I failed to post the syncs I got with this episode and they fade really fast so I've forgotten them.
(Don't click these, especially if you are a normal person)
One has to do with my having watched this crazy thing: 2001 Blackstar (a sync mix of 2001 and Mos Def Blackstar + David Bowie Blackstar) Did they mention 2001?
Hayes said "solar flash" or something in the pro version I think, almost out of nowhere? Dr. August Dunning Micro Nova at Mars
In other news the boys were in a dream I had last night. There was some comedy thing at this house and I was given to the opportunity to do something, but I backed out. (Yesterday I was asked to go on national news at 3pm via skype and I said no because … no.) Anyway the boys did their thing and I had forgotten my shoes so I had to go in the basement and there was the boys with kevin packing up and talking about the show. I said, "hey ho boys," and went to get my shoes and said absolutely nothing else to them and left. That was the dream. I didn't want to bother them. I couldn't even be an annoying fanboi in my dream, I was just like, ok byeeeeeee *pyowww* <-- Wile E. Coyote noise, puff of smoke remains.