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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/03/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    At one point Johann says the the problem with June's teeth is that she has 'fluorosis' which I had never heard before, but after doing some research is an actual malady. And June and Jason's point about June being the victim of neglect as a child seems to have merit based on what WebMD says about fluorosis. Fluorosis is described as "a cosmetic condition that affects the teeth. It’s caused by overexposure to fluoride during the first eight years of life. Fluorosis first attracted attention in the early 20th Century. Researchers were surprised by the high prevalence of what was called “Colorado Brown Stain” on the teeth of native-born residents of Colorado Springs. The stains were caused by high levels of fluoride in the local water supply. Although fluorosis is not a disease, its effects can be psychologically distressing and difficult to treat. Parental vigilance can play an important role in preventing fluorosis. A major cause of fluorosis is the inappropriate use of fluoride-containing dental products such as toothpaste and mouth rinses. Sometimes, children enjoy the taste of fluoridated toothpaste so much that they swallow it instead of spitting it out. But there are other causes of fluorosis. For example, taking a higher-than-prescribed amount of a fluoride supplement during early childhood can cause it. So can taking a fluoride supplement when fluoridated drinking water or fluoride-fortified fruit juices and soft drinks already provide the right amount." WebMD also states that only 1% of all cases of fluorosis are considered severe, which is what June's case would be described as. To have such a severe case, my guess is that June's parents were giving her fluoride supplements with the same regularity that Arno's mom gives him holiday snacks.
  2. 2 points
    So I was confused by the character of the albino stalker. I mean if you're going to have a whole movie set outside at the beach making a character an albino seems like an odd choice. On top of that to play him as if he has some sort of disability is another weird choice. I was curious what else that actor, Scott Prendergast, had done because he looked kinda familiar. So I pulled up his IMDB and guess what? There is a The Hottie and The Nottie extended universe! Turns out years before The Hottie and The Nottie Scott Prendergast made a short filmed call Anna is Being Stalked. That short film is up on YouTube and here it is: He's playing the exact same character! Everything is the same. The name on the shirt, the albinism, the weird ticks, everything! This short came out years before The Hottie and The Nottie so more likely The Hottie and The Nottie is part of the Anna is Being Stalked cinematic universe. I still want to know why this guy is playing the same part. Did the director know him and threw him in as joke? Did he audition because of his past experience playing a stalker? Blake Harris get on it!
  3. 2 points
    Was Sophie able to choose both? Because...
  4. 2 points
    This week on Unspooled: the ultimate Sophie's Choice, mimes or clowns!
  5. 1 point
    Nate totally deserves all of the negative comments and being called a pedophile. What we shouldn't forget, is that Cristobel is just as disgusting. During one of the many beach scenes, Cristobel tells Nate that she "thought about him some times over the years" and kept his picture! Again... a picture of a 6 yo! After this reveal, Cristobel then says, "If someone told you they did this, you’d think they were crazy or a pedophile." Upon hearing this, Nate gives this weird look as to acknowledge that what she just said was fucking bonkers! No matter what, this interaction proves the filmmakers are disgusting human beings and knew what they were doing with this whole 1st grade crush thing reading as pedophilia.
  6. 1 point
    Maybe it was a little long, but I LOVED this week’s song. Sheer brilliance of parody and great singing as well. I also really like how it captured how many of the reviews seem to think that everyone who didn’t like it is some kind of “hater” or troll who is making themselves miss out on how “great” the movie is. I kept talking about how great it was after we heard it until my gf finally told me I should probably focus on driving over dark, winding roads instead of going on about it. I rather enjoyed the Second Opinions songs at the show I went to, but it wouldn’t be unreasonable to put a time limit on them.
  7. 1 point
  8. 1 point
    I've watched every film HDTGM has put before me, but this is the first time I've been mad about watching a movie for the podcast. This movie is just awful.
  9. 1 point
    Oh, I just realized, I think that tagline about love needing to be blind was supposed to be a play on Paris' hit song at the time "Stars Are Blind". Thanks, brain, for retaining that nugget of pointless information but forgetting basic math!
  10. 1 point
    I wouldn't have put it past them to just have a black guy dressed in western wear come out. (un)Fun fact, A Chocolate Cowboy is the name of a terrible blackface movie from the 20s. I did sign spinning for a few weeks, first dressed as Santa and then as a clown. Passersby were very vocally supportive of Santa; honking, yelling/wooing out car windows, high fives. Save for one elderly lady who waved to get my attention and then gave me the finger, and one dirtbag that catcalled me. As the clown, people screamed insults at me, lotsa middle fingers, and someone gave me a Big Gulp driveby. I wonder how a mime costume would have fared. I don't remember having a crush on anyone in elementary school. What crushes I did have were either on actors, singers, musicians, or cartoon characters. I do remember a couple of kids "dating" in sixth grade and kissing, and I thought it was gross.
  11. 1 point
    I was getting this movie confused with that one where the girl is cursed and turns into Rob Schneider. And now I'm bummed out that there isn't a movie where Paris Hilton turns into Rob Schneider.
  12. 1 point
    I could have sworn he threw him off the stage but I admit I tried to do anything and everything that I could do to avoid looking at my screen. Yes! Mimes are demonic forces brought forth by their equally sinister but far gaudy clown brethren.
  13. 1 point
    I must have checked outed I just remember him getting punched. Yes! Literally someone saying "I love mimes!" is is funnier anyway because mimes are notoriously unfunny. Just the idea of someone loving them is funny enough.
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    Sounds like you kind of lucked out to me. Think of how much more terrible it would have been if you had dated someone capable of saying that to someone? Either you would have been even more miserable or you would have changed to be like her and then we wouldn’t have our own lovable, cuddly Cam Bert! Besides, I’m sure this gave you tons of time to get into The Cure which is always a win
  16. 1 point
    Can we talk about how Nate and his terrifying best friend only have references in their friendship from elementary school? I've known one of my best friends since the 4th grade ( we didn't become friends until the 7th though) and we both moved away before high school. We are super close to this day and while we do talk about that time we went to Llamafest ( twice because heyo what cool kids we were!) We also talk about the present world and our lives now and the people who have been in them in the interim. We talk about the skills and passions we have as adults and our hopes for the future. Even though we have gone years without talking because life got busy we still can always pick right back up and get back into the groove. Outside of their stalker mission the only things they could talk about in their friendship was their first grade glory days. Who even had those?! It's first grade! Honestly all these two have is their sick obsession. That's it. That's the friendship. Speaking of what exactly does the friend get out of this? It's clear he's been gathering this information for a long time. he had files all set up and ready to go on both Paris and June. Why? He's not trying to get with Paris. Is he just another stalker? If so why would he let his friend use his material to get his dream girl? Why is he so invested in him getting her at all? Has he been stalking her since elementary school out of some insane sense of loyalty to his only friend? If she had rejected his friend once and for all do you think he would have killer Paris, June, Nate, himself, and his mother in a very upsetting revenge murder suicide?
  17. 1 point
    This movie is gross and disgusting and offensive. It it horrible towards everybody. "Hey let's make her one weird stalker and albino? Their lack of pigment is hilarious because who could love that? hahaha I know why don't we give him some sort of twitch with his hands and a speech impediment to indicate a possible learning disability or mental problem as well? Genius! Hahahaha" The movie even stoops so far as to make a "midget" joke with the little girl crying out "I love midget mimes" and thus undoing the hypnosis. Now disregarding the terrible joke of how this is suppose to be an impossible phrase to hear yet there are so many little people mimes out there that a small child loves them more so than any other kind of mime to specify she likes little people mimes instead of just mimes in general. Also what child loves mimes? No! What is truly crazy about this scene is the father coming in to correct her with "They are called little people honey." This movie who could give two fucks on who it's offending and making fun of stops to say "Hey audience, midget is an offensive term and not cool." The kicker to me is nothing to do with the mime and the jokes around him are height based so that line could have literally been anything else. They could have made that code phrase "purple clowns" or "chocolate cowboys" and had a clown in purple or a candy themed cowboy and the scene plays out the exact same. Yet the writer decided "midget mime" was the most hilarious thing. Then they felt guilty about that and so they stop to inform us that we shouldn't be offensive towards this one group. It's just so inconstant and weird. Where is the bit where they stop to apologize to women?
  18. 1 point
    I know they get second opinions from Amazon but I thought this one on IMDB deserved to be seen. Note the star rating.
  19. 1 point
    It’s guarded by a golden dragon and a couple of sphinxes but nothing I’d call excessive. ...and the booby traps of course. But that’s pretty standard.
  20. 1 point
    You keep in a dedicated shrine like a civilized person.
  21. 1 point
    They brought this up during the episode but, despite its incel-ishness, the sole credited writer is a woman named Heidi Ferrer. She apparently quit showbiz in 2008 to become a Lifestyle Brand, which might be a convenient cover story when The Hottie and The Nottie destroys your career.
  22. 1 point
    She wore 4 inch brown shoes with a kitten heel from bebe!!!
  23. 1 point
    That moment has become as famous as any of it. Netflix used to have the entirety of "Pretty Wild" if anyone wants to see it... it's TRASH. But, no the door wasn't unlocked, they found a key she left under the mat for her housekeeper.
  24. 1 point
    How could I forget this?! They got in because a door was unlocked and she didn't notice they were robbing her until they took about $2 million in clothes, cash, jewellery, bags and other things. I know they supposedly snorted her cocaine as well. I was fascinated by this story. Speaking of Alexis Neiers she's now married and she and her husband run a rehab.
  25. 1 point
    I'm ashamed to say I read that book in middle school. ! My best friend to this day ( who is going to the Chicago shows with me) and I loved SNL and there was a stupid Paris Hilton sketch and somehow we started calling each other Paris and Nicky . So I carried the bit to reading her ridiculous book and hate watched her mom's insane reality tv show. Ah the very early 2000's what a time for trash!
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