM episodes, I started to notice some interesting patterns. So naturally I started a spreadsheet to keep track of them. And now I share that spreadsheet here, for your general amusement. It should be editable, if you notice anything to add. https://docs.google.com/spreadsheets/d/1kK92T86Wr8RcpU-KRhKFVsnwZy0iEf4vrSsXRDJz_1c/edit?usp=sharing My favorite one is the very first.
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    That's a good point. I'll try to remember to do that, but I can't promise anything. Some Mondays I'm scrambling myself just to create the thread without looking up the order. nvm - I suppose I'm looking up the order when I'm creating the thread. I can make that work. (Guys, I'm really tired - lol)
  11. 1 point
    I'm still down for it. Plus I'm pretty sure my week is coming up soon. One thing that might help is, if you're making the between week thread, have a list of who the next couple people are to pick. That way it's not sprung on someone who isn't ready or they can bow out if they are busy that week.
  12. 1 point
    Hey all! I think it might be time to do a little Spring Cleaning I love Musical Mondays. It’s been something I look forward to every week since we started this thing. That being said, I realize that many of us (including myself) are in a far different place than where we were 2 1/2 (???) years ago. In the past year, more and more people have dropped out. And that’s totally fine. There’s never been a hard rule regarding participation. Everyone has always been welcome and everyone has been free to drop in as they please and life allowed. That being said, it’s been difficult for me to find the time to create these threads (not that I mind) much less track down people when it’s their turn. And that’s not a judgment, at all. I totally get it. Being able to watch movies in this way really is a luxury that not many people have time for anymore. So, I guess it’s time to re-evaluate. The obvious question is: do we want to continue or has Musical Mondays run its course? Personally, I would hate for it to end, but if the interest isn’t there, then there’s no reason to continue. If we want to continue, I feel like we should kind of re-sign up. Does that sound fair? That way the people who want to keep going can. And, please, everyone is absolutely welcome forever (Once in MM, always in MM) I just feel like this will cut down some of the “Who’s week is it?” stuff. And when people have the free time again in the future, they are more than welcome to join back up again. Sound fair? I am resigning up. Please let me know if you would like to as well.
  13. 1 point
    Danny Aiello is a director whose new movie, The Pickle, is about to premiere and he is traveling around New York doing interviews, meeting up with ex-wives, and randomly yelling at people interspersed with scenes from his movie and black and white flashbacks of his childhood. The Pickle (the movie inside the movie) is about farm kids that raise a giant cucumber, turn it into a spaceship, and take it into space where they find an alternate earth where everyone wears only black spandex and loves cows. 20% on Rotten Tomatoes and playing on Flix right now. Jerry Stiller, Ally Sheedy, Chris Penn, Little Richard, Dyan Cannon, Shelley Winters, Stephen Tobolowsky, and more.
  14. 1 point
    Dude, Paul...Katherine Hepburn...not Lauren Bacall. C'mon, man.
  15. 1 point
    During the minisode, Paul said the was a Shanghai Surprise in the movie but not to look it up if you didn't know what that means. I did anyway and apparently it currently means when a man pretends to be a woman during sex. So, I spent the whole movie wondering if China Doll was going to reveal herself to be a man because I assumed Madonna wasn't going to play a trans character.
  16. 1 point
    Regarding White Noise, instead of birds, which I don’t have any particular objections to, if Paul’s son is into Thomas the Tank Engine, YouTube has a lot of great ASMR train sounds. For my son, I usually pick “train in the rain.” There are tons of videos. They generally have a nice rhythmic quality with the pleasant hush of the rain. It also allows your son to imagine riding on one of the Steamies of Sodor as he drifts off to sleep. I’ve been putting it on for my eldest for years, and he’s always really enjoyed it.
  17. 1 point
    I haven't finished the episode yet but I just wanted to say 1. Super pmsy myself June so I get it. Birds are the worst. And 2. I need Jason to make me a white noise mix tape . I would pay so much money to hear that.
  18. 1 point
    Y'all know I was just kidding about the guests right? Just ask random ones since we don't really know who the guest will be. If someone can make a wise-crack on social media and inspire the 11 hour episode we can bring back the popcorn machine, at least for one ep: "Have you ever had to use a laundromat like a regular person? How does it work?" "Is Graham Norton a cookie or a cracker?" "What's the normalest thing to ever happen to you off-set in a completely normal setting with non-famous people?" "Do you wish that crafty was really arts and crafty instead so you could construct your own food animals before eating them?"
  19. 1 point
    I believe the guests will be M. Ryan, R. Gere, M. Pfeiffer, and Rupert Murdoch.
  20. 1 point
    Michelle, that scene in the batman movie where the cats get all on you and then make you become the cat woman creeps me out to this day because of the shot of the one that licks you on the mouth. Did you know how scratchy cat tounges were before you agreed to do that?
  21. 1 point
    The new Spider-Man trailer talks about a multiverse. Which means, I hope, eventual live-action MCU Spider-Verse? Also, Phil Lord and Chris Miller are making a Spider-Verse cartoon for TV. *dies*
  22. 1 point
    Can we get a Mantzoukas/Time Keeper crossover episode? Tick tock, Tick Tock Man!
  23. 1 point
    While the quick peek at him with the goggles and mustache was a nice touch, I doubt they are putting him in a fat suit to give him a similar build to the character in the game. And considering this looks like a case of "Sonic is sent to our dimension and chased by Robotnik" which somehow is done through the rings which create portals, I'll be amazed if this breaks even. They are really banking on nostalgia for the original games to sell this movie, but the overall story seems to be of the shitty early 2000s entries in the series where Sonic would be in actual cities, shoot guns, and ride motorcycles, which is mind boggling of the highest order.
  24. 1 point
    One of my professors from college wrote this movie. To this day, he insists that his original version was darker, and had the kids actually killing people and taking on the lives of ninja assassins. According to him, the studio dumbed it down. He was also crazier than a bag of cats. I would love for the gang to tackle this movie.
  25. 1 point
    I forced my parents to take me to see at least one of these movies in theaters and even owned one on VHS. My parents know true sacrifice when it comes to their offspring. For their sake, fucking rip this movie a new one and expose how much of a dumb-dumb I was as a child.
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