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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/08/19 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    Same, on all counts. To reiterate what Paul said, if anyone reading this needs someone to talk to (confidentially and for free) call 1-800-273-8255. Their site has resources for Spanish speakers and deaf/hard of hearing people too. And if you're trans and you want to connect with fellow trans people who understand what you're going through, the volunteers at Trans Lifeline are waiting. Call 1-877-565-8860.
  2. 5 points
    I battle clinical anxiety and depression every day and let me just say that I could not agree more with everything Elektra has said here. I've never met anyone that suffers from a mental illness that wasn't actively trying to be the best and nicest person they can be. Also, Elektra, we love you so much here and every time I see you post it makes me happy.
  3. 5 points
    Hi guys, I was kind if tearing up about the suicide. Long-time posters might remember I had a depressive episode about two years ago and my doctor put me in the hospital. What I learned there is that mentally ill people are some of the nicest, most sensitive folks and we have terrible mental healthcare in this country (I heard there was a doc about it at Sundance this year and I can't wait to see because it's a problem that needs some work). Anyway, if you are depressed and reading this, please do call a hotline or someone you love. I know a lot of people don't like to use the phone now days but those people volunteer for this. They want to talk to you. And, tbh, it couldn't make you feel worse, could it? Anyway that was more serious than I wanted. I am excited about THE SNOWMAN. It looks awful and I don't really understand the appeal of Fassbender. (As an actor, please don't comment about penis size, weirdos.) Does he have more teeth than other people, I want to know.
  4. 3 points
    Thanks guys. I am sending virtual hugs, etc. i actualky did have to describe this podcast to my therapist, because she is all about like, coping in advance. And I was going to do something stressful (it involves seeing my parents) and she was like, you should put some episodes of that podcast on your phone. What is it again? And I was like, oh it’s kind of silly, it’s these comedian friends talking about bad movies they watch. I guess I was kind of sheepish and she said it makes sense, because when I feel isolated (which I do Around my parents or when I’m depressed) I can listen to friends talk and laugh, and it sort of simulates having friends in the room without me having to do any emotional work/or get stressed—because I am an introvert and usually people drain me. Plus movies are meant to be escapist. That is why I love storytelling and work with books. But books are my job so sometimes even when I’m reading for fun, it feels like work. I don't know, I was kind of stunned by this summation. I kind of thought I was just a weirdo. I would also definitely include all of you as stress free friends! And, because I can’t be serious for long stretches, I too thought people were sending in their stuff to get free promotion which made me wonder, should I be sending in books I worked on? Am I an idiot for not thinking of this before Paul figured out the game?
  5. 3 points
    One that also never shows up here is 'Oscar-worthy'. That's just such a circular meaningless phrase, but it seems to be a go-to for most people. Maybe because just about every movie we discuss is famous for being great. Anyway, either way, yea we're better than Facebook.
  6. 3 points
    I just want to second this! I love it when Elektra is here! Elektra is so smart and witty! She makes me jealous.
  7. 3 points
    Ah The Snowman had been on HBO app for like 6 months... until last week! Also I've read The Snowman book, and it's great! Curious how the film gets it so wrong
  8. 3 points
    Cameron mentioned it, but it's worth underlining: Old Man Ryan didn't just drag his family to Arlington Cemetary (a relatively normal spot for tourists visiting DC), but to the American Cemetary in Normandy. So the whole family flew to Paris, took a 2+ hour train to Bayeux, and then took a 30-minute cab ride to the cemetary, and no one in his family pressed him on why or who in particular he was interested in finding.
  9. 3 points
    I just saw this and it really gave me the giggles...
  10. 2 points
    I did go on a bit of a rant there, so I should say that my comments are not aimed at this board -- in general, people here tend to do a good job explaining themselves. It's more about general trends I see in online film discussion (Facebook, Letterboxd, etc.), where a word like "manipulative" (or "overrated") is treated as an end unto itself.
  11. 2 points
    Gdi I knew that was going to happen. My mom has been trying to get me to watch it every since it came out because of how bonkers it is and I kept telling her, "Noooo I want to wait for HDTGM."
  12. 2 points
    In this case, the manipulation is that it's there to serve emotion but it makes no logical sense. To use Paul's example, look at old man Ryan's scenes. The family goes to Arlington cemetery with him but they are 20 feet behind him the entire time? Why? The real answer is it looks good to have him framed that way on screen. But logically, the family wouldn't move in a singular clump except for Ryan several feet away. At least not for any length of time. Why does it seem like Ryan has never told this story to his wife? I get that a lot of people come back from war never telling their story. I had two grandfathers and a grandmother who never said a single word to me about WWII and one grandfather had a small shrine in his living room to his platoon. So, I get it but it seems unusual that a man who lost three brothers, had a mission to specifically save him never mentioned it? It doesn't ring true to me. But he just so happens to have this breakdown here? He brought his whole family to Arlington cemetery and never told anyone? I think it works in the moment but doesn't hold up to any analysis. Or straight up going from old man Ryan's eyes to Tom Hanks? We all think that's Tom Hanks in the beginning. It's basic transition and Spielberg knows that and knows what he's implying. We can say that is a twist or some other defense but it really is just lying to the audience. Why? To make their deaths shocking and, in my mind, more "emotional." The movie does this a lot by trying to evoke emotion that it hasn't really earned. I could say "in this scene it does X and in that scene it does Y to trick the audience into feeling something that feels false" but it's easier to say "manipulative". I get all movies do this to an extent. A swell of strings can heighten emotion and that is technically manipulation. There's a difference between "enhancing" and "manipulating" in my mind. This movie is manipulating by lying to us or doing things that are emotional but not logical.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    No you imagine dragons, nerd.
  15. 1 point
    Nooooooo! Lol Ive already used up my free 7-day preview too
  16. 1 point
    For some reason they took away our Cinemax with zero warning
  17. 1 point
    Dear Paul, please sign the copies of Transformers that someone keeps sending you and sell them to fans for charity. I'd gladly pay twenty bucks or so for one, as long as I don't have to watch it again.
  18. 1 point
    It happened! Paul pronounced my name correctly! I also want to add that libraries often have free streaming services. They don't have the library of Amazon Prime, Netflix or Hulu. They have had some hard to find movies that How Did This Get Made has covered. So, you should definitely check out your local library (but do not check out the lone copy of Snowman that's been sitting there for months until I can borrow it first).
  19. 1 point
    Yeah, I found it bizarre where his wife is like, "Hmmm...Capt Miller. Neat." Weren't you wondering why he dragged you all the way to France or why he's leading you to a specific grave? Regarding the eyes thing, I bet if you were to ask him, Spielberg would give you some answer about how the eyes are the same because they've seen war or some BS. But it definitely appears like Ryan is flashing back to someone else's memories. It's...kind of lame.
  20. 1 point
    I've only listened as far as the intro, but I'm going to have to go ahead and call a bit of shenanigans regarding the Mrs. Robinson Incident (MRI) from last week. I take issue with the hosts basically dismissing what was said by saying, "that's not what the filmmakers were intending" and how they wouldn't have "viewed it as sexual assault." I'm sorry, but even so, isn't applying modern day moral attitudes to historical films pretty much what this podcast has been doing since day one? The listeners and the hosts. Every episode begins with Paul specifically stating that they are watching these movies to see if they stand the "test of time" and if they are worthy of inclusion on a list of the all time best American movies. This, to me at least, suggests that there should always be at least some discussion on how the themes and plots of these movies relate to present day. To just say, "well, that's not how it was originally intended" could basically be used as the argument for EVERY movie they have discussed so far. (e.g. "Stingo was a creep." "Yeah, well that's not what the filmmakers were intending, so...") I just find it disappointing. What happens in The Graduate is absolutely relevant to the #MeToo movement - which is happening right now. In my opinion, I enjoyed the movie even more because of those parallels. And I'm not saying, and I don't think anyone was suggesting, that the whole episode should have been devoted to it, or that the hosts would even have to agree, but I feel like to completely ignore it or dismiss it a huge oversight. Also, a huge issue people had wasn't just the idea of the sexual assault, but the suggestion of "why him?" Even if the filmmakers' intention wasn't to show sexual assault, I really don't think their intention was to write How Mrs. Robinson Got Her Groove Back, either.
  21. 1 point
    How the hell did I miss that? I think I was in the wrong episode! I scrubbed back and forward through that damn thing and never found it. Well in exchange let me give you Sean Clements in Netflix's LOVE at 15:50 (S03E15 - You're My Gran Torino) https://www.netflix.com/watch/80185317?trackId=13752289&tctx=0%2C8%2C13de4ea4-24ea-4ac5-936c-902b23119194-9331926%2C%2C Aww and now looking back at CBB I recognize Doughboy's Mitch who I never knew before... it's all so incestuous!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 0 points
    Damn, you missed out...
  25. 0 points
    I'm stuck at work for another 30 minutes (hopefully less) but I'll jump in whenever I get home.
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