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Episode 134 - Can't Stop the Music: LIVE!

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Everybody look under your chairs....


You Get a Baby!!! You Get a Baby!!! Everyone gets a brand new, fully loaded BABY!!!!









heheh jk jk CONGRATS TO YOU!!


...but seriously, I don't want no part of any baby curses

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heheh jk jk CONGRATS TO YOU!!


...but seriously, I don't want no part of any baby curses


I can exempt you from any baby cursing (which is adorable btw) but it might be easier for you to just donate yours to charity.


Just sayin'


And thank you, Shannon!

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...but seriously, I don't want no part of any baby curses

Then Shannon was like…



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Hey guys, I just found out I'm going to have another boy!


Fuck all the negativity. Right now, I'm the happiest man on Earth!











now ... quick question ... do we get to name him?


first names that come to mind ... sylvester ... nicolas ... vin ... or if youre feeling adventurous ... jean-claude???

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A few things, not all of the village people were gay. Glenn Hughes (leathermen don't get nervous) was straight, as was Victor Willis. Also, in the auditions, the heavy metal guy on a leash was Blackie Lawless from the 80s hair metal band W.A.S.P

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now ... quick question ... do we get to name him?


first names that come to mind ... sylvester ... nicolas ... vin ... or if youre feeling adventurous ... jean-claude???

Zouks St. Cage, there the name issue is solved.

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now ... quick question ... do we get to name him?


first names that come to mind ... sylvester ... nicolas ... vin ... or if youre feeling adventurous ... jean-claude???


Ha! You don't know how close I was to throwing that responsibility out to you guys!


The problem was, since we already have a boy, we were kind of thinking it was going to be a girl, so we had that name locked down. We hadn't really thought of a boy's name. Also, and here's the real problem, as you get older, you realize that with any name you can think of you've met at least one person with that name you just can't stand (could just be because I'm a misanthrope, also).


Anyway, I thought of letting you all decide, because I respect all of your opinions; I looked forward to all the variations of "Nic Cage" that were bound to come up; and I was secretly hoping that I could tell my son one day, "Where did we get your name? Why, sit down son and let me tell you the story of Fister Roboto..."


It all became moot though when he told us his name--it happens, I swear. So my second son's name is going to be Hunter. Which I particularly like for the literary connotations...




I've got to say though, he was awfully close to being named Clint. My first born son's name is Jake (because we thought it sort of sounded like the name of a private eye in a film noir), and I thought Jake and Clint could maybe start their own Cowboy Detective Agency,™ but alas, a father's dream was not to be...

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Congratulations Cameron! That is so exciting!


BTW, I vote for Dameron H.

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It all became moot though when he told us his name--it happens, I swear. So my second son's name is going to be Hunter. Which I particularly like for the literary connotations...




And here my mind immediately went to Hunter Hearst Helmsley. Must be all the WWE talk earlier in the thread.



I sincerely hope this doesn't ruin the boy for you.


Also congrats.

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Ha! You don't know how close I was to throwing that responsibility out to you guys!


The problem was, since we already have a boy, we were kind of thinking it was going to be a girl, so we had that name locked down. We hadn't really thought of a boy's name.



My parents had the opposite problem with me. My mom's OBGYN was a huge asshole who didn't believe in sonograms, and my parents were absolutely sure that I was going to be a boy, so they didn't even bother with a girl's name. I ended up being named after a nurse's daughter.


So in some alternate universe I'm a dude named Brent.



Also congrats!

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A few things, not all of the village people were gay. Glenn Hughes (leathermen don't get nervous) was straight, as was Victor Willis.


That reminds me that there is also a Glenn Hughes that has been the lead singer for both Deep Purple and Black Sabbath, which makes me wonder if during the late 70s people were asking if he was the guy from The Village People.

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My parents had the opposite problem with me. My mom's OBGYN was a huge asshole who didn't believe in sonograms, and my parents were absolutely sure that I was going to be a boy, so they didn't even bother with a girl's name. I ended up being named after a nurse's daughter.


So in some alternate universe I'm a dude named Brent.



Also congrats!


The nurse's daughter was named Amy The Gorilla? That's fucked up.

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I am confident that, rather than relying upon decades of performing experience to tell them how to read an audience, and rather than continuing to book a guest who is both a professional comedian and their friend, Paul and Jason will heed the advice of a tiny contingent of anonymous Internet users whose first interaction with them is to badmouth said friend.


According to Soundcloud, 187,000 people have listened to this episode so far. Amongst all social media, maybe 100 people have complained to them about Cameron. You are statistically insignificant.


Oh, come on man. In 130+ episodes, have you seen as much negativity as you have in this episode?


Statistically speaking, there's a LOT of opposition to this episode. Sure, it's not a random sample, but if it's enough to get that many people to register an opinion it's clearly more than a simple statistical blip.


Don't be obtuse. "Statistically insignificant?" If you honestly think this doesn't affect people's enjoyment of the podcast, you're not doing your job.


Like I had said in my earlier post, I didn't hate this episode, but I thought her unprofessionalism sucks the humor out of the room, and I think it's pretty clear from the audience reactions they thought so too, at least more so than a normal episode. Is that part of your vaunted statistical analysis?


I'm sorry, but your post is just condescending to the fans of the show.

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The nurse's daughter was named Amy The Gorilla? That's fucked up.



It was a gorilla nurse. It was a very progressive hospital.

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This is the best audio quality the live shows have had so far. Thumbs up for improvement. I take it you are recording straight from the desk now instead of from a device. All of the vocal mics are usually really boomy and have way too much natural reverb. It makes everything sound very distant. Straight out of the console is the way to go.


This comment got lost in the shuffle. You are 100% right.

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Congratulations Cameron! That is so exciting!


BTW, I vote for Dameron H.


My wife's surname actually is "Dameron." (And yes...I know if I took her name I'd be "Cameron Dameron.") Both my kids have/will have hyphenated last names, so I was really pushing for "Poe Dameron-H." She wasn't having it.



The nurse's daughter was named Amy The Gorilla? That's fucked up.


This is, like, the funniest joke ever. I can't stop smiling :)

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Oh, come on man. In 130+ episodes, have you seen as much negativity as you have in this episode?


Seriously, this horse was dead 15 pages ago. Most of us have moved on and have tried to pull this thread out of its nose dive and get it back to discussing the movie but some people keep insisting on pushing it back into its earlier tailspin. If you want to discuss your distaste of Cameron Esposito on this episode then Reddit is clearly the place for that.

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Seriously, this horse was dead 15 pages ago. Most of us have moved on and have tried to pull this thread out of its nose dive and get it back to discussing the movie but some people keep insisting on pushing it back into its earlier tailspin. If you want to discuss your distaste of Cameron Esposito on this episode then Reddit is clearly the place for that.



Seriously, we're on me now...:)


And tomorrow, we're gonna talk about this goddamn Village People movie!

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My wife's surname actually is "Dameron." (And yes...I know if I took her name I'd be "Cameron Dameron.") Both my kids' have/will have hyphenated last names, so I was really pushing for "Poe Dameron-H." She wasn't having it.



I also just wanted to add, my nephew's name is Finn, so there was like a real chance for this to happen:





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Oh, come on man. In 130+ episodes, have you seen as much negativity as you have in this episode?

Yes, in countless threads for episodes of Comedy Bang Bang that featured musical guests, and countless threads for episodes of improv4humans that featured musical guests. And do you know what happened as a result of all that "fan backlash"? Scott and Besser continued booking musical guests, and their detractors either stopped listening to the show or decided their energy was better spent elsewhere. This Cameronado will dissipate soon enough.


Don't be obtuse. "Statistically insignificant?" If you honestly think this doesn't affect people's enjoyment of the podcast, you're not doing your job.

What is my mission "job", exactly? I am a glorified janitor who spends too many hours a day on this site, deleting torrents of spam from Korean robots and merging Bad Movie Recommendation threads. Occasionally, I must tolerate a two-week-long spate of people spewing hate about a particular guest, only removing one or two comments that stray into outright personal attacks. And for this, I am paid the staggering sum of $0.







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I think we should move forward to a topic that shouldn't cause any kinds of arguments. So what do you guys think about religion, eh?

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What is my mission "job"exactly? I am a glorified janitor who spends too many hours a day on this site, deleting torrents of spam from Korean robots and merging Bad Movie Recommendation threads. Occasionally, I must tolerate a two-week-long spate of people spewing hate about a particular guest, only removing one or two comments that stray into outright personal attacks. And for this, I am paid the staggering sum of $0.



Just like the "Dirty Jobs" motto. Making civilized life possible for the rest of us.


I salute you.



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So this is kind of interesting: looking up Glenn Hughes (as mentioned, the Biker of the Village People) on Wikipedia led me to his eventual replacement in the role, Eric Anzalone.


Mr. Anzalone, in addition to being a Village Person, portrayed Donatello during the Ninja Turtles "Coming Out of Our Shells" live tour.

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Ha! You don't know how close I was to throwing that responsibility out to you guys!


The problem was, since we already have a boy, we were kind of thinking it was going to be a girl, so we had that name locked down. We hadn't really thought of a boy's name. Also, and here's the real problem, as you get older, you realize that with any name you can think of you've met at least one person with that name you just can't stand (could just be because I'm a misanthrope, also).


Anyway, I thought of letting you all decide, because I respect all of your opinions; I looked forward to all the variations of "Nic Cage" that were bound to come up; and I was secretly hoping that I could tell my son one day, "Where did we get your name? Why, sit down son and let me tell you the story of Fister Roboto..."


It all became moot though when he told us his name--it happens, I swear. So my second son's name is going to be Hunter. Which I particularly like for the literary connotations...

I genuinely was gonna try and force a "Taylor" on you because let's be real here, it's the perfect name (like Amy my family thought I could be a boy but alternate universe me was... still going to be Taylor...), but I legit read "Hunter" and got kinda verklempt! I love it!


I've got to say though, he was awfully close to being named Clint. My first born son's name is Jake (because we thought it sort of sounded like the name of a private eye in a film noir), and I thought Jake and Clint could maybe start their own Cowboy Detective Agency,™ but alas, a father's dream was not to be...

Clint would have been fun. Just so his fun internet aunt (yes I just gave myself that title deal with it) could send him hilarious things like this...



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