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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/02/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    Iā€™m so glad Engineer Devon tipped me off to the ā€œAds Version Hollywood Handbookā€. No more juggling apps, thanks Devon! Although this was perhaps the worst possible timing, if the boys are being forced to abandon their hilarious Santa Man/Moriarty/Elf Giles characters. Wait, I misspoke, Kevin isnā€™t one of The Boys...or is he? Hell, Bang Rodgman is practically one of the boys at this point. Anyways, I hit the skip forward and backward buttons just like you told me and the episode sounded like shit. I dunno how many more phones I can buy if youā€™re gonna keep making episodes like this.
  2. 2 points
    I admittedly didn't watch many actual new films this year, (I usually watch films that are older and am typically a couple years behind on new fimls) but here's some of the tops from my list. I have kids, which explains a couple entries. Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse Annihilation Black Panther Avengers: Infinity War Bumblebee Incredibles 2 Halloween Apostle (Netflix) A Futile and Stupid Gesture The Grinch For those who haven't seen them, I highly recommend the first two. The two I want to see most from 2018: Isle of Dogs and Mandy.
  3. 2 points
    Itā€™s funny how Charlie Brooker made the best tv show (screenwipe) and the worst one (black mirror). I guess that was his most fiendish twist of all. funny ep. Ithink iā€™ve now heard most of the scenarios.
  4. 2 points
    The Jude Law and / or Bizby Moomoo RECORD ALL NEVER DELETE setting comes factory installed on most devices. So unless SOMEONE turned it off...
  5. 2 points
    Okay, cool. Iā€™ll just go ahead then. (Cinco, could you please edit the thread title?) Iā€™ve been promising this one for two years. Itā€™s time to watch some trash.
  6. 1 point
    No overbearing rules or commitments here, just an opportunity for us to dive into a genre/theme/idea over the course of the month. We don't have to watch the same films, or any set amount. This isn't in place of HDTGM, Unspooled, HDTGM Classics, or Musical Mondays. Just if, in your spare movie-watching time, you're stumped or looking for something to choose -- pick a film within our monthly theme. If you find anything worth noting or sharing with the rest of us, post it here in this thread. Knowing this forum, we like the stuff that's really good or either really bad, haha. Let's explore!
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    Top 20 movies of 2018 that I saw (in no particular order): Eighth Grade Sorry To Bother You Crazy Rich Asians Blindspotting They Shall Not Grow Old Widows Halloween Black Panther A Star Is Born Skate Kitchen Roma Private Life Leave No Trace We The Animals Lean On Pete First Man Hereditary Won't You Be My Neighbor? Annihilation Blackkklansman
  9. 1 point
    Very much so, god can the Houser brothers write amazing epics. As for my western recommendations, here are just a few off the top of my head that are fantastic: Bone Tomahawk The Proposition I also consider Hell or High Water as a modern western.
  10. 1 point
    I'm still finishing Red Dead Redemption 2. Does that count?
  11. 1 point
    This episode was ā€˜sub-optimalā€™ as they say in the medical imaging field. Better than Scott Anchormanā€™s tap dancing though. That dudeā€™s soft shoe is a wooden heel.
  12. 1 point
    In a place that may smell like a salmon fishery? Bee repellent? The Young Pope? I'll have to get the 'gang' together to solve this one. Hopefully the short, orange-sweater-wearing girl with what I'm assuming to be macular degeneration will show up. She's a straight up master sleuth.
  13. 1 point
    Oh jeez. I thought you meant themed Musical Mondays. I was thinking you're really limiting our choices for musicals if they are themed.
  14. 1 point
    Law? Returns? Episode? What is this, the debut of "Where Are They Now: Jude Law Edition" on the network that has that contract to broadcast this show? I hope my DVR's Jude Law and/or Bizby Moomoo alert(s) was still set to RECORD ALL NEVER DELETE or some unlucky DVR is sleeping in the dog house tonight!
  15. 1 point
    Thatā€™s what I would think, too. Iā€™m ready with my pick. So if you guys want me to go ahead with it, I will. Let me know. Iā€™m just trying to keep our discussions to mini-episode weeks.
  16. 1 point
    Intelligence is knowing Frankenstein was the doctor. Wisdom is knowing Dr.Frankenstein was the monster. But genius is knowing Frankenstein was the friends we made along the way.
  17. 1 point
    I need to know in why in the world Mario Lopez's girlfriend wouldn't kill him for proposing to her in a diner. Given her characterization she didn't seem like the diner type. If they had just added a line about that being the spot of their first date or something it might fix it. Also when did he call off their (what seemed like it was going to be) elaborate wedding. Like how close to the day are we talking? Because the closer to the wedding itself and the more I hate him because that's just rude. Think of that poor maid who's already suffered so much for this shitshow. You could have prevented that. And all the people working on it, the guests coming from out of town etc. I'm not saying he should have married her but he should have broke it off in a timely manner for everyone else at least. If not for himself.
  18. 1 point
    I donā€™t know why the description leaves out June but I had a moment of being bummed before being happy that St Clair was on. And then! She was there! Itā€™s a Christmas miracle
  19. 1 point
    I just want them to do this so I can get June's take on how distracting Michelle's hair is during this entire movie! Is it a wig, bad hair pieces or just out of date styling. I can't..its maddening the whole time!!!
  20. 1 point
    Please do this movie! Donald Trump's cameo in this meant he saved Gilbert Gottfried from winning a Golden Raspberry for his role in "Problem Child" (which would also be a pretty fun movie to do). Murder! Ghosts! Suicide over a failure to satisfy a much-younger wife! It's fun for the whole family! "Ghosts Can't Do It" has probably the most accurate title of any HDTGM film (something June will love), and is the proud winner of three Razzies ("Worst Supporting Actor" - DJT, "Worst Actress" - Bo Derek, and "Worst Director" - John Derek) while also being tied for a third ("Worst Picture", with "The Adventures of Ford Fairlane").
  21. 1 point
    Having finished this now, as it's taken a few runs I wholeheartedly feel this has to be covered, because not only does this movie begin and end with Travolta as Gotti breaking the fourth wall and preparing the viewer for him narrating his life story, this ends with a closing title card about how the government was basically railroading Gotti and his son by using criminals as their witnesses in exchange for lighter sentences, the movie leaving out that those guys were doing most, if not, all of that on the orders of Gotti. I can't remember for the life of me where a biopic acknowledges the subject is a criminal psycho, but also a misunderstood good guy.
  22. 1 point
    Holy shit I've started watching this on Prime and it needs to be covered, if only for the fact that Gotti is portrayed as a kind, man of the people in the film. Surprisingly, the movie is actually pretty good with historical events, but it is bogged down in over the top acting and the fact that Travolta either has an uber thick Long Island accent or just his normal voice depending on his mood, then you have the actor playing his son, who has zero accent. There are also some odd historical things like during a block party in the 80s having a song from Pitbull playing and one of Gotti's longtime friends had a falling out with him due to him being caught on wiretap by the feds, but in the film it's shown as it was because of an unsanctioned and failed hit on a rival. It's weird that a movie that does so much to be historically accurate, can make such a blatant mistake.
  23. 1 point
    If Star Trek was a woman, and Star Wars, Battlestar Glactica, and The Hitchhikers Guide to the Galaxy came into a blender, than this movie would be their mutant Danny Devito Junior baby. I think its great.
  24. 0 points
    I've recently set out to listen to every Hollywood Handbook episode, starting with the very first. As of January 2016, the law of diminishing returns has not yet set in. Could you please tell me the exact episode in which it does?
  25. 0 points
    sean is just TEASING us at this point, using a sound drop that is oh-so-similar to a popcorn gallery sound drop when kevin walked through his bead curtain.
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