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Showing content with the highest reputation on 12/08/18 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    If nobody else says it, it's more like a "throwphrase", isn't it?
  2. 1 point
    The Boys do an ad with Scott and Wiger about some sneaky Peecast news.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Fooking right I am... You widney ken the difference between a haggis playing the bagpipes and an octopus MMA event
  5. 1 point
    He specifically says he didn’t get married because of her. I *think* he’s supposed to be quite a bit older than her. At least, he tells her he “raised” her at one point. I think their parents died when she was pretty young and he took care of her and there’s a lot of resentment. He blames her, like he blames everyone, for his shitty lot in life. My only problem with this as I feel like Rocky says at one point he and Paulie “grew up together.” But we also know both Rocky and Adrian are ~30, so who knows. I don’t think we learn much more about Paulie in the sequels except for he’s a chronic leech and disaster waiting to happen.
  6. 1 point
    Another small detail which I find very interesting. Given the fact that Paulie and Adrienne share a home makes me ask why that is. Did their parents pass and she was forced to move in with him or he inherited the house? Why would she be with him and not their parents otherwise? Or was Paulie married and Adrienne moved in to help him as he turned towards alcoholism after losing his wife to death or divorce. There is also a picture of him in a military (I want to say navy) uniform in their living room. There are little bits like this that paint a more complex picture to who Paulie is. Did something happen to force him out of the military and that's why he turned to drinking? Given the timing of this movie most likely he was in Vietnam and that changed him and that's why he became the guy he is. I've not seen Rocky II or V so not sure if this is covered in the later films.
  7. 1 point
    The fact that it is the second most popular Christmas song in Japan drives me a little more insane each year.
  8. 1 point
    I love the fact that this is your White Whale
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    And how adorable is this picture of baby Butkus and baby Rocky?
  11. 1 point
    I could be reading too much into things, but I thought although Adrian was nervous, she didn't necessarily want to leave Rocky's apartment either. It's this little moment where Rocky has his arms on both sides of her and she sort of checks out his forearm: So sorry about the huge pic (and the odd screen grab), but I thought it was kind of hot. After they get down to the floor (and I instantly wanted to bleach the doorway), Adrian lets out a moan and I thought again, hot. Anyway, I didn't believe for a second that Rocky would have it in him to hold her against her will. I think he liked her too much. Also, Amazon trivia says that this scene wasn't shot the way it was originally scripted. Talia had the flu and was worried about giving it to Stallone, so she was very hesitant to kiss him. Her hesitation was reported a big improvement over the actual scripted scene that they kept it. Stallone said this is his favorite scene in the entire Rocky saga and both he and Talia Shire see the scene as a "birth-scene" for Adrian, where she is awakened to a new life.
  12. 1 point
    I was trying to figure a way to say this in my letterboxd review but I couldn't think of a pithier way of saying it. I think it is funny that this movie is considered a sports movie or a boxing movie when it is more of a character study. One can relate the message to being about sports and boxing, but this is a story about this man. About getting to know him and where he's from and what he's about and seeing him struggle and grow. The boxing is just a device to allow and show that happen. If this was a movie truly about boxing we'd see more scenes of him learning or honing his technique and more boxing scenes. You definitely would not have that first hour if it was just about the sport. That's why the end of the movie isn't about whether he won or lost but rather that he did it and proved it to himself. Much like why Last Christmas by Wham! is not a Christmas song, you could easily replace the boxing with some other competitive sport like many other films went on to do and the story doesn't change.I think just calling it a boxing movie or a sports film you are missing what makes this movie great. That's also to me a shame that the rest of the films until Balboa basically put the boxing first and all the great character stuff second.
  13. 1 point
    I agree with this. They work for each other and I think Rocky's intentions are good. Just look at everything leading up to Thanksgiving dinner. He is constantly checking with Paulie that everything is all right and that Adrienne is aware he's coming and all that. He cares about her and realizes that she's shy and doesn't want to push it. We see him practicing the joke he wants to tell her because he wants to impress her. There so many little things like that that point to, while on paper a big strong guy like him shouldn't have problems with women he is looking for that missing piece. When he meets Adrienne he sees a woman who is the bits he's lacking. He's a rambler, she's quiet and listens. He acts, she thinks. This ultimately leads to the apartment scene. While him holding the door shut did make me a little side eye it, I firmly believe that if she turned away from the kiss he would have stopped. He's never that aggressive with her prior or in the rest of movie and they do seem to really love each other. So while in the moment it seems a little strong when looked at he whole I feel okay with it. Also, not sure if it was intended or not but I like the fact that he shows her his turtles. She quickly acknowledges that she knows because she's the one that sold them to him. However, I read this more as hi saying to her "Look around, am the kind of guy that keeps turtles?" where he is showing her that basically he got the turtles as a way of getting to know her and talk to her.
  14. 1 point
    I agree, but I also feel like that’s intentional. She’s specially written to have no agency and her journey is to retake it - which she does when she finally snaps at Paulie and moves out. She goes from this mumbling, caged bird, to this woman that’s willing to push and scream her way through a crowd to get what she wants. Granted, it’s not perfect since the thing she wants, as well as the source of her new found confidence, is a man, but it’s still something she wants for herself and actively works toward. I guess I personally feel like it’s that intention separates it from other movies that treat women like straight props.
  15. 1 point
    Sorry, I haven’t listened to the episode yet so I’m not sure what they said, but I think this is right. I would say, while Rocky may not be intellectually smart, he’s got high emotional intelligence. He knows she’s too shy to talk about herself, so he talks about himself to set her at ease. No, it’s not the most romantic approach, but with these two, traditional romance wasn’t ever really in the cards. If he were to ask her questions about herself, at best, all he’s going to get are “yes/no” answers. Most likely, it would be unintelligible mutterings and quiet nods - which would be far more awkward and uncomfortable. Like he tells Paulie, they have gaps and they fit together. She gets him and he gets her. You just kind of have to accept that. So, yeah, I agree. I feel like their relationship is realistic in the sense that most real life romances are awkward and stupid.
  16. 1 point
    Oh yeah, Rocky IV is SUPER cartoony. It's also basically a series of music videos with the thinnest of plots connecting them. That's probably why the details of it are seared into everyone's brains -- the iconography is so pronounced.
  17. 1 point
    Her argument that I strongly disagree with here is the idea that Creed ever feels like Stallone is "taking over" the movie with his character. I saw the movie twice and never felt like anyone other than Adonis was the central and most important character. The whole climax is centered around him and the resolution of his character arc. Same with the opening scenes. It might have been more interesting if Rocky died in the movie, but it's not a deal-breaker IMO. Where I really like Creed over the other Rocky movies is that I think Coogler's filmmaking chops are a cut above the rest.
  18. 1 point
    Amy's opinions on Creed are technically true but I disagree with her. There's a lot of things that don't hold up to scrutiny or are awfully convenient. But you watch it and it feels right in spite of its logic issues (which is how I'd describe most of the Rocky movies). I'm not sure where Rocky ranks for me on the list. Keep it for sure and probably pretty high. It's just a great watch and it's a weird kind of feel good movie.
  19. 1 point
    She has some very wrong opinions about Creed though. Anyway, on this movie: I like it. I don't have the same emotional connection to the Rocky franchise that a lot of people clearly do, but I can see why it's effective. The training montages and the fight at the end were clearly influential for all future sports movies. So even though this isn't a personal favorite of mine, the cultural stamp of Rocky can't really be denied. I say it stays on the list . . . maybe a bit lower than it is now.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
    1. Amy is the best for recognizing the greatness of Rocky Balboa. It is so underrated as a Rocky sequel. 2. Amy and Paul mention Stallone being in a bunch of movies and name Klute and Bananas. I've seen those movies. Stallone is in Bananas but I don't think he has a line. He's just an uncredited tough looking guy but recognizable. In Klute, Stallone is a barely recognizable blob in a crowd scene you'll only notice if you're actively looking for him. But, yes, Stallone had notable parts in Lords Of Flatbush, Death Race 2000 and Capone. So, he wasn't a complete nobody.
  24. 1 point
    I wish Matt would go back to the original format and keep it to comedy. Often times i find myself going back to episodes 1-100 because they are music free.
  25. 1 point
    https://soundcloud.com/kofau/plug-iven love ya wish ya the best!!
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