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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/27/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I definitely liked a lot of it. I think it was very well made. I was reading criticism online about the singing, I thought the songs and acting were good. As I said on Letterboxd, I think the story lost me a little, but I think a rewatch would be rewarding and make it click more for me, approaching it again with a little bit of familiarity.
  2. 3 points
    I guess I’m in the minority here, but I rather liked it. It took some time for me to really get into it, but I loved the “we’re all Spider-man” ending. What I also enjoyed is there was never a moment when it really leaned one way or the other in regards to being a cynic or a dreamer. Ultimately, it came down to “Our dreams might not save us, but they just might make life bearable.” It was a bitter end, but with some hope.
  3. 2 points
    The fact someone even had the balls to pitch the idea of this movie is amazing enough but the fact it actually got made blows my mind every time I think about it. The plot revolves around a witch doctor who raises Bernie from the dead right after the first movie finishes for reasons that can only be described as hazy. Instead of just pretending he's dead, this time Bernie dances whenever music is played around him which is some fresh story telling I think we can all get behind.
  4. 2 points
    I was just expecting a movie about the importance of dreams in a cynical time. I wasn’t expecting the Spanish Inquisition...
  5. 2 points
    MARGARET CHO joins The Boys to discuss all their tattoo.
  6. 2 points
    So real. Margaret Cho. the bait is having the name oops Apologies - BOSCH
  7. 2 points
    Regarding the singing, I didn’t really have a problem with it. I don’t necessarily need songs to be note perfect as long as it fits the character.
  8. 2 points
    I’m currently watching Terry Gilliam’s THE MAN WHO KILLED DON QUIXOTE and I’m really glad I watched this first
  9. 2 points
    I couldn't get over how much the Burger King Man looks like Peter O'Toole's character
  10. 2 points
    I certainly can't prove otherwise
  11. 1 point
    A very bad version of the 1990 film. and definitely a Jacob’s Ladder scenario https://m.imdb.com/title/tt3016748/
  12. 1 point
    Well, I know what I'm watching on the long weekend.
  13. 1 point
    That's how I do it with books! Not sure I would with movies, but I don't really buy hard copies of those anymore.
  14. 1 point
    I have a very off filing system for books and movies. I go by theme? Like my fiction bookshelf starts with classic children's books like Mary Poppins then flows into historical fiction jr fiction (the books set farthest in the past being first) then eventually after many themes ends up with adult mysteries on the top shelf. I can't even remember how my DVD cabinet is but I know that I have a whole set up devoted to spy/ thief shows with my beloved Leverage having pride of place. I'm fully aware it's insane but I can't have it any other way. No one should live like me it's pure madness!
  15. 1 point
    A few years ago while re-watching the six then-existing Star Wars movies in the run up to TFA, I got to thinking about the streaming vs. physical media debate. Particularly about how my Original Trilogy Special Edition VHS tapes were now worthless, and maybe I should be worried about my DVD collection as well. Asked in a geeky group that I'm in on Facebook what they thought about the physical media vs. streaming debate, and every single response anyone else made was pro-disc/anti-streaming. A lot of that was because the places that you buy streaming movies on technically still control them in a sense, and your movies could be lost if they ever shut down or just decide a few years from now that you need to buy them again to keep watching them. Only way that could ever happen with discs is a very strict firmware update for disc players that includes DRM, and good luck getting one of those onto my bargain basement Blu-ray player with no Internet connectivity. I haven't owned a gaming console since 2010, so that's not a concern for me. Also, the death of UltraViolet had me thinking that people weren't purchasing movies on steaming anymore, just watching whatever was on streaming services. That said, half the articles on UV's closing give me that impression, and half of them are PR doublespeak that make my head hurt.
  16. 1 point
    Yea I feel like the Switch and Xbox might make the jump to streaming only. Ps5 thankfully will have a physical media drive and be backwards compatible with the Ps4
  17. 1 point
    See I've recently started going in the opposite direction and am slowly building my physical media collection back up. Including that I only buy physical copies of my video games as well. All the shenanigans with the FCC and net neutrality got me in the frame of mind that if I can somewhat lessen my reliance on streaming if there are sudden jumps in billing, it'll help out in the long run.
  18. 1 point
    I agree.It might not have been to every taste, but I thought Roma was great. I get the argument against Netflix as well. Like Helen Mirren said, “I love Netflix, but fuck Netflix.” It would be nice if they gave more of their films a theatrical run. I like a lot of big blockbusters and see them in the theater, but I don’t want ONLY big blockbusters, which seems to be where we’re heading towards (I know Paul said H&S was probably the best film of the summer (tongue-in-cheekily?), and I definitely enjoyed it as a three-star action flick. But my favorite films of the summer have been The Farewell with Awkwafina (which I thought would be depressing but was actually fairly funny, in a quirky, deadpan way) and once Upon a Time In Hollywood. Oh, also Long Shot! I was bummed to see that it “underperformed.” I liked it, my parents liked it, more people should see it. And of course, thumbs up for the sections of JW3 with Jason in it. But only those sections. Fuck the rest of the film). holy shit that was long. Apologies.:)
  19. 1 point
    Point taken. The appeal of disks for me are the extras/commentary, which you can’t get through streaming.
  20. 1 point
    Jesus Christ. This film DID NOT need a remake. I’d heard vaguely about it but didn’t realize that it had already been released. That’s the cultural impact it deserves, I guess. Also, looking at the credits, it was written by Sarah Thorpe, who also wrote Twisted. Which was fucking horrible and is on this list.
  21. 1 point
    I agree with this method of alphabetization. I do own physical media because I prefer it and I mourn the loss of video stores (of course I use streaming, but it’s nice to have access to movies that aren’t available and are my favorites. Also, Seattle has Scarecrow Video, which is insanely huge and has all kinds of obscure stuff. Recommended for any pop-culture junkie! You can support them from anywhere by ordering stuff online. That’s my plug!). I don’t like watching stuff on a computer. My organization method goes by director first (Wes Anderson, John Carpenter, etc.), then organizes individual films alphabetically. I like the idea of alphabetizing by character or creature to keep a film series together, but I’m a little more loose (or lazy). My Bond and Planet of the Apes movies are all grouped in chronological order, but I more or less ignore alphabetical order. If I were REALLY anal, I could organize by genre (action, comedy, drama, etc.), THEN by alphabetical order, but I’ll cross that nit-picky bridge when I have too much time on my hands (and cared more).
  22. 1 point
    I'm an actor in L.A., and the first time this project hit the casting websites, I couldn't believe it was real and not some kind of very unfunny prank. Then it was re-listed an absurd number of times - my guess is this auteur was having a hard time finding actors who didn't throw up in their mouths while reading the sides. This is one of those cases, though, where I agree this movie doesn't deserve HDTGM's spotlight.
  23. 1 point
    Thanks I finally got Guy on a Buffalo out of my head after 9 years and you've just brought it back. In return I present a Mothman song to the tune of YMCA.
  24. 1 point
    If we go with Fred being a manifestation of Elizabeth, I think most of that could be explained by her self-sabotaging, feeling she's not worthy of happiness or love. Pushing away good people and staying with the wrong ones.
  25. 1 point
    So this movie was very upsetting to me. No other movie has given me so much anxiety. It was 90+ minutes of someone just gleefully destroying other people's things and lives. fun I personally believe this is similar to a Monsters Inc situation or more closely the Disney channel movie Don't Look Under The Bed scenario. So I do think Fred is his own being. He even mentioned being locked up and unable to move on. I can understand why Fred goes after the mom. She was seen as the advisory of Elizabeth's childhood, and to an extent is still. But Carrie Fisher? She was an innocent! And honestly Fred doesn't help Elizabeth, he actively hurts her. He physically hurts her multiple times and puts her in danger. Not only does her hurt her physically but in her relationships as well. He endangers her friendship with Carrie Fisher and by sinking the condo boat takes away the place she was staying so she has to go back home. At her date with Mickey( though I think he's a creep.) he tries to ruin that even though he hates Charles. He doesn't want her to move on with him because he finds him "girly". He should be encouraging her to get back out there and forget Charles. He then pretends to be the violinist even after Elizabeth has begged him to leave her alone. This causes her to break down and she assaults the violinist causing her to be detained by the mall cops and be put on medication. Drop Dead Fred has no real regard for her true happiness, he only cares for how he can have his sadistic twisted fun. He actively endangers her happiness and causes her greater distress. Having never seen this movie I thought he would be less about reveling in violence and more of a gleefully chaotic Loki esq archetype who would help her get in touch with her inner child and pull pranks on like a tough boss, her shit ex and her overbearing mother that kind of thing. Not drive her to the brink of madness.
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