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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/20/20 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    "Inelegant" is the only intelligible anagram I could find of "Eglantine".
  2. 2 points
  3. 2 points
    I was approached by an authority and told I shouldn't have posted about my anagram.
  4. 1 point
    Daddy's about to cook some bacon and try not to start a grease fire with his tears
  5. 1 point
    Apologies for threadjacking. I hadn't meant to but was having fun joking around. As for the movie, my biggest "quibble" is that they still tried to make it Mary Poppins once they already had secured and then made Mary Poppins. They should have gone back and said "What made these books popular on their own?" or at least "What first interested us in the books?" and gone with that. It's almost like they were trying to make a direct-to-video sequel of Mary Poppins. The other fatal flaw was cutting the length of the movie to fit the Radio City Music Hall. Not only did it change the film (quoted below) but the trimmed parts were lost or hard to restore. So, everyone across the country has seen a version that was done to accommodate one specific location! Here's a quote from Richard Sherman about losing the children singing Nobody's Problems.
  6. 1 point
    When watching this, I wondered what happened to the kids since I didn't recognize them from anything else. The two boys have no other screen credits to their names. It got me thinking about how weird that is. Disney was very much a studio system kind of studio. You'd see a lot of kids show up in their projects and nowhere else. It seems like even now Disney creates and molds their child actors pretty heavily until they don't have any use for them anymore. I didn't do any deep research on this but I have to assume these kids lives (as actors) were kind of made and ruined by this movie. It's pretty easy to imagine them thinking "our first role ever is in a Disney movie that's a hit" and that never lead to anything. It's also easy to imagine Disney going "we don't really have any roles for kids with thick London accents...so, let them rot until they aren't cute."
  7. 1 point
    My mom had a heart attack the day before this dropped. The hospital was nice enough to let me stay overnight. Stressful time. Still stressful. Glad I had this episode to distract myself for 2 glorious hours. Thank you.
  8. 1 point
    If you're wondering how on the ball award ceremonies are, Angela Lansbury was nominated for a Golden Globe for Best Actress in a Comedy or Musical in 1971 for this film. She lost to Twiggy in a movie called The Boy Friend. The other nominees were equally obscure, at least to me. In fact, the only nominated actress in a film I've heard of is Ruth Gordon as Maude in Harold and Maude -- which she totally should have won. I guess Bedknobs and Brromsticks and Harold and Maude had the last laugh, huh?
  9. 1 point
    I meant to mention the line you said most during the Kast showing was (paraphrased) "Don't show them your knob, kid."
  10. 1 point
    Old McNopants had a farm, E I E OH MY!
  11. 1 point
    Oh the weather outside is frightful. And the fire is also frightful. Iā€™m in Hell.
  12. 1 point
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