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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/29/20 in Posts

  1. 4 points
    This is the second time that Paul has read a C&O from me but did attribute it to me. I’m beginning to feel like Homer when Mr. Burns wouldn’t remember his name.
  2. 2 points
    Heartbreak in the time of quar, Jason returns for another chat, and more on this week’s mini-sode! Paul offers advice as he opens up the Paul Help Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for Megaforce, shares a deleted scene from the Megaforce episode, and Blake J. Harris interviews Megaforce producer Al Ruddy. Plus, find out which movie will be covered next week! Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.com Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
    I think there’s a good chance he’ll be like Steven Soderbergh, where he says he’ll quit and might lay low for awhile, but come back to movies or streaming platforms in some capacity.
  5. 2 points
    Listening to the end now, good stuff. Nice reminder that everyone should both read and watch the film of The Kid Stays in the Picture, the Robert Evans autobio. I also really need to catch on Rebels now that I watched the end of the Clone Wars series, which is every bit as good as Paul and Jason were saying. And Leisure Suit Larry memories, good times. So next week is Ninja 3: The Domination, continuing the general low budget 80s action trend. Should be fun.
  6. 1 point
    Honestly, it’s hard to believe this film hasn’t been done before. It is fucking bananas. I watched this while stoned, but I was sober enough to recognize that the characters speak in gibberish non-sequitors trying to make the plot seem mysterious, then when the plot is revealed, they speak only with exposition. Basically, there are multiverses and bad Jet Li is trying to kill all the other Jet Li’s so he can inherit their power and yadda yadda yadda. I have rarely seen a movie that has such a noisily expositional opening that explains NOTHING. Plus, since there are several realities, we get to see the same basic action sequence done twice so it can save money in the budget (?). Don’t know why else they would do it. yet it moves so fast and is so stupid that it’s a lot of fun, especially while not totally sober. And the special effects look really bad. And it has 14% on RT. And it’s free on Hoopla. Truly, I think this would make a great episode. Here’s a very funny review from Roger Ebert. https://www.rogerebert.com/reviews/the-one-2001
  7. 1 point
    If Paul doesn't know your name it means he likes you and doesnt want to mispronounce it maybe? I can't believe Anonymous asked for MG children's books that are also movies when our dear friend Daniel Radcliffe has been on this podcast! (Probably why she didn't leave her name. FLIPPED and HOLES are also good one offs if you don't want to commit to the whole HP series.)
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
    And you have Jason Statham trying to talk like an American but failing.
  10. 1 point
    God, poor Jet Li. I'm not sure what is worse, John Woo's Hollywood years or Jet Li's. What a waste of some good physical ability years for him.
  11. 1 point
    Agreed! I'd very much look forward to this.
  12. 1 point
    It's so great, all that Dave Filoni stuff has been great. As a person who is old enough to be one of those obnoxious fans who has loved Star Wars all his life and only loves the original trilogy etc., it annoys me no end how much some "fans" sneer at the animated series or anything that Lucas didn't teabag himself. Honestly I think it's the best thing to come out of the prequels. I'd rather watch that concluding movie again before at least half of the canonical big screen ones.
  13. 1 point
    I love The Clone Wars, and I really enjoyed Rebels
  14. 1 point
    Sorry to be that guy, but the novella is under King's name - it is one of the four in Different Seasons, which also includes The Body (Stand By Me) and The Shawshank Redemption. Not a bad collection! And yeah, the film is relatively limp compared to the source, though the cast was fine. I have mixed feelings about Tarantino as a person from what little I know about him, but I do like most of his films. I still haven't seen The Hateful 8. I quite enjoyed Once Upon a Time. Maybe his last will be a musical!
  15. 1 point
    Rob Huebel and other friends will be helping. Rambo:Last Blood is on Amazon. I’m sure they’ll post the commentary track on YouTube so you can still hear it if you miss it.
  16. 1 point
    Oh there's definitely an edge of a person who didn't reach the heights they were hoping for going after those who did in their opinion, especially after hearing from her former partner who produced the film with her how their partnership imploded shortly after the movie and book came out. While NBK is no perfect film, I think it's made solely on the various characters in it rather than the peyote fueled ramblings of the director. It's an odd thing as despite what the story is, which is a condemnation of modern media and then celebrity culture, the characters are fantastic on their own with amazing, if not over the top, performances from two leads as well as Robert Downey Jr. Rodney Dangerfield, Tommy Lee Jones, and Tom Sizemore. As for Apt Pupil, that was one I enjoyed for the performances of the leads, especially Ian McKellan, even though it is a very watered down adaptation of the source material. As for QT's final movie, I don't know what it could or should be but at this point I don't think it should be something like a TV show adaptation, especially given how fandom reactions can get to anything that strays even the slightest from the perceived canon and style. And with how many things he's talked about making over the years, I'd love to see the Kill Bride movie that he's talked about. Also if there was ever a person that has a filmography made for HDTGM, it's Hamsher's former partner Don Murphy who was the producer for Double Dragon, the entire Transformer series, League of Extraordinary Gentleman, and Splice, among others.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Calling all cars! Calling all cars! Why are these cars not answering me?
  19. 1 point
    All good things must come to an end, so back that thang on up!
  20. 1 point
    FYI, A Streetcar Named Desire, along with many other films on the list, is available to stream on HBO Max. If you subscribe to HBO or HBO Go you probably have access to Max at no extra charge.
  21. 1 point
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