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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/28/20 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    When your boyfriend tells you he is the man that killed you 30 years ago and will again it’s best to get away as fast as possible
  2. 5 points
    Let’s talk astronomy. If a Star only 30 light years away goes supernova we’re all dead.
  3. 3 points
    I wonder if there is something more to the tossing of the trays that was either cut from the movie or just not explained because it also seemed wasteful to me, though I thought perhaps someone else was taking the papers out and restocking the trays later. I also noticed that Teresa ended every single one of her texts to Dylan with 'xxx" which I have never seen in a movie outside of a person who is having an affair, only for their significant other to find the text on their phone. As for Jonas' intentions at the end, I do think he had the intention of killing Teresa as a backup plan, which is why Dylan had to go to the train station to stop it from happening. It's clear to me that Jonas, who I though was played by mumble-horror mainstay Joe Swanberg for half of the movie, also knew he was a reincarnation as he was stalking Teresa with his whole mega-apartment being filled with portraits of her and that collage of headshots of hers, and saying things like how he hopes Dylan realizes how good he has it being with her and other clingy crap. Then when they are at Grand Central, he asks the ticket guy for tickets to that station that has been closed for 30 years, which if I'm that ticket seller I start wondering why multiple people are asking for tickets to a place that hasn't been running in decades. It's at this point Teresa is starting to see the signs as well and realizes that Dylan was right about the connection between them and the victims from 30 years prior, piled onto by Jonas calling her the previous girl's name. So when she starts to push away from him as he's got both hands on either side of her face and is beet red demanding she say she loves him, it's clear the next thing would have been him using that gun on her right then if Dylan hadn't shown up and taken Jonas' attention off of Teresa. And Dylan breaks the cycle of 2:22 by taking the bullet meant for Teresa, which didn't happen in 87 as evident by how piss poor it was explained in the movie. The standoff concluded with the cop killing the pregnant woman, the guy she really loved killed the cop, and the cops killed him and then framed him as a criminal to cover up the fact that this detective just unprovoked murdered a pregnant chick. Also did this movie have the most overt, on-the-nose soundtrack ever? The ballet song was about being alone and finding someone to love, the park dance song had a similar message and if I recall the flashbacks had some overt music.
  4. 3 points
    Did anyone else notice when Dylan first walks up to Sarah in the bar, she asks if he wants to get out of here. He says yes. Cut scene to a bar. But weren't they just at a bar? If I say i want to get out of here it is because i need a change of scenery but they simply switched bars. Maybe the first place was a restaurant but it definitely had a full bar and therefore i was confounded on their choice. I was expecting them to go to a park or someones apartment, not another bar. Second did anyone else notice that the police did not give a f*** about Dylan when he was dying on the floor of Grand Central Station. Only two cops were shown hovering over Jonas but they were no longer securing the scene, they instead appeared to be talking oblivious to the dying person. Does this mean the final scene of Dylan as a pilot never happened because Dylan bleed out ( not from a gun shot wound but) from the apathy of first responders.
  5. 2 points
    Paul, June, and Jason discuss the 2017 science fiction thriller 2:22 recorded live from Portland, OR! They talk about aerial ballet, sacred geometry, the badassery of air traffic control, and much more. Subscribe to Unspooled with Paul Scheer and Amy Nicholson here: http://www.earwolf.com/show/unspooled/ Check out The Jane Club over at www.janeclub.com Check out new HDTGM merch over at https://www.teepubli…wdidthisgetmade Where to Find Jason, June & Paul: @PaulScheer on Instagram & Twitter @Junediane on IG and @MsJuneDiane on Twitter Jason is Not on Twitter
  6. 2 points
    The episode does a great job of pointing out the large flaws of this movie, but there were several small things throughout the movie that really irked me. 1. I found the throwing away of the trays with the flight info to be incredibly wasteful. Why not throw out the paper with the flight info and just reuse the tray? 2. I was bothered by Teresa Palmer putting her ice cream cone inside the cup with Dylan's phone that was being used as the speaker. There is no way his phone or that speaker are not a complete sticky mess with melted ice cream. 3. Dylan ended every text message with "D." You are not sending letters or even email, you do not need to indicate who you are in every text message. What an unnecessary waste of time. 4. If Jonas does not intend to kill Teresa Palmer, then why does he bring a gun with him when they try to go away together for the weekend?
  7. 2 points
    How about the two part Head of the Class when they did Hair. Not sure how a high school would manage to produce that show
  8. 1 point
    Yea it was kind of a bummer. Like I had friends who played videogames but the only games we'd ever talk about would be stuff like NFL Blitz or Smash Brothers. The thought of being able to discuss things like Final Fantasy or Kings Quest was almost inconceivable.
  9. 1 point
    I can't recall the last time my reaction to a movie's climax was so at odds with what the movie was going for. I laughed out loud when Daario the 2nd whispered "boom". I'm glad I wasn't in a theater to ruin the experience for the one other person that would have been there. The part of the movie that bugged me the most is all of the other characters who served no purpose other than to establish the pattern to be noticed. Fate had to intervene in all of their lives too just to put them in the right place and the right time. I think if you start tracing back each of their lives that brought them to that moment then it will very quickly spiderweb out and everything in the world is just clockwork to get to the Grand Central Station showdown. Essentially this movie leans very hard into the idea of predestination which I have never cared for at all.
  10. 1 point
    Teresa palmer has done more movies with numbers than bruce willis 222, 237,parts per million kill me 3 times, triple 9, i am number 4, grudge 2 Also filmed before virus and jason said to avoid this stay inside for 2 wks
  11. 1 point
    I know Dylan thought he saw the day he died, but he really saw the day everyone missed their train. The movie showed the train on the board as being scheduled for 2:22, so it should be just about ready to pull away from the platform as they all mill about in the Great Hall. Also did the aerial ballet have 2 superhuman performers or was it only like 15 minutes long? I have trouble believing 2 acrobats would have the physical stamina to extend a 10 minute circus act into a 90 minute show.
  12. 1 point
    I think for this movie they shot 2 minutes and 22 seconds of stock footage and just keep reusing it all as montages, slow-mo moments, flashbacks, and patterns.
  13. 1 point
    I wish I could take credit, but I just copy and pasted it from the podcast description
  14. 1 point
    How could Jason, Paul, and June not realize the twist in the plot? I love you guys but i was surprised none of you three figured it out. Here are the clues i picked up on: the beginning we see the murder in Grand Central Station but never see faces only bodies and the gun. Clearly they wanted us to not know who those people were. (Which turne dout to be a red herring since it was not the same actors playing those three characters.) Dylan and Sarah have the same birthday in 1987. Sarah and Jonas were previously a couple. When Dylan visits the sister who explains the murder love triangle happened 30 years ago it became obvious to me what the twist would be. At that point the little interest i had in the film was gone and I started playing on my phone while watching the movie. @Cameron H. i love that you keep the Jason twitter joke going. I wish they would occasionally bring it up in the show.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    Tacos, Burritos, Chips and Cheese...Alligator Soup and Bumble Bees Nuts
  17. 1 point
    Best musical ever better grease Chicago or last horror
  18. 1 point
    As for the director's cut ending, I'm wondering if that's more the style of the original musical. They didn't have Mean Green Mother from Outer Space so that "cinematic" ending would be more of a punch to an audience physically walking out of a theater. Adding it to the movie after the addition of Mean Green was too much. (Sorry for the spate of posts. I had a bad few days adjusting to a better way of eating so I'm catching up now.)
  19. 1 point
    Here's an article from The Decider talking about why the movie works well. Who would have thought Fozzie Bear could make a movie with such humor? Fozzie's jokes weren't "funny".
  20. 1 point
    I completely agree about the practical effects. I would go so far as to say they look better in HD quality. I can't say that for most movies, even more modern ones. I admit to being tainted by HDTGM. I was so sure the movie makers pulled a Streets of Fire and draped an outside area so scenes could be shot irregardless of the sun. Later it was obvious it was a set, especially when it rains but the Doo-Wop Girls don't get wet until they step out into the street. Even then it doesn't seem like they get very wet. Very good compositing? (GIF from Tumblr)
  21. 1 point
    Let he who is without sin grab the last P’zone.
  22. 1 point
    Man, the gamer stigma of the past is so weird to me, I'm retroactively bummed for your experience. Growing up, pretty much every kid played video games, and if they didn't have a home console they'd play at a friend's house who did. During downtime in class, Nintendo Power and other gaming mags were freely passed around. There was a waiting list to play Oregon Trail on the few computers our elementary school had. I don't recall any adults ever chiding us for playing games. My father enjoyed playing Zelda, and my mother enjoyed watching my brother and I play. She still brings up how funny it was listening to me play GTA III while she was on the computer. The only criticism I recall from them was not to waste money at the arcade on a game if they could buy it for our Nintendo. I could never get a perfect alignment during the matching mini-game in SMB3. Either the bottoms or the middles would always be off. I'm still bitter about it.
  23. 1 point
    I actually got a chance to work on this movie, shot in Ireland, and it was such a great experience. Loved meeting Will Forte, and everyone who worked on it was lovely. It turned out really well. Glad people are enjoying it!
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Cool. Couldn’t be sure from the trailer. Just curious... have either of you watched Fateful Findings yet?
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