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  1. 2 points
    https://news.avclub.com/quarantines-produced-a-new-cut-of-blade-runner-this-on-1842981758 i didn’t CREATE it, of course, but he responded to it within a couple minutes.
  2. 2 points
    He also had a lot of trouble with “Rowdy” Roddy Piper in Hell Comes to Frogtown. I think that’s a great category
  3. 2 points
    I may have dreamed up a new category last night. What do you guys think? Best Paul Aggressively Mispronunciation Ron Silva from “Timecop” (time code needed, was this also “balcony monsters?”) Louise Guzman from “Teen Witch” (time code needed) Snake Plisten from “Escape from LA” (time code needed) oh fuck I had another eta: Vanilla Frog from “Simply Irresistible”? (It was fog as we established in the mini.)
  4. 1 point
    If you’re lucky, it’s streaming on your library’s streaming service for free. I enjoyed it very much but IT IS BONKERS!!!
  5. 1 point
    Easy no for me too. My bullshit detector is good, I think; and this movie is nothing but.
  6. 1 point
    Also a very easy no from me and I agree with all this. I was impressed with all the songs until I realized nearly all the music predates the movie. Maybe if the music was incorporated in an engaging or interesting way but it's just "Then he wrote another song." So,the only thing this is really bringing is Cagney's performance. I think Amy and Paul are a bit off that the patriotism wouldn't play in 2020. There's still a huge segment of America that will always be rah rah America no matter who the president is or what we're currently doing. I wouldn't limit it to just Trump supporters either. I, personally, find jingoism and patriotism and nationalism kind of strange. It's not a turn off in a movie unless it's just propaganda but it's certainly never going to win points with me.
  7. 1 point
    Thanks, Graham. Yeah, it sucks, but it is what it is. While I was grateful to have that job while I did, being laid-off has essentially afforded me a new opportunity to pursue a career in what I actually went to school for: creative writing (articles, reviews (record and film), interviews, etc.) Despite the current pandemic, I'm going to remain optimistic in forging a new career path that utilizes the 15 years' worth of creative writing, editing and story planning experience I've built up. Three weeks of being out of work is depressing and demoralizing enough; I'm ready and motivated to get back on my feet.
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Three weeks ago, I was Covid-canned from my J-O-B of nearly five years, so I decided to drown my sorrows in some shoegaze-y noise-pop. In the interest of trying to stay creative and motivated, and made this mix and I am sharing it with anyone on this board with a ear towards static gossamer noise-pop: Enjoy!
  11. 1 point
    I like Hornby but haven't read that book or seen the film yet. But I will! One of them anyway. I like Apatow too, for the most part, and especially enjoyed his recent documentary about Garry Shandling.
  12. 1 point
    Ah, I did not realize it was streaming free. Awesome!
  13. 1 point
    Since I was bitching about it the most, I think it’s only fair to mention Bloodshot is on sale on iTunes for $15 this week. Still a bit rich for my blood when it will be available to rent in two weeks, but I thought it was worth mentioning if anyone else was interested. Also, a few weeks ago they announced they were doing a live show of A Sound of Thunder. Of course, things being what they are, I assume that show has been postponed, but I’m guessing they will still be doing it at some point. Anyway, it is currently 4.99 on iTunes, about the price of a rental, if anyone is interested in picking it up (I did ) before it goes back to full price.
  14. 1 point
    Although it might be triggering for people who don’t like horror/feel trapped at home right now.
  15. 1 point
    this ones a banger
  16. 1 point
    Unrelated to this episode, I found this trending on YouTube and thought of you guys.
  17. 1 point
    I am impressed by all the hard work coming up with categories here!
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