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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/29/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    I love these two hidden gems... 1. During one of the man / woman scenes on the street, you can see posters for Predator along the wall: 2) After being pick-pocketed, we see Action Jackson's wallet stating he was born in 1938. Wow! The filmakers made a conscious effort to say Jericho is 50 yo? Where was the "I'm getting too old for this shit" comment? 3) On a side note, here is a handy chart to show all the crossover actors who appeared in this movie, but also Lethal Weapon, Die Hard, Commando and Predator. As I call this film... It's the Kevin Bacon of 80s Action Films.
  2. 2 points
    I need to find all the episodes that have Paul's Childhood Moments because they are GOLD. I know that the Little Buddy one is from one of the Chicago shows . I think it's Striptease. Can you guys think about any other great Paul Childhood Moments? I still love that he and his mom watched Bratz together.
  3. 2 points
    Ha! I actually just listened to this last night... Reindeer Games, begins around 5:15
  4. 2 points
    This has happened to me twice. The odd laugh every now and again sure but twice to the point of having to get off the train at the wrong stop because I look like a madman just cackling away. Once was the infamous Sleepaway Camp episode the second was Todd Glass's trying to identify U2 songs on "Are You Two Talking U2 to Me?"
  5. 2 points
    Yes, it is possible to jump over a car:
  6. 2 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? I think the first episode I listened to was Theodore Rex and the first episode I joined in on the forums was the Star Wars Holiday Special. Favorite catchphrase? Before it was run into the ground - is this a Jacob's Ladder situation? A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ;)) – Two moments come to mind. The View To a Kill episode (around 54:30) - the gang goes into a riff about the guys who make the models and maps for super villains. And then Matt Gourley chimes in at the end saying that he has yet to see a flaw in this movie. Second, I can’t remember the episode, but I love Paul’s anecdote about how he once tried to French kiss his mother. If anyone remembers the episode, please let me know! The episode you revisit the most – I don’t revisit any of the episodes (too much new content to keep up with), but I have relistened to the PFT episodes. The movie that you loved or hated watching – I thank HDTGM for introducing me to Miami Connection and hate HDTGM for introducing me to Garbage Pail Kids. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine – I listen to the episode on my commutes and try not to burst into laughter on public transportation. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff - I'm thankful that the show introduced me to the special community here. I was introduced to HDTGM by my trainer at the time, who recommended HDTGM and Joe Rogan’s podcast. Imagine how different things could’ve turned out for me if I had gotten hooked to Joe Rogan’s podcast instead?
  7. 2 points
    Sorry, we're only doing observations for this episode
  8. 2 points
    Congrats and thanks for 200 episodes! HDTGM is a true source of joy. My question is what was Coach's original assassination plan for the president of the AWA? When he is having lunch with him to set up the party and the assassination he has no idea that Action Jackson will be involved and he'll have him as the fall guy. So Coach thought the best place to murder someone is at his house with tons of witnesses and no one to frame? In regards to the pickpocket taking Jackson's wallet the best I can come up with is that Jackson needed to be without his wallet for the weird pool hall scene because those guys would have searched him and found out he was a cop and then the "he's my touched in the head brother" rescue wouldn't have worked. That is me doing a lot of work for the movie though. They should have added an ADR line from a pool hall goon saying "we didn't find evidence to contradict your story" to Vanity. I had to go back and re-listen to the Action Boyz episode about Action Jackson to make sure I wasn't accidentally repeating their points. For anyone who doesn't know about Action Boyz I think it would appeal to a lot of HDTGM fans. It is three guys (Jon Gabrus, Ryan Stanger, Ben Rodgers) breaking down classic action movies. They do it in a more beat by beat way than HDTGM but with plenty of hilarious detours along the way. It is a Patreon podcast so it isn't free but there are some free episodes in the High and Mighty podcast feed to check out. I think it is great but fair warning Jason would not be the Jason of this group if you catch my meaning so it won't be for everyone.
  9. 1 point
    Happy 200th episodes, Paul, Jason and June! This episode is hilarious and so much fun. It ranks right up there with my personal favorite, 88 Minutes. I'm lucky enough to be married to a woman who loves 80 action movies (Lethal Weapon, Beverly Hills Cop, Die Hard--essentially the films Action Jackson is in the center of the Venn diagram of). She had never seen, let alone heard of, Action Jackson, so this was her first time watching this endlessly entertaining film. Needless to say, she absolutely loved it. "This movie is fuckin' perfect!" she exclaimed 20 minutes in. It was so much fun watching this movie with her (I haven't seen it in over 20 years since first watching it on VHS) and we had a blast. Thank you for making this movie HDTGM's 200th. Okay, so never having tried heroin, I have to admit that I am not exactly an expert on this illicit drug. My general knowledge of its addiction is derived primarily from seeing it portrayed in films like Trainspotting, Pulp Fiction and Requiem for a Dream. In Action Jackson, it's established that Dellaplane has hooked Vanity on heroin (or, is he fostering her already established addiction--this guy's a creep, so either way... ). Okay, but does the old-timey syringe she uses look a bit too hefty for shooting-up with? It looks like the kind of syringe an veterinarian would use on large animals. Then there's the effect the drug has on Vanity: instead of coming across as lethargic and, well, stupor-y, she's acts like a fidgety, drunken sex-pot who, once she gets back to apartment, has "the munchies." Now, I don't want to say that the filmmakers had a sub-remedial understanding of heroin addiction, but their portrayal of it is like a grab bag of lurid addiction symptoms à la Refer Madness. Dellaplane owns a car company located in Detroit, MI, a highly competitive market which is dominated by "the big three": Ford, Chevrolet and Dodge. Dellaplane's company doesn't seem to produce any other models of cars other than the two-door sports car that looks suspicious like a Pontiac Fiero with 80's Ferrari vents glued on to the side of it, so how successful can this guy really be? Additionally, Dellaplane, a "successful" automobile magnate, is driven around town not in a luxury car manufactured by his own company, but rather in a Mercedes Benz limo instead. Also, the establishing shot of his narrow, multi-story factory (which must be super convenient for mass producing cars on an assembly line) shows a large, old brick building with several windows busted out. The guy can afford a private army of assassins (with an endless supply of butterfly knives), fund a convoluted murder scheme and lives in a very nice old school mansion, but he can't repair the windows in his company's headquarters? It was mentioned during the podcast how the producers came up with the name Action Jackson, and an Australian crew member exclaimed, "I'm in like... " yadda, yadda, yadda. Action Jackson is actually the name of a line of action figures produced by the Mego Corporation during the 1970's. The commercials had a pretty catchy theme song: "Action Jackson is my name/Bold adventure is my game!" which , incidentally, was also sung by by Joel and the Bots on an episode of MST3K. Anyhoo... here is one of the Action Jackson television commercials: Lastly, the actor who played the butler in Action Jackson is Nicholas Worth. He was also in another great action movie: Sam Raimi's Dark Man. He sadly passed away in 2007.
  10. 1 point
    Did anyone else recognize Dellaplane's mansion as "Stately Wayne Manor" from the '66 Batman TV show?? Digging a little online, it is quite the celebrity home (the home itself, not because celebrities live there). In addition to Action Jackson and Batman, it has been featured in Dead Again, Rush Hour, Bowfinger, Scary Movie 2, The X Files, and Stand By Me. http://www.iamnotastalker.com/2010/04/06/wayne-manor-from-the-batman-television-series/ Apparently Paul McCartney bought the property in 2005. Here's the Zillow report. Anyone looking to drop $9 mil on a 10-bedroom? https://www.zillow.com/homedetails/380-S-San-Rafael-Ave-Pasadena-CA-91105/20858675_zpid/
  11. 1 point
    I didn’t even notice the predator movie posters cause I was focused on the random 4 white guy a capella group practicing/performing? underneath the posters. Was that a thing in the 80s? Just dudes singing on the sidewalk...or maybe it was a Detroit thing? And action Jackson is really ripped for a 50 year old! congrats on the 200th episode! I’m glad this show exists in my timeline!
  12. 1 point
    This is the worst news I've heard in quite a while. While it lasts, you can catch the following AFI Top 100 Films on FilmStruck/Criterion Channel: 1. Citizen Kane 5. Singin' in the Rain 11. City Lights 31. Maltese Falcon (expires Nov 15) 36. Bridge on the River Kwai (expires Nov 2) 37. The Best Years of Our Lives 38. The Treasure of the Sierra Madre (expires Nov 15) 44. The Philadelphia Story 55. North By Northwest 58. The Gold Rush 63. Cabaret 78. Modern Times 88. Bringing Up Baby 98. Yankee Doodle Dandy Additionally, it seems the following titles are expiring today (if you want to spend your Friday night binging AFI Films): 7. Lawrence of Arabia 16. Sunset Boulevard 22. Some Like It Hot 47. A Streetcar Named Desire
  13. 1 point
    I would like to know which potential sequel name is more unpronounceable: Action Jackson's Son or Action Jackson and Son? Whichever it is, I want that to be the name of the sequel. Can we talk about how Craig T. Nelson should play a bad guy more often because he has a creepy vibe? I didn't watch COACH but when he was on Grace and Frankie I was really grossed out by his hair. I was like Jane Fonda is out of his league!
  14. 1 point
    I hope seth and every single person who works hdtgm is searching for the explanation of the dummy/ maid
  15. 1 point
    The second opinion song was really great this week. I love Carl Weathers. I want to talk to the guy who works with him more.
  16. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? - Con Air Favorite catchphrase? - "We get it, you have friends" A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) - Sorry, no timestamp, but the Faberge eggs rant during the Freejack: Live had me in tears. I have listened to that digression many times; just thinking about it makes me smile. The episode you revisit the most - Freejack, Jason X The movie that you loved or hated watching - loved the most - Rad How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine - listen on the way to work (walk to and ride metro) a couple times a week. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff - I love sharing with people who haven't listened, and then hearing their reaction. I absolutely love the connection with the hosts when the special guest is Jessica St. Claire!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    Paul, I made the same mistake in renting this movie. Four minutes in, I was so in love with this movie, that I paused the movie and went on Amazon to see if I could upgrade to purchase. They were able to refund the rental price so that I could purchase it. Also, Halley's comet is pronounced HAL-ee rhyming with Adam Pally. It is not HAIL-ee.
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Reading all of these is making me feel like the Grinch when his heart grows ! I love you guys so much and I'm so glad that this podcast has brought all of us weirdos together to bask in our complementary weirdness.
  21. 1 point
    Ah I don't have a ton of time to really dive into these but here are some quick answers What was your first episode of HDTGM? Halloween 3, which is odd in retrospect because I'm not a fan of scary movies. Don't know why it made me tune in but it was a great intro because it was just the three of them Favorite catchphrase? 'Literally bonkers'. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? PFT's rant about David E Kelley on the Lake Placid episode and the What's Its Mission story The episode you revisit the most Lake Placid, Deep Blue Sea, Temptation of a Marriage Counselor, From Justin to Kelly, Solarbabies and Howard the Duck - I honestly am hesitant to get a new phone to lose these downloaded episodes. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff It was really my intro into comedy podcasts - from here I learned about Comedy Bang Bang, Spontaneanation, Off Book, etc. It was such a joy to add to my long commute! Plus, it introduced me to a lot of guests that I ended up really loving as well. Even though lately I've been quiet on the Forums (I just quit my job and start a new one soon so I'm all of the sudden busy at work, which is when I normally hung out here!) but I love talking to everyone here, especially Musical Mondays and the monthly group re-watching. Its been nice to have all of these new internet friends that have the same sense of humor and are fun to talk to. Thanks to Paul, June and Jason to starting this podcast and opening this space to all of us!
  22. 1 point
    Okay, long sappy post now: What was your first episode of HDTGM? I don't remember the exact first one. I had been introduced to the podcast during a weekend about three years ago with my brother/best friend as we have always bonded over quoting movies to each other and our love for B-movies. My first few episodes were probably Masters of the Universe, Airborne, and Hackers because those were some of my favorites growing up. I just adored how Jason, June, and Paul treated each of the movies with the kind of nerdy love I always felt, ad they were just so funny. I've been working my way through the backlog since then. Favorite catchphrase? "Hows yo' dick?" by Nicole Byer re: JCVD's splits. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) The one that immediately comes to mind is from The Lake House episode when Aisling Bea and Jason were going back and forth about time-travel-magic-mailbox sex. That made me laugh uncontrollably at my desk with tears running down my face. Of course there's also the Sleepaway Camp episode already mentioned. And basically everything June said during the Striptease episode. The episode you revisit the most Was just re-visiting The Lake House this morning since I finally watched it for the first time on Neflix. I could listen to that one over and over. I haven't revisited a lot of them, though, because I'm still working through the archives. The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved: Hercules in New York, Miami Connection, The Room, Xanadu, Can't Stop the Music, Teen Witch, The Last Dragon, Sleepaway Camp Hated: Theodore Rex, Batman & Robin, Tiptoes What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff The show itself provides a bright spot to my week that I look forward to every Friday. It's a great way to start off the weekend after dealing with the seemingly unrelenting chaos of the rest of the world. It's just an hour or so each week when I can relax and just enjoy some silliness and laughter over some really fun movies I might not have otherwise experienced. I also love nerding out over the movies and episodes with my brother when we have a chance to get together (he's in my home state of WI and I live in DC). The boards have provided a whole new level of engaging with movies, and the community in ways I don't necessarily have the opportunity to do. (Let's be honest, not everyone is so bonkers over bonkers movies!). The respect and acceptance everyone shows toward each other makes this a really special place. It brings a lot of just pure joy. I don't think I'm as articulate as I'd like to be, but its just heartwarming to have found this place and this podcast. I echo the thanks and love to Paul, June, Jason, their guests, and everyone at Earwolf who keeps these forums and the shows running.
  23. 1 point
    I feel 100% the same way. Love you, guys.
  24. 1 point
    Reading everyone else's responses so far made me cry. I love all y'all dumb-dumbs so much it's literally bonkers. This is truly the best community and I feel so incredibly fucking lucky to have y'all in my life.
  25. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? Since the very beginning. To make a short story longer, I was listening to Comedy Death Radio back in it's early early days, like episode 7 or so. I was always a fan of Paul's from Human Giant and various things he did and I remember him coming on to promote this new show he was doing with his wife and friend Jason. I love movies and Paul so of course I was going to tune it. I was instantly sold and in love and have never looked back. Favorite catchphrase? Not sure if it is a catch phrase per say but whenever I hear Jason or Paul in a real serious tone say "June, what did you think this was about?" or any similar phrase that starts with "June..." I start laughing before she can even respond in pure anticipation. Not strictly catchphrases but any Paul's Blockbuster or sad childhood stories and Jason's "Ladies, I'm single" moments always get me good too. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) Deep dives on JVCD's buns, June thirsting for Ernest, Sleepaway Camp confusion, Blowing out the candles, What is it's mission, spaghetti robots, what is a street fighter, and many many more. Honestly, I don't know the timestamps for them all are but if we could just get a compilation of Paul's Blockbuster stories I would be happy. On a personal note, I'll never forget when my Sharknado 3 comment was read and all the really nice things Paul had to say about it. The episode you revisit the most Sleepaway Camp, After Earth, Congo, lots of the ones with Jessica St. Claire The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved: RAD, The Wraith, Airborne and others in combination with movies I already loved like The Last Dragon or Miami Connection Hated: Seriously, fuck The Lake House. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine It's my Friday going home from work routine. For me the episode is released almost exactly when I finish work on Friday so I get to listen to it while I take my near hour long commute home. It's like starting my weekend off with a bang and ending my week with a laugh. Thursday is longest work day of the week and is also the night I watch a good 80% of the movies for the show. It's my punishment/reward for a long day's work. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I'll start off with the fluff first because that's easier than talking about feelings. I live in Japan so my options for streaming a lot of these things are limited. This means I often have to research the movie and go out and find a physical copy. This has led me to finding some other great bad movies but has also made me laugh a lot at the sometimes weirdly translated titles and promotional materials. Often trying to find a reason or why to the change is fun and interesting to me. On a deeper and more emotional level it is honestly all the incredible people I've met her on the forums for this show. It's starting to sound a bit like old hat at this point but it's so very true. I was listening to the show from the start but never thought about participating. I was having fun just listening. Then I noticed something in the first Sharknado movie, and I came to ask a question which was ignored. In fairness to the people at the time asking about a convenience store that is shown for less than a second in a very dry manner, not the best way to start. Then I started reading the mini-episode threads in which everybody was just talking. Some of it was about the movie and some of it was just talking about music, their lives, etc. I replied to one, and somebody responded back. So I wrote more and more people responded and I responded in kind. Just like that without any questioning or judging I was accepted by all the wonderful people here. It became a joy to check in every day and just see what people were up to or what they were listening to and things like that. I did my best to try and entertain people with silly stories or weird deep dives of small details that got to me. This year in September marks the 11th anniversary of my father's passing. Being away from home and not just away but far away made it very hard. I was very depressed for awhile naturally, but I thought I had got over it and got the best of it. I thought I had a handle on it because years had gone by and I was feeling better. Then about two years ago I had a string of very unfortunate things happen and I slowly became very depressed again. It was at this point I realized it wasn't a temporary thing because of my father's passing but it was something that had always been there that I had learned ways of hiding, ignoring and pushing it away. It took awhile but I started talking to professionals and soon things got better again. It was at this point I realized that I should focus on things that make me happy and brought me joy and one of those things was being here and interacting with everyone. When I came back I was warmly greeted and it was like I had never left and I realized how much coming here truly meant to me. Not only that but how much all of you guys meant to me. Though I have not physically met any of you, I have talked to a lot of you for a long time and do consider you friends. So much so I will refer to things you have said as "my friend said this" in daily conversations. It means a lot to me that random people that I have never met are willing to share so much of their lives and their personal problems, fears, desires, etc. with me. I feel some of the friendships that I have made here are stronger than some of the ones I've made in real life. I don't take it that lightly either. I am very humbled anytime anybody cares to hear what I have to say about something or even simply wants to know what's going on with me and my life. I feel like I can't scrape together enough words or the right words to say how I feel about the friends I've made and the people I've met here. Now with the ever growing MM threads and the rabb.it viewings and Unspooled I feel like I'm just getting to spend more and more time with people I like, getting to know more about them and even meeting new ones along the way. So simply thank you all for being there and thank you all for being so awesome. P.S: Though Ted Neeley handsomeness reports have stopped temporarily and the fact you all poo-pooed her raisin coleslaw my mother still checks in with me about you guys by asking me "what are your movies friends up to?"
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