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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/02/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Despite All My Rage, I’m Still Just Too Fat For My Age
  2. 2 points
    Dehumidifier would be cheaper. I just think they sold to get Ross moving and stop waiting around for the right chance.
  3. 1 point
    TOM SCHARPLING makes his grand return to the show. Meanwhile on the forums, robotam starts a thread...
  4. 1 point
    ALYSSA LIMPERIS comes to the studio to become The Boys’ moms.
  5. 1 point
    Finally making some time to comment on my own pick I had some oral surgery last Friday and was a bit knocked out with pain meds, and was probably thinking about Johnny's soliloquy from Dirty Dancing about how hard it was to have women throwing themselves at him and no one genuinely cared at him. That was my take on Russ. He was a man with a goal to get the ship he and his dad built together, and girls were a distraction. I do think all of the married women hit on him, and some of the guys too! I wondered why he was so hesitant to sing at the club. He could totally bank on his sex appeal and his talent without actually having to sell his body. Did working on the boat make more money? My first thought is, no, but that he just loved being on it so much. I'm so glad you all enjoyed this as much as I did. What did you all think of the song with the two girls at Paradise Cove? Oh, also, I was really surprised by how much I loved Laurel. Given the opening song, I really wasn't sure how much sexism I had signed up for. Not so . much, it appears.
  6. 1 point
    I was surprised when Ross and Laurel go to Paradise Cove and the lady of the house calls out that Ross and Robin are there. Maybe it's me but Robin seemed too sour to want to go to a place like that and just hang out. I know we only meet her for a little while and she seems to make her peace with Laurel over Ross but I don't see her being as lacksadaisical as Laurel was as the guest.
  7. 1 point
    So we all know that June thinks the 70's were the best a man has ever looked. I disagree with that, and think that this time period makes men look pretty snazzy. also can we talk about how great the women's clothes are? Really loved the clothes in this for everyone.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    Hi guys! So this is my first time making a topic I hope that I did right. So I'm up next after @WatchOutForSnakes on the Musical Monday rotation and I have a few ideas but so far nothing I want to do is streaming for free. I wanted to ask if you would be ok with renting a movie? I would be willing to pay someone to get it to Rabbit( because I don't know how to) if need be. If that's too much trouble I can pick something else. I'm just trying to get ready in time because I always forget until that Monday. Both ideas are two of my favorite classic films and I think we should have fun with either but I have some others as well I can look for!
  12. 1 point
    Yeah, it’s nbd. Every thing is supposed to be super casual. If people need to miss a week it’s cool. Also, sometimes people are willing to set up a rabbit viewing for people who need it/want it. I say pick what you want. People can work it out.
  13. 1 point
    Hi Hayes, Throughout this very special day, the crew will be posting in this thread some birthday videos, poems, artwork, wishes, dreams, etc. for you. Have a wonderful birthday and we'll see you next year. Well some of us post more than that...but I don't, so I'll see you next year. Or whenever. See ya when I see ya, I guess. Ok. Well, here's my thing I made for you: https://youtu.be/YVPIJCErQ18
  14. 1 point
    I love how that was simultaneously a logical, relatively innocuous question, but also one that perfectly plays into the contentiousness between Scott and Paul's characters.
  15. 1 point
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