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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/26/19 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    I really don't want Paul to give in to the Transformers Reference Of The Fallen bit. I was mildly annoyed that he kept giving it time in the mini episodes, but I really respect the commitment of the guy. I'd love for people to I Am Spartacus this and do it at other shows.
  2. 2 points
    I can kind of defend how it's used in the film: 1. I don't really buy that Jimmy is supposed to be a "likable" character, He's basically an obstacle for Jules and Vincent to get around. 2. The movie has already established that it depicts a dark underworld in which people toss around insults and racial slurs freely, so Jimmy was ever part of that world then his language still fits. That said, I doubt Tarantino would write the scene like that today. Attitudes really were different in the 90s, that word was thrown around a lot more frequently, and there was a more pervasive sense that we should just get all the bad stuff out in the open and deal with it. These things change; it's not acceptable today, largely for the reasons laid out above.
  3. 2 points
    I think it sets a really bad precedent that being annoying will change the show in your favor. If Paul had been open to it, that would be one thing. He was very clear about not wanting to do it. So, unless the bit gets bigger, let it go.
  4. 2 points
    I totally agree. I appreciate the bit, but it’s kind of played out now. I don’t even feel like the Transformers movies are a good fit for the show. They’re bad, but not every bad movie needs to be discussed, you know? The Transformers movies are a two and a half hour migraine.
  5. 2 points
    Wrote the boys another letter. What's nice about being old is that embarrassment can barely fuck with you anymore. Mailed it today!
  6. 2 points
    If it helps, "The Big Apple Bible" and the original Moshe Kasher Comic-con episode, both of which have 'dem boys weaving a story while laughing at themselves, and relishing friendship, is how I fell in love with Hollywood Handbook. You guys make me so happy, that I cannot express it adequately. I Just signed up as a patreon of The Flagrant Ones, in support of y'all, and because of your boost to James Adomian's new podcast.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
    I’m so proud of chefy kevy for not taking the Wisconsin dells duckboat gig he was promised and carrying on to champion a podcast empire. He don’t give .05 a fuck and we love him for it. When will he start pushing the shit blame down the crap hill towards the next guy? I mean, he’s producing or staring in like 4 of the best podcasts available right now...
  9. 1 point
    MOSHE KASHER returns to the show to do a very special commentary episode with The Boys.
  10. 1 point
    If life gives you podcasters named Mark, make Marinade.
  11. 1 point
    Yes! I meant to bring this up as well! Honestly, all we know about these guys is that they are hit men, that Vincent has been in Amsterdam for three years, and they work different areas of town. They don’t really come off to me as pen pals. To me, they came off more as co-workers. You try to have an easy relationship with them because if you don’t, it just makes your work life harder. They might have sort of known each other from before Amsterdam, but you wouldn’t exactly call them friends. Even their conversations sounded more like things work acquaintances talk about to kill the time. For example, in my previous job, there were a couple of guys I used to hang out with whenever work was slow. We’d talk about everything - politics, religion, relationships, movies. We all looked out for each other. From the outside, we all seemed pretty close, but as soon as I quit, we all immediately lost touch. Vincent and Jules are the guys in the trenches. They respect each other, they like each other, but they’re not close. Vincent doesn’t know Jules doesn’t eat pork. Jules doesn’t seem to be into drugs - beyond maybe pot. Vincent doesn’t know Jules’ friends. They’re cordial with one another because the alternative is to have to work with someone you don’t really like. We tend to unconsciously force these relationships, which can involve real affection, to help keep our sanity in the face of vocational boredom. So, yeah, I think their relationship is done well, but not in the way described in the episode.
  12. 1 point
    I really enjoyed this episode of the podcast. I thought Amy and Paul did a great job giving appropriate weight and consideration to both the pros and the cons of this movie, and as I said in my Letterboxd review, I was definitely feeling the cons a little bit more on this rewatch. I did disagree with them about the relationships in this film. I think that although the dialogue is incredible, I don't find much depth in the relationships, and when Amy or Paul mentioned that Tarantino had never had a girlfriend when he wrote True Romance, it made sense to me. In hindsight, Butch and Fabienne's relationship comes off like it was written by a guy who understood the relationship as an outsider rather than as a participant. That relationship isn't him, it's someone he knows or has observed. As Paul pointed out, the best relationship in the film is between Jules and Vincent, and even then, I don't know much about the nature of their relationship. Sure, they make easy conversation and they both know what they're doing, so they've probably worked together at least a half dozen times or so, but are they friends? If Jules found out that Vincent was killed only a few weeks after he quit, how would he feel? Would he feel guilty for leaving? Would he even mourn Vincent at all? And again, as Paul mentioned, there are no character arcs in this film except for Jules. For better or worse, these are characters in stasis. That said, I still really like this film, and I voted for its inclusion, even though it'll probably end up around 70 on my list (it's at 38 right now). I find Tarantino's movies generally to be more fun than what I would categorize as good, but this has always been my favorite. In my opinion, his films fall into three tiers, with Reservoir Dogs, Pulp Fiction, and The Hateful Eight being his best films; Kill Bill and Inglourious Basterds being less good but tons of fun; and Jackie Brown, Death Proof, and Django Unchained being the ones that didn't work for me.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I liked this in the 90s then fell off of it after that. I watched it maybe five years ago and think it's pretty good but maybe not as good as I thought in the 90s. I'd say just for its influence and change of the film industry, it belongs on the list (of course, this means I'd have to include Clerks which I'm not willing to do). I have to disagree with Paul that Tarantino films get better on subsequent viewings. I find a second watch much less enjoyable than the first.
  16. 1 point
    I’ve never been a huge fan of Pulp Fiction (or Tarantino at all, really). I think before this re-watch I might have seen it once. However, on this viewing, I was pretty into it. It’s funny that they described Tarantino as a nerd as that was how I described the film in my Letterboxd review. It’s a nerdy guy’s vision of what cool is. However, that doesn’t make it bad. If anything, I think that artifice kind of heightens the movie. I also agree that Vincent is not cool, but I don’t really think he’s meant to be. My read on him is he’s kind of a dork who is trying to seem cooler, smarter, and more important than he actually is. As for whether it belongs on the list. My initial thought was, yes, but I’m the low end. However as I started to weigh it against the other movies covered so far, I ended up ranking it pretty high. When all is said and done, it might be in my Top 50 - which is mind blowing to me.
  17. 1 point
    As a PKD fan I would not mind a remake that is closer to the source, or at least not a big sloppy mess, but unfortunately most of the film adaptations of his stuff are neither. While I'm on about it though I will throw out recommendations for the following PKD adaptations that haven't been widely seen: Barjo (French adaptation of the non-SF novel Confessions of a Crap Artist) Screamers (Low-budget adaptation of the short story "Second Variety" starring Peter Weller) A Scanner Darkly (Animated film by Richard Linklater adapting the autobiographical SF novel of the same name, starring Robert Downey Jr. and Woody Harrelson) Also, RIP Rutger Hauer
  18. 1 point
    My local Landmark theater shows it every month without fail. I finally got to see a screening of it and it was everything I'd hoped for!
  19. 1 point
    In the context of this movie is a Deadfall the weight that drops on the narrative after Eddie is deep-fried? Cause I found it heard to get out from under after he was gone.
  20. 1 point
    Dear @HDTGM, please make the [throws drink] shirt.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Corker confirmed. 300 corks. It was fun to hear Moshe's perspective on the Comic-Con episode. I wonder if they will release it in full! I related to Hayes' description of his tone of voice during the Mrs. Batman joke as "afraid of his own fear." I think that may be what I always sound like.
  23. 1 point
    i'm only 19:27 in, but if i'm not mistaken this could be a corker.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
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