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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/22/19 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    truly an amazing perfect piece of art
  2. 4 points
    SHAUN DISTON is loving it when The Boys have some fun with the masked engineer.
  3. 4 points
    Hi guys! Cam just reached out to tell me I'm in line for next week, and I totally feel shitty about having dipped on you guys for about three hundred years. I really want to start getting back into visiting and participating (yeah, we've heard that before) and it could happen with a less busy semester ahead of me. I loved the stage version of 'Last Five Years' so I'll see if I can join in this week to earn my place for next week's pick! Love you all!
  4. 3 points
    Books is gonna be the hardest thing for me as well, but a lot of them truly do spark joy and so I know they are good to keep. I think, though, I should add DVDs into this category because there are truly a lot that I just don't even touch anymore and with streaming it makes it a lot easier to watch things. Then I can make more room for books LOL!
  5. 3 points
  6. 3 points
    no spoilers but i think this is the best episode they've ever done
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points
    Good luck! I'm sorta dreading the day when I have to tackle decluttering my physical books, but I already know a lot of them don't spark joy anymore, lol.
  9. 2 points
    my questions for submission to the popcorn gallery: what's it like to go through the popping experience? does it hurt? what's the deal with those kernels that just don't want to pop? are you upset when someone adds sweet stuff to your exterior since you're generally known as a salty snack or is it like, something to brag about? if popcorn is like, baby corn seeds, does humans eating a bowl of burnt exploded inside-out babies horrify you or is that just how life is sometimes? what do you miss about being in the corn fields? from the perspective of the corn, was children of the corn still a scary movie or were you rooting for the children?
  10. 2 points
    the ep is a hit. to celebrate, let's do a popcorn gallery this friday evening, i'm clearing some stuff off my schedule should be good to go
  11. 2 points
    I still have far too many books, but something that helped me cull them, at least a little, is Kindle having a lot of classics available for free due to public domain. The formatting isn't always great on these editions, but it helped make some difficult decisions easier. Mostly, I kept my hardcovers and signed editions and got rid of all of my paperbacks.
  12. 2 points
    i like the premise. should be a good ep!
  13. 2 points
    The one thing that confused me was what exactly tipped off Ricky Martin Sr. that the cops were now suddenly after him and his family? Given that he had the tape in a safety deposit box, the recording had to have happened days before. The fact that he calls to warn his wife suggests he now knows there is an imminent threat, but it’s never made clear how he knows that. And thinking about that call he makes to his wife, why exactly is he calling the house? Shouldn’t she already be at school teaching her science biology class by the time he calls her?
  14. 2 points
    I liked this movie but I have a major major crush on Jeremy jordan and don’t remember if this movie is actually good or not. I can join in on a viewing but only after The Good Place Anyway, here’s Jeremy Jordan singing Celine Dion: https://youtu.be/TppJMa8apkc
  15. 1 point
    This is one gloriously bad '80s sci-fi comedy, starring Pia Zadora. Just check out the trailer. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=przLQ8-m7GI You can watch the whole thing here.
  16. 1 point
    Black Panther is the best tho
  17. 1 point
    I'm legitimately SHOOK that Won't You Be My Neighbor didn't get a best doc nom!
  18. 1 point
    Put them in a box in the closet. If you haven't looked at them in a certain period (usually 6 months to a year), out they go. I have a store in my area called 2nd & Charles (after the intersection in Boston the first store was opened). You might be able to make some decent money selling them there or another used store.
  19. 1 point
    Paul, thank you so much for 200 episodes of hilarity. I’m sad to say goodbye but whatever you do next, I’m sure it will be amazing. You have the podcast Midas touch. I’ve loved your comedy for years and years, thank you for all the laughs. Also I would totally eat at Tawny’s horsteraunt.
  20. 1 point
    This is why I’m not on Facebook, and I am seriously thinking of dropping Twitter altogether. It’s all so toxic. I like my Earwolf forums where the only people who sign up (or at least stick around) are chill, intelligent, non-racist/sexist/bigoted/etc people. @DanEngler and @Shannon make this the best place on the Internet.
  21. 1 point
    In Halloween 2010 all the kids were going to the party. The person I wanted to kiss told me to make sure I was there IN COSTUME. At that age you would do anything for the one you wanted to kiss*. I had work before the party and when it was time to leave work the door fell off. i had to hold the door up so that the alarm didn’t go off, while my coworker looked for a new hinge. It was hours before I left work.** Got home, got showered, got dressed in my makeshift matrix gear, got going. When I arrived at the party the person I wanted to kiss had already left and no one else was dressed up. so I drank a lot of vodka and kept doing the matrix bullet-limbo thing. The last matrix movie had come out 7 years prior. I don’t think I could have predicted then the way the golden globes turned out this year, so it’s impressive these guys did *Not judging, I would too. **It normally was, but this time it was even more hours
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    C. Thomas Howell and the long haired guy from Thirtysomething. Star in a beach volleyball movie with other real life Beach Volleyballers...and Courtney Thorne Smith. Also...The Evil Uncle/Lawyer in the film is played by the actor who was Bernie in the Weekend At films. https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0100613/
  24. 1 point
    In case you need more convincing: This was Ruth Gordon's last movie It's Canadian It's a musical It features Jermaine Jackson
  25. 1 point
    I like how there's this murderous video game that GameStop (or the GameStop-like store the cop stops at) clearly knows nothing about, but the stinger at the end, when all is believed to be well again, we see the store again, and a whole case of this game is being delivered! Because that happens in retail, you take boxes of shit you didn't order or haven't even HEARD of and you put it right out for sale. There should be a post-credits scene where we see that a month later the game still hasn't killed anyone else, because either it wasn't promoted and no real gamers bought it, or its gone unplayed because everyone's grandma bought it for them for the wrong system...
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