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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/02/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Loved the episode and everything you do! A tiny correction. Jason said that the actor playing Meghan fell in love with the crown prince of Finland. Unlike many other Nordic countries Finland is actually not a monarchy. We do have a president with a cool dog Lennu!
  2. 1 point
    I was coming here to say the same thing once I checked to see that that horror show of a film was indeed made by Lifetime. Also, they are already working on a sequel to this film which will cover the first year of the couple's marriage, basically as it's happening, with a completely new cast. I have a feeling Lifetime contacted the Royal family asking if they could create a reality show based on the couple and got shot down, so they just said "fuck it, we'll just make educated guess movies about them every year until they say yes." Also with how shoddy this movie is with facts, I would have loved when the Queen was showing the portrait of the ancestor who showed the family was biracial as well, and this was the portrait:
  3. 1 point
    Shallow Grave is a great one. Probably my favorite Danny Boyle movie.
  4. 1 point
    I have three notes I want to make. Firstly, twice in the film they get Harry's title wrong. He is referred to as the Prince of England but his actual title was Prince of Wales until his marriage when he was made Duke of Sussex. My guess he is that they called him the Prince of England because they expected American audiences to be familiar with England but maybe unfamiliar with Wales as a country. Secondly, Harry is about 10 generations removed from Queen Charlotte which makes him about as mixed race as Senator Warren is Native American as according to her DNA test whose native American ancestry was about 6-10 generations previous. Finally, when her hairdressers niece asks Meghan if she will become a Princess she says yes which is technically true, but is much more complicated than she lets on. This is because Meghan isn't a Princess in her own name as she isn't from a royal lineage. She is technically Princess Henry of Wales as she became a Princess through her marriage. The same is true of Kate Middleton who gained the title through her marriage to William and was true of Diana who was never officially Princess Diana but to make things more complicated did hold the title of Princess of Wales. Lady Di was often called Princess Diana but that was never her actual title. In practice Meghan uses the title Duchess of Sussex as that's a title she holds in her own name but she wasn't granted that title until her marriage to Prince Harry. However all of that may have been too complicated to explain to the small child so I guess a simple "I am" saved her explaining the weird titles system of the British monarchy.
  5. 1 point
  6. 1 point
    Thanks! I'm thinking about two weeks from now on Thursday, so March 14th. Next week will be taken with Quasar's pick and the 15th is probably an HDTGM Classics night. I would probably have to do it as a public room unless someone here is more knowledgeable about using the new groups feature. Has anyone seen Shallow Grave from Danny Boyle?
  7. 1 point
    I only just started listening but I have a correction, wasn’t LIZ AND DICK a Lifetime movie?
  8. 1 point
    I failed to post the syncs I got with this episode and they fade really fast so I've forgotten them. (Don't click these, especially if you are a normal person) One has to do with my having watched this crazy thing: 2001 Blackstar (a sync mix of 2001 and Mos Def Blackstar + David Bowie Blackstar) Did they mention 2001? Hayes said "solar flash" or something in the pro version I think, almost out of nowhere? Dr. August Dunning Micro Nova at Mars In other news the boys were in a dream I had last night. There was some comedy thing at this house and I was given to the opportunity to do something, but I backed out. (Yesterday I was asked to go on national news at 3pm via skype and I said no because … no.) Anyway the boys did their thing and I had forgotten my shoes so I had to go in the basement and there was the boys with kevin packing up and talking about the show. I said, "hey ho boys," and went to get my shoes and said absolutely nothing else to them and left. That was the dream. I didn't want to bother them. I couldn't even be an annoying fanboi in my dream, I was just like, ok byeeeeeee *pyowww* <-- Wile E. Coyote noise, puff of smoke remains.
  9. 1 point
    Tres interesante! I hadn't thought of that. Reminds me of a description I read about the movie that shall not be named (It rhymes with Bite Schlub): The men of Project Mayhem, in the end, were just doing the same jobs they had done in the corporate world! They were just working for Tyler now instead of The Man. They thought they were escaping but then became the same nameless, faceless drones they were before. Except for Robert Paulsen (Paulson?) did we ever learn any of their names?
  10. 1 point
    What I thought was interesting about the stage was that it was a perfect box which was basically how he described the office building at the beginning. I wondered if he was drawing a parallel between the two, but I ran out of time on my rental and couldn’t rewatch the scene to really compares.
  11. 1 point
    For that matter, even with it all being pre-fab, wasn't that talent show stage just a little outsized for the small town? Not to mention the lighting not being pre-fab (I mean the ones hanging from the stage, not the built-in blue lighting surrounding the whole structure.) Part of David Byrne's fantasy I'm sure. Just seems an abrupt shift from the low-tech fashion show at the mall to the high-tech talent show.
  12. 1 point
    Why was there such a disparity in the singing of Louis' song between him meeting bed lady and the talent show? When he met bed lady he was all "This is a song I wrote. Not sure it's very good. Please don't tell me you hate it." It sounded like he was going to sing it acapella or maybe with a piano backing him. Then he comes out on stage with a backing group, arrangements and no fear at all! Did the voodoo guy put all that together, including confidence for Louis?
  13. 1 point
    This was my sisters favorite show, she loved this show and when they did the movies i had to get her this on video, she got sick and had cancer for a long time sort story. So that means I had to get her this movie. it showed up on tv the other night so I watched this peace of shit. I had already been warned how bad it was. It was worse then I had expected. How these four ladys didn't get beheaded in Abu Dhabi at the end of the movie, mind you that would of been a great ending with all four ladys and there heads on sticks by the
  14. 1 point
    Yeah, I hear that even fans of the show were absolutely appalled by this. I think a fan of the show needs to be the guest to explain just how far off the mark this is.
  15. 1 point
    anyone else feel that the last 10-15 minutes would be better if it was sped up and set to Benny Hill music? Hmmmmm wonder if thats on youtube yet....
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