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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/07/18 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Good question. As we learned from Mission Impossible, it's only a 16th note, and the direction is poco allargando, not molto allargando (slow down a little bit, not a lot). So it's at least indulgent, if not against the composer's wishes, to hold that note forever. Then again, the effect is thrilling, and it's one of the most famous and indulgent moments in opera, so if you got, flaunt it...(maybe purists would disagree). An important point about the compilation that some people might not realize is that there are three categories going on here: 1. Trained opera singers who are performing in a concert hall (although we might be hearing a different audio mix as it was recorded, the live audience heard this without amplification) 2. Pop singers who are amplified because it's not an acoustical hall but also because their voices would never carry over an orchestra anyway 3. Trained opera singers who are amplified because they are singing in a huge amphitheater (like the Three Tenors at the end of the video, or Pavarotti in the Boston hatch shell) Because a lot of people don't make it to an actual opera, they take for granted that everything we see on TV is miked and remixed and amplified. But "opera is hard" because what separates opera from musical theater is that your voice needs to carry naturally.
  2. 2 points
    The Doughboys finally both come to the studio to do another Shrimp-Off with The Boys without the chewing sounds.
  3. 2 points
    So my take on the cooking is that Giorgio is a big child, and this was like,how kids pretend they are going to make their mom breakfast on Mother’s Day and it ends up like “Here is some burned toast? You are welcome.” And at some point he was like I am going to make real Italian dinner with authentic Italian cream pies(?) but that he was sure to eff it up somehow, hence the food fight. The whole time I just kept thinking, “someone has to clean this up” (probably Kwan and Mei Ling who think it is their night off). I find this plausible. I kept thinking there had to be more for Green Acres (Henry) to do. He didn’t seem to have a reason to be there.
  4. 2 points
    Damn, I thought it was the title to John Oliver's new kid show...
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    why is the clown emote called tim? this feels like targeted harassment by the management. @gototimsvlogdotnet you should really say something
  7. 2 points
    mwn, that thing reminds me of a hilarious joke about the great clown Pagliacci. I won't spoil it incase Sean tells it on the next episode, but its very funny (and a little twisted!!)
  8. 2 points
    Apparently Hayes forgot how to sign into the old forum and that's why there hasn't been any popcorn gallery in a while. He should be along "any minute" to announce its return.
  9. 2 points
    just gave what I predict will be the only "Haha" reaction ever on the earwolf forums to the sushi planes. Thanks everyone
  10. 2 points
  11. 1 point
    Why is this audience so stuffy? Even if you don't know who Sean and Hayes are (sucks for you) it's a roast of comic characters and it's all in good fun. Get a free voucher for a sense of humor...
  12. 1 point
    In the poster, Oliver and the gang are in a walkup building (fire escape), but they must be in the Burj Khalifa of walkups because the other buildings are tiny.
  13. 1 point
    As a long-time R.E.M. fan who stayed with them until the very end, I love Accelerate. I love that they finally sounded and felt engaged again with the songs, that the tracks were not overproduced, and that both the songs and the entire album had some momentum. Up, Reveal and ATS were each a slog for me. Some amazing songs were on each of them, but each album as a whole felt too long with too many slow or mid-tempo songs. Living Well and Man-Sized Wreath are blistering openers - I really think Living Well should have been the lead single. I love the build and lyrics of Hollow Man. Houston is a fantastic reaction to the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina. Horse to Water had exactly the right amount of vitriol to propel me past a shitty layoff that happened the same month the album was released. Coming at the tail end of the Bush administration, the album was what I had wanted from their 2004 release in terms of anger, calling out and speaking truth to power - the way I remembered Document, some tracks on Green and Ignoreland. While it was late, I was grateful for the energy and tone of this album.
  14. 1 point
    The fact that everyone has to keep lying about Giorgio's affair would also seem to destroy the idea that we are meant to see this as an example of Italians having a more "open" attitude towards sex and relationships. Giorgio's wife wouldn't seem to think so!
  15. 1 point
    Why does Pamela have to say "oh, this is the maid" to his wife and why do they come up with the convoluted niece cover when "This is my throat doctor" explanation would be perfectly acceptable for an Opera singer?
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    He seems to have no idea how to cook for a large amount of people either. His timing is all off. He's got tons and tons of pasta cooked and ready to go but there are piles of raw meat sitting out on the counters. The meat is going to take way longer to cook than the pasta, Giorgio. Get it together.
  18. 1 point
    Remember when Obummer was in WTF? Me neither *restarts this episode*
  19. 1 point
    all the leaves are brown, and the sky is grey, don't let it bring you down, new Handbooks on the way
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    kinda felt a different energy with this one, wonder if maybe Jordan didnt really get what was supposed to be funny and what was a bit, so the sound levels and mix was off?? the ads were great though.
  22. 1 point
    yeah i posted that to entice kevin's mom to post here, she loves Trainmaster185
  23. 1 point
    The boy airplane has a really big Adam’s apple and the girl airplane has bad grammar Kevin’s mommy!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
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