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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/03/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    Although similar, Summer Stock is far more flavorful and well-rounded than Summer Broth. We watched;
  2. 2 points
    The show title is Fall in Love. I like to think the farm number came in after Gene fell in love with Judy because he said there better not be any hokum in his show. Yet there the song is. Hopefully it's meant to show that living on a farm became magical after falling in love with a farmer. Not sure how Get Happy fits in the Fall in Love "theme".
  3. 1 point
    I didn't watch Summer Stock. I watched Het Glukkig Dal.
  4. 1 point
  5. 1 point
    I thought it was a revue ? Revues don't typically have a full plot they are like sketches, songs and dance numbers with a theme. What this theme is I have no idea. Love?
  6. 1 point
    I screamed out loud "NO!! You monster!" . I was so upset I hid my face in my hands and peeked through my fingers. I physically felt pain at that.
  7. 1 point
    Yeah, there was a moment where he explains that sometimes you a boy needs to sing “I love you” to a girl, but then they were only in, like, two skits together...
  8. 1 point
    I just want to say Judy's suit jacket look? ICONIC!!!
  9. 1 point
    Gene Kelly definitely explained the plot of the barnsical at one point, right? But the song and dance numbers on the day of the show seemed kind of random, no?
  10. 1 point
    I have to say, I literally gasped when comic relief guy broke the tractor. I was horrified.
  11. 1 point
    Ha! What's with those feet? I mean naturally I too jumped to hobbit but is it suppose to be a slam on country folk. How or why? "So guys, I'm working on this new show. She my lady friend is from a farm and she said we can put on the show in her barn. Ain't that swell? Now here's the kicker, we make it farm themed as well! Won't those folks dig it. So the big act one closer will be me and another fellow dressed as two farmers and making horrible animals noises that attracts dogs. You see the country folk aren't talented singers like us city folk. For costumes I want the shabbiest hats you can find and patched up long johns and oversized ratty pants. Yes, that'll show them. Also don't forget to blank out some teeth because those bumpkins have bad dental hygiene and will eat that up. However, the most important thing is we have GIANT FEET! Take that you bumpkins!"
  12. 1 point
    I was wondering the same thing! I was wondering if had the yokel thing already in mind before the farm or if it was written afterward. I also found it extremely difficult to imagine Harrison playing a hick hobbit.
  13. 1 point
    So what kind of show exactly was it that Gene Kelly was trying to put on? It just seemed like random song and dance numbers with no unifying theme or anything. Some of them were farm related or themed but not all of them. Was this a kind of common show? I know it's the kind of thing the Ziegfeld Follies did but this seems almost too late for that. Maybe I'm wrong. Also, I find it odd they set up that big shot booking guy shows up to show only to never pay it off.
  14. 1 point
    I would say 5 is probably a good minimum age. I think much younger than that and there's very little geared toward children younger than that. Disney is very expensive. While they are going to enjoy it at the time, I'd hate to spend that kind of money and they don't remember it in a few years which they probably won't younger than 5 years old.
  15. 1 point
    I’ve had this discussion before because I have two kids that are four years apart so it’s difficult to decide on a “right time.” According to my sister, who, like most of my family, still lives in Florida, there is no “too young” age to go to Disney. However, I disagree because she is speaking from privilege as a Disney Season Pass holder. To wit, she can go whenever she’d like and still be home for dinner. Considering the cost of going to Disney, and the probable infrequency non-Florida residents can go, I would err on the side of a slightly older child - 5 or so.
  16. 1 point
    My brother and sister-in-law took their kids to Disneyland when my niece was 5 and nephew was 3. In my opinion, that was a little young because a lot of rides freaked them out, although they did like the Cars section of the park, I guess. Although when I went with my brother when we were kids, he was around 6 or 7 and we both loved it (I was around 11). Obviously, I think it depends on how well kids handle lines/walking/rides in general. If you have brave toddlers, go for it! But Tickets are expensive enough that you might want to wait until they’re old enough to enjoy it. I don’t know if that helps, but that’s been my family’s experience.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    TIM BALTZ returns to talk about the Chicago jazz scene and more.
  20. 1 point
    I feel like it's my fault somehow, but then again I feel that about most things.
  21. 1 point
    With both Tony and Bosch in the studio, who is digging the holes?
  22. 1 point
    TOM SCHARPLING and MARTHA KELLY return to take the Triumph at Comic-Con episode on tour.
  23. 0 points
    So this was Judy's last film with MGM and it ... Did not go well. She was supposed to be in Annie Get Your Gun but she got suspended from the studio and went to rehab. So this was her first picture back. Gene Kelly did the film as a favor to her. So you have Judy whose shaky both emotionally and according to the director at times physically. They had to nail down parts of the scenery so she would have supports . Apparently he had to cheat a shot when she was unable to walk up some steps. According to the costume designer she was absolutely paranoid about her weight and her view that she was not working at her best and the more she tried to keep it all together worse she got. There were times when she literally did not show up on set. She was supposed to be in the Heavenly Music number but just... Never showed. Yet even with all of this the movie wasn't over budget and was on time. With the exception being Get Happy which was shot several months after the movie wrapped. Judy had been to a hypnotist for weight loss and that's why she looks so different there. The cast and crew loved Judy Garland and wanted to help her be a success. Even Louis B. Mayer her sometime arch nemesis said, when asked if maybe they should stop production, " Judy Garland has made this studio a fortune in the good days, and the least we can do is to give her one more chance. If you stop production now, it'll finish her." After Summer Stock Judy tried to film Royal Wedding with Fred Astaire but her old problems came back and she was fired. She and MGM both agreed that it would be best to let her out of her contract after that. http://www.thejudyroom.com/summerstock.html For some more reading on this time in Judy's life
  24. 0 points
    Have the boys stopped thinking or planning for you completely, only to rely on shitting on Kevin as a fallback? Not your fault gamey. used to live this cast. Its hardly hit or miss these days. I’d jump into the flagrant ones, as I’m sure that’s where their effort is going, but... is it?
  25. 0 points
    This place went to shit quick. Might be a reflection of how much effort is he boys are putting in.
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