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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/17/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Ha, shit, sorry everybody, didn't even realize it was my turn and uh anyway have we done Head? The Monkees movie? If not, that's my pick. Apparently you can watch it on the youtube.
  2. 3 points
  3. 2 points
    I’m back in the hospital for a few days. Got a new infection (NOT coronavirus) my left foot and the oral antibiotics weren’t helping. Getting doses of IV antibiotics. I don’t expect this to be a long-term stay. Just enough to cure the infection. I will, though, be working from home when I get out.
  4. 2 points
    It’s like my mom thinking she can only access her email from work.
  5. 2 points
    I've never seen Rock & Rule OR Head and they are both on my to-watch list. I look forward to discovering either film, but since we are doing Head, that is the one I shall view! Nice!
  6. 2 points
    Haha I just saw this because I skimmed the thread earlier but I was so close to suggesting Rock & Rule.
  7. 2 points
  8. 2 points
  9. 1 point
    I have not seen this yet but it looks FUCKING BONKERS!!! Here is the review from the Seattle alternative paper The Stranger: FILM/TV Is Color Out of Space Good-Bad or Bad-Bad? by Leilani Polk • Jan 22, 2020 at 8:45 am I didn’t go into Color Out of Spacethinking it would be great, or even very good. Starring Nicolas Cage and based on a story by HP Lovecraft about a weird alien presence/virus/organism/wtf that comes crashing in from space via meteorite, I figured it’d be entertaining at the very least. And that it was, but it was also tremendously, spectacularly bad, with some classic bad-acting Cage on tap. The set-up: The film's Gardner family has traded life in the city for a house in the country after they inherit a rural family estate located near Arkham, Massachusetts. They are very obviously city folk. Mom’s a commodities trader whose cancer is in remission, dad Cage is the patriarch who’s failed at his calling (he’s a painter who doesn’t seem to paint anymore and has turned to raising alpacas and gardening, where he’s also failing). The daughter is a Wicca-practicing witch who wears a cape, has purple streaks in her hair, and rides a horse earnestly, while her younger brothers are two-dimensional representations of younger brothers. The older is a smart-mouthed pothead (he gets his stash from the old hippie hermit who squats in a shack on their property, played by Tommy Chong), while the younger is barely a blip on a real-person radar, though he’s the first family member affected by the situation that arises after a meteorite crashes onto their front lawn. Of course, shit gets weird from the get-go. The thing in the yard has a strange purple glow before it cools, and then vanishes (or really, relocates). There’s a hydrologist / daughter love interest who seems to be the only one suspicious of the water being contaminated, and really, the only person who seems to give a fuck at all after the preliminary media buzz. It soon starts affecting the local flora (are the plants in the garden more bountiful or just plain bizarre?), fauna (which have disappeared or become skittish and/or vicious), and then, of course, the Gardner family, as matter seems to distort into a bizarre mutation. Is it an alien? A virus? An extraterrestrial organism? All of the above? The question is never answered, nor does it need to be. And really, the plot isn’t important, either. You’re not here for the plot. You’re here for campy-as-fuck sci-fi horror and Nicolas Cage, of which Color Out of Space has both in spades. It has the potential to be the next great (terrible) cult classic, and will definitely find a sympathetic audience in both die-hard Cage fans and D-level horror film enthusiasts. Also, the colors are pretty. IT ALSO HAS A CRITICAL APPROVAL RATING OF 90% ON ROTTEN TOMATOES!!! Here’s the preview:
  10. 1 point
    Totally seizure inducing. The titular animatronic character voiced by Dom Deluise is horrifying.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I have a friend who really enjoys the Underworld series. When I told her I was watching it for the podcast, told her all of my grievances with it and she said I was being nitpicky for the sake of the show. I haven't listened to the episode yet, but I was at the live taping and had some notes and some memories of things I wanted to bring up: Did anyone get the impression that the movie really wanted to set up that the werewolves weren't the bad guys and it was only the vampires that had recruited Selene? Between the main Lycan having a romance with that one vampire and his insistence that had no plans to kill Selene's daughter, it seemed as though they were leading to a late reveal that he was really on her side and they'd team up. The movie spent a lot of time flashing back to a number of things that had just happened. It seemed like it was put together on a very slim budget. Blood Wars was the first live show of the night, the second one (no spoilers) was a very expensive film so the difference in that regard was really noticeable. I wrote "What kind of sexy talk is this?" I don't remember what that this was in regards to. Also, "Thomas" was a very boring vampire name.
  14. 1 point
    Color out of space is worth a rental fee. IT IS FUCKING BONKERS.
  15. 1 point
    To me it seems appropriate that the Sonic movie, with all its false starts and realistic teeth, should be run through in an episode of this show. In wishful preparation for that à la The Secret, I've linked here an internal document from Sega written in the late 80's to early 90's detailing Sonic the Hedgehog's internal history. It's worth noting that this is all from before any of the more recent sonic games [1][2] and has since been diverged from substantially, but the lore of this document is fascinating. Give it a read! Also, ref [1] digs into this bad boy in a fun video, so be sure to give that a watch. http://nemesis.hacking-cult.org/MegaDrive/Documentation/Sonic/SonicBible.pdf [1] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fwDGReApaB0&feature=emb_title[2] https://www.earwolf.com/episode/shadow-the-hedgehog-w-jordan-morris/
  16. 1 point
    I think I’ve mentioned this before but I’ll repeat myself: I’ve created a playlist on Spotify that now holds the majority of my music collection, from the 1960s up until now. It’s approximately 275 hours long. It spans a lot of different music genres. I like to put it on random. i Didn’t edit my tastes—there are some artists that people will probably offensive, but there are hours of stuff that is not (just press skip!).Classic rock, hip hop, R &B, grunge and more...it’s all in there. Good for coronavirus binge listening. I can’t post the link here, but for those who have Spotify and are interested, the Playlist is called The Big 40 and is by justanotherwriter—us (that’s me!).
  17. 1 point
    I just looked at it the other day, but I didn’t do anything with it. I’ve been meaning to though, I swear.
  18. 1 point
    This is quite the build-up! As long as it’s not another crappy cartoon!
  19. 1 point
    Available to rent at my local video store! (Video Station in Taylor, Texas). Still in the new releases even! All the other Underworld movies were in the Action section so I almost didn’t find it!
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    I think I, Frankenstein would have been a better movie to go with because it is legit crazy. You are asking the same level of questions about that movie as the hosts are of this movie and the only difference is this movie's questions have been answered in the prior films. I, Frankenstein makes up tons of batshit lore on the spot and you just go with it. Also I watched all these movies no so long ago and my official ranking of the films is: 3 > 1 > 5 > 2 > the animated thing > 4. The forth movie is shit and I just remember not having fun with its level of crazy. I think, X-23ing Selene aside, the problem is the film makers took a side. So this series is basically Vampire vs Werewolf and the first film you get Selene and Scott Speedman who are the heroes of their factions. Neither one is better than the other and you can pick the side you like. Much like things like Warcraft, there is no "bad" side. Both sides have bad people but you are not a bad guy for choosing Horde over Alliance (in fact this is the only and right choice...) and you're not wrong for picking werewolf over vampire. However, as the films go on the Vampires you come to realize are kinda dicks. They basically hunt werewolves and use them as slaves. They keep them oppressed , deny them rights and privileges and for literally doing nothing wrong. It was after the third film that the producers had to look at the vampires and ask "Are we the baddies?" So the forth film really ramps up how evil the werewolves are and how they are doing all these horrible things hoping for a vampire genocide which then forces you into being like "Wow, werewolves are evil I guess I'm team vamp." No! That's why the fifth film the conflict is among the vamps which seems to be the logical place to go, and better than rehashing the same story again.
  22. 1 point
    What I still don't get is how Scott Speedman thought he was too big to return to this series.
  23. 1 point
    The Witcher is fun, less Game of Thron-ey than i thought it would be, and better for it ( Although there are dragons. And nudity ). I'm crossing my fingers for a couple of days to finally watch the last eps of The Good Place. Hope everybody is ok, and taking precautions. Be safe yall.
  24. 1 point
    Apocalypse Now is my favorite movie. So I'll go ahead and admit to my crime. I waited a day to post a response to the episode, because as I was hiking and listening to it, I was wondering if I was listening to a a review of the movie, or listening to an episode regarding all the background information (making, financing, producers, editors...), and even a review about a pseudo-documentary about the making of AN. (If I'm not mistaken, wasn't the doc made by Coppola's daughter? And if that is true, I think Coppola is hamming it up for her.) I saw the Heart if Darkness doc when it was in the theater, and I only remember that I felt Coppola was a bad actor. I'm 55, so I saw the movie back when the original ending was the fire mission on Kurtz' compound, which has since been deleted in all the redo's of AN. Kurtz leaves the note in his memoir to Willard to kill them all. So in the end, Willard is actually following the order of Kurtz. Why Coppola removed the scene is lost on me. (then again Coppola went on to make "Wind", so maybe he just wanted to make turds) Back to the ep. The idea that Americans in war are white hat wearing good guys that spread glad tidings, and that the movie makers should somehow be ashamed that they presented scenes of women being objectified, isn't true to the culture in which the movie was made, or the reality of sending Playboy Bunnies to a combat area. I was in an infantry division, the Big Red One. This is the early 80's (so just a few years after AN comes out), but back then there were NO WOMEN IN COMBAT UNITS, just guys. The average age for these young men in Vietnam was 19. Nothing more than kids. The only time we saw women was when we were in the rear, and went to bars, and the only women around were strippers. So you end up with 20,000~ young guys having only a look at a handful of women and your interaction is to throw $1 bills at them. Its a business transaction between the woman and the men. Its distressing, Guys are yelling, its been months since a woman has even looked in their or our direction. You are yelling just so you can gain some sort of attention and validation from someone or something outside of your world. So I understand why they are yelling obscenities at the women, but you can't look at these scenes with 2018 sensibilities, they are desperate to be be seen. Why the desperation? There was no email, the ability to even find a telephone is scarce to impossible. There is no skype. As time goes by, you get fewer and fewer letters from home. As a soldier you are cranking out letters all the time, but families and friends trail off. You live to see the mail distribution guy, you have a lot of hope that you will get mail, but when your name isn't called, you're gutted. When days without mail turns into weeks & months you lose your sense of importance in the world. You become a non-person. You existence isn't even validated by loved ones. So the yelling and obscenities is desperation for validation. If someone from the world can at least see you, its enough to get you through another day. One time I got to see a USO show. Its important to point out, the soldiers do not get to dictate what act or acts they see. I know for the one show I saw, we weren't told anything beyond "Its a USO show." We've been in the Mojave for a month, get back to the rear, and are now going to a USO show. Half an infantry division. All young guys, haven't seen a woman in well over a month, Russians are in Afghanistan, so we get switched from winter training to desert training, this is under Reagan, Casper Weinberger is in attendance, and the act they put on the stage was an all girl dance school. So you have a couple adult women wearing their tight dancer outfits, and clearly this is a dance school, because there is also a lot of kids wearing leotards dancing on the stage. Guys are screaming for the adult women's attention, but make no mistake, its awkward that they brought children into this environment. I'm in the back, I can barely see anyways, and the guys in my platoon are looking at each other, because those were kids. Finally the dance recital ends, and the one adult woman comes back out on stage wearing a skimpy burlesque outfit, and slinks around the stage for ten minutes while the song "Hey Big Spender" blares over the PA. Guys are screaming, but its obvious the clothes are staying on, who cares, we just want out of the field. My platoon is about a football field away. Its all odd, and out of place, but the soldiers are not the organizers, and they are going to behave in a way that a group of rowdies behave. Because all we know about women is you throw dollar bills at them, just hoping they acknowledge you. "Fuck on the front of their helicopters," the line in the movie's meaning was just as it was presented, when you are in the business of murder, why draw the line at the word "fuck?" When I was in, we wore the steelpot helmet, on top of that steelpot is a cloth camo cover to hold down the fabric cover was a thin elastic band. Usually guys would put their last name on the band, or the name of their favorite bands, or maybe peace signs or religious symbols. I wrote the word "FUCK." Now by 1983, not many people had seen Apocalypse Now. Not many soldiers had a video tape player, cable TV, (I think when Back to the Future came out on VHS it cost $80.00, so you need to remember that you can't view Apocalypse Now with 2018 perspective.) So I caught shit from officers, because they didn't like "FUCK" on my camo band, so they made me flip it to the other side (where they probably thought things got better), but on the reverse side of the camo band I wrote "YOU." Guys like me would be labeled as bad attitude, and was constantly in need of adjustment. The Do Long Bridge scene. Do Long Bridge would be a bridge that is being pointlessly rebuilt and friendly troops killed, because it would be a meat grinder. You send your troops with bad attitudes to meat grinders. When Roach is asked by Willard, if he he knew who was in charge, Roach's response of "yeah," meant that their was no official leadership, and Roach considered himself to be in charge. Why? Because the panicked soldier Willard is talking to is firing a 50 cal into a pile of bodies, but he can't kill the guy that is taunting them from underneath those bodies. (the VC soldier clearly yells "Hey GI, fuck you!" They call Roach over, who had been sleeping through all this, comes over with his M79 grenade launcher, turns down the radio, and without having a visual of the enemy, by simply hearing where the VC's voice killed him with that grenade. Its badass. That's skill, so when Roach says "yeah" its Roach knowing he's badass. (I should reel myself in, I said I had a bad attitude and guys with bad attitudes would be sent to meat grinders, my attitude might never register on anyone's radar, because no one wants to be in that situation). Point being they send expendables to meat grinders. Putting off a day to respond, its a dick move on my part to review a review, but after this word blast, it boils down to me saying, that AN can not be viewed with 2018 sensibilities. When the movie came out, there were only a couple other movies that were about Vietnam. Coming Home, Green Berets, and some Burt Lancaster movie. So the perspective AN gives, is a perspective that was unknown to a global audience. A perspective only a few years removed from the end of the war. It was so recent, that even when I served, I was getting called names, and hissed at in airports. I stopped wearing my uniforms on planes because of the abuse. As far as the reduxes and alternate endings, Coppola should admit those as failures, and go back to the original ending of the destruction of the compound during the credits. * I came back to edit a little bit. It was early in the morning when I posted, and I was still a wittle sweepy. Paul, I think you mentioned that you had done some USO shows, glad that whoever organizes the new shows, follows Harris Wittels' adage "mother fuckers just want to laugh." The organizers probably told Paul to shake as many hands, and say hello to everyone that he could. Those things go a long way to to buoy a kid's spirit, and each spirit you lifted made that a good day. So thank you for your service Paul.
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