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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/25/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Fantastic episode! This movie is exactly what I needed Paul brought up how doing inventory seems like a pretty menial job for someone being groomed for taking over a multi-thousand dollar company, but what blew my mind was that he described himself as an Operations Manager, yet when confronted with why he ducked out of work early to take flying lessons, he told Margret that he had completed his work and would have just been "sitting around for the rest of his shift." I'm sorry, being a Operations Manager is a supervisory role and isn't a position with tangible objectives. You can't just say, "I've completed all the requisite supervising for today in a couple of hours." An Ops Manager would still have to be available to answer questions, make schedules, and handle any customer/supplier issues that might crop up. And even if no other issues did occur, a good manager wouldn't mind rolling up their sleeves and helping their employees complete their own job duties. I'm just saying, Jack was a trash employee. He would be a terrible boss. He doesn't deserve any kind of promotion and he should be thankful Margret put up with his sorry ass for as long as she did.
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    We need to talk about that guest room he was staying in and the terrifying number of dolls it had.
  4. 2 points
    Ok so was I just on a bunch of migraine meds or did they say they hadn't had sex in 3 YEARS? When did they get married? How long have they been together? Sex isn't everything but like if you aren't together in 3 YEARS and you are a relatively young couple and not asexual.. perhaps you should go tot therapy? Talk? Not be married to a bag of mayo?
  5. 2 points
    I'm lying down and I need to lie down harder is how I'm doing. It's Too Much. My face is red with second hand embarrassment yet I can't look away.
  6. 2 points
    To parrot June: Are The Men Ok? Men of the board how ya doing?
  7. 2 points
    Yeah. I thought the title was very bad. Hearing Lifetime had another movie called Deadly... makes me think they were just trading in on familiarity.
  8. 2 points
    The woman's hard pink hat was a trilby not a fedora. They are very similar styles of headwear but aren't the same.
  9. 1 point
    I would say Fantasy Island, but all the parts that are not hilariously terrible are genuinely boring. Plus I feel bad for Michael Pena, a talented actor given a truly bad role.
  10. 1 point
    I enjoyed the f out of this. I can't nitpick it because it is flawless. I really liked some of the visual cues. Early on, the pilot and the dumb guy were talking and a small plane just casually taxied right behind them and that made me laugh really hard. Also I really loved the ending. I thought it was legitimately tense and well-shot, the whole 'escape from a box on a plane' bit. I was on edge! The very end too when they were divebombing the pilot was genius and maybe better than North By Northwest?
  11. 1 point
    I believe he said she hasn't wanted to have sex for three years. I interpreted that to mean that they had sex but she wasn't into it at all or had to be talked into it every time. But maybe they aren't having sex at all. Either way, definitely an issue for therapy.
  12. 1 point
    IThis Okay but let’s say your life depends on it (maybe it’s a Money Plane bet) and you HAVE to fly with a celebrity pilot, who do you trust? Sure, Harrison Ford has a “series” of crashes, but what if. WHAT IF. Underneath his human face, he is Launchpad McQuackin disguise? Eta important update:
  13. 1 point
    The mom says at the very start that "decaf coffee is her only luxury" when she accuses an employee of stealing it. That made me so sad. Not even regular coffee. Decaf.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    I've never seen A Transformers BUT I love youtube film critic Lindsay Ellis. Adore her. She's so smart and so funny. She also loves Transformers and did an amazings and insightful series on film study through the lens of these movies that I can't recommend enough. Her episode on Megan Fox especially was very good.
  16. 1 point
    The birdy playing hurdy gurdy took a sturdy turdy on my shirty
  17. 1 point
    Okay but let’s say your life depends on it (maybe it’s a Money Plane bet) and you HAVE to fly with a celebrity pilot, who do you trust? Sure, Harrison Ford has a “series” of crashes, but what if. WHAT IF. Underneath his human face, he is Launchpad McQuackin disguise?
  18. 1 point
    This may be the best HDTGM movie ever.
  19. 1 point
    They're going to do the CATS movie that came out last year.
  20. 1 point
    When did Backstreet leave in the first place?
  21. 1 point
    She was in her 80's. She was the last of my grandmas siblings and she was so kind and caring to me after my mom and grandma died. The funereal went really well actually I went with a new friend who was so kind and drove me because I don't drive. She made the whole day bearable.
  22. 1 point
    When you put it that way, maybe I should have chosen Backstreet's Back.
  23. 1 point
    When all the Blockbusters were closing and they were selling all their stock, I picked this up on Blu-Ray for, like, a dollar or something. We watched maybe 15 minutes (when he goes to college I want to say) when my wife popped it out of the player, snapped it in half, and threw it away -- lol. So, no, I don't think you need to watch it.
  24. 1 point
    Definitely Ballistic: Ecks vs Sever Virus with Jamie Lee Curtis Simon Sez with Dennis Rodman and Dane Cook Dungeons & Dragons - one of the most crazy so bad its good films ever, this movie has pretty much been wiped from the internet and existence somehow John Carpenter's Ghosts of Mars - Jason Statham, Ice Cube, directed by John Carpenter? Yep Dragon Wars (D-Wars) - a Korean filmed action movie filmed in English Guardians - Russian Avengers ripoff with a man/bear creature with a chest mounted gatling gun, plus a lot of other stuff going on Soul Man - Kid going to college in blackface to take advantage of affirmative action Sound of Thunder - supposed to be the March 14 live show, so make sure that gets back on the schedule someday Lone Wolf McQuade - Gotta do this Chuck Norris film sometime, just for the driving the pickup out of a hole Street Fighter: Legend of Chun-Li - its not exactly a sequel, but its certainly worse than the JCVD Street Fighter D.C. Cab - starring Mr. T, what else do you need to hear? League of Extraordinary Gentlemen - Sean Connery's last role, so much to talk about, hours of content
  25. 1 point
    The Pacifier starring Vin Diesel. Torque starring Adam Scott (ok, he's not the star exactly, but who is?) Next of Kin starring Swayze, Liam Neeson, and Helen Hunt!
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