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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/09/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I don't know that the intention is ever to make a bad movie, as I honestly think that would be a waste of everybody's time. However, I think there is maybe an idea of not caring all that much if it's any good -- if such a distinction can be made. For me, I'm on Andrew Lawrence's side here. I think he was trying to make the best movie he could given the resources afforded him. Ultimately, he made a movie and you can't beat that experience. Even if the finished product wasn't particularly good, he can still spin that in his favor. ("Yeah, but I can do it. Plus, I made it quickly with a nothing budget. Think of what I could do with more.")
  2. 1 point
    "I might have been able to build a drone with an Uzi attached. And I could've hired a costume designer who knows how to sew buttons straight on a flight attendant outfit."
  3. 1 point
    I also like how A-Law is all like "Nah, I didn't really care about Money Plane. It's not like it was this big idea of mine that I would think about at night and have visualized in my dreams since I was a wee tyke. It was just this thing, this goof, this throw-away idea that I didn't really care about" -- as he no doubt held back tears as everyone took the piss out of his passion project.
  4. 1 point
    Trying this again since my original post is chopped up (for want of a close quote tag). Apologies for not participating in my own choice. Now that things are getting back to usual (never normal), I do have some things I'd like to mention. 1) The whole first exchange (Sit Down, John; then Piddle, Twiddle, and Resolve) had me hooked. I had never seen such open snark in a historical movie. The initial debates between Adams and Dickinson were the same kinds of points I had wondered about. When I saw the movie for the first time I was living in or near the Philadelphia area and had been to Independence Hall several times. Figured it was time to see what the movie was like. 2) When I get depressed the last exchange between John and Abigail Adams always helps me. John complains he fears there is nothing left but the discontentment. Abigail replies That response always makes my eyes well up. There are people I consider to be great, accomplished, persistent, admirable people. They seem to think I'm OK so why can't I? 3) Ben Franklin throughout is a hoot. "Oh, Stephen, I only wish King George felt like my big toe all over." (Since Frankin suffered from gout.) I was surprised to learn John Adams' comment about being left out of the history books is reasonably accurate. 4) The distortions of people of honor are distressing, particularly James Wilson of Pennsylvania. James Wilson was a very honorable fellow who had indeed served with distinction as a judge. I can forgive changing the story to come down to a tie but turning Judge Wilson into a fop who, until the crucial moment, served solely as John Dickinson's lap dog, does Judge Wilson a grave disservice. Franklin makes an offhand comment about Judge Wilson having served before but then makes it sound like Wilson can't think for himself because Independence is "a new idea, you clot!"
  5. 1 point
    Apologies for not participating in my own choice. Now that things are getting back to usual (never normal), I do have some things I'd like to mention. 1) The whole first exchange (Sit Down, John; then Piddle, Twiddle, and Resolve) had me hooked. I had never seen such open snark in a historical movie. The initial debates between Adams and Dickinson were the same kinds of points I had wondered about. When I saw the movie for the first time I was living in or near the Philadelphia area and had been to Independence Hall several times. Figured it was time to see what the movie was like. 2) When I get depressed the last exchange between John and Abigail Adams always helps me. John complains he fears there is nothing left but the discontentment. Abigail replies
  6. 1 point
    I want to question how truly kindhearted this group of Robin Hood like thieves actually is. So they take the cryptocurrency and redistribute that to charities around the world. That's good. That's noble. However this leaves them with millions in cash laying around. Do they take that and personally donate it to some charities or children's hospitals? Nope instead they decide to "spread the wealth" by just letting it fall out of the airplane's open door. How is this helping anybody? They have no idea where this money could land. If they're flying over forest, mountains or sea that money will be ruined or chances are never found. Who's to say that the people that find this money will be good people either? Did none of them see A Simple Plan? It could cause chaos and violence. Also they chuck out a bound block of cash. That block will reach terminal velocity soon and come crashing down and could ruin a car, house or even take a life. You've just wasted lots of money that could have helped people, so how "good" of "good guy" thieves are you?
  7. 1 point
    Speaking of the mini, I am really worried about the new dad who Paul did not talk about but responded to in two episodes ago. I am religious, so I do not mean to offend Anyone, but I have been praying for them. I do not have to know the reason.
  8. 1 point
    No, Sir. This needs to be it's own category. I nominate: 5 - Best Audience Baby; 6 - Best Post-Apocalyptic Dumpster Fire Rant, feat Jessica StClair ( or other )
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