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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/10/19 in Posts

  1. 2 points
    This did not jog my memory at all omg. I do somewhat remember a bifrost bridge joke but I don't think I can take credit for that one
  2. 1 point
    Please talk about The Last American Virgin, let me try to convince why. The 1980's seem to be where all the work that feminists had done up to that point was completely forgotten by the female generation that hit 18 at that time. Not only were boobs the motivation for the entire decade, but so was the butt. The Last American Virgin is the pinnacle of the sex comedy. It has boobs, butt, sexual harassment, female deviants, abortion, friendship, enemyship, and more set backs for gender equality that seems okay to me. And by the end of the film it stops being a comedy and becomes cineamatic gold. There might be some hyperbole and incorrect sentence structure in my explanation, but i'm trying to portray how perfect this film would be for yous guys and people to nit pick and try and find out, "how did this get commissioned and filmed and released and remembered?" Thank you for your time, that guy from gelsons.
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    No explanation necessary.
  5. 1 point
    I dunno about that, I just come up with stupid jokes to pop myself, and try to make Paul laugh.
  6. 1 point
    I swear to God, we’re all fucking geniuses. Every single one of us.
  7. 1 point
    Omg, I totally 100% forgot about this! I'm amazed at how funny and smart we are lol! But yeah this wasn't the one I was specifically thinking of but I do remember now thinking the same thing about that caller lol!
  8. 1 point
    Okay, I got curious so I looked it up. It was the Freejack episode that I was thinking of: We had this exchange, and then a caller during "Explanation Hopeline" hypothesized that while Anthony Hopkins' brain was dying, his Jacob's Ladder death dream was about how he was Odin, etc. This may not have been the one that you were referring to. Meanwhile, I had forgotten what a fucked up movie Freejack was.
  9. 1 point
    It was something something "a movie that shared a universe with Thor." Don't remember which movie, but I remember being a part of an exchange jumping off from that post and feeling bad that you got sniped. And yeah, it blows to get your stuff plagiarized, and I generally agree with everyone who has said so, but partially, I'm of the mind that everybody here knows that tayloranne made that "bifrost bridge joke" (or whatever it was) first, just like everyone here knows that Vegas820 made the comment about Disneyland ride tickets, like, minutes after the boards were even open for Disclosure, and so on. We all know what's up. The callers can't vouch for each other the way the board-posters can. It's easy for me to be glib since it hasn't happened to me, I guess. But while I probably first started coming to the boards out of a desire to get read on the minisode, I'm now just as excited to hear which of y'all's posts get read, because we've been talking about this shit for a week and I've read through the entire board a half-dozen times by the time Friday rolls around. So just know, homies, that if you get poached ...
  10. 1 point
    It did happen to me, but I can't remember what episode it was for anymore. I only remember hearing the phone call and thinking, "That's literally word for word what I commented on the boards..." I came onto the minisode thread and complained a bit (classic taylor) and it seemed like they took notice and quit doing calls for C&Os for a while. Alas, here we are again and the same shit is still happening.
  11. 1 point
    The Visitor is fantastic. It's like nine good movies thrown into a bingo hopper.
  12. 1 point
    I own Starcrash on blu-ray (and this was before MST3K did it - granted, it was also before I watched it). I also own Dünyayı Kurtaran Adam (The Man Who Saved the World. aka, Turkish Star Wars). I might not be the best when it comes to making financial decisions. The former is a lot more watchable than the latter, what with its Christmas light universe and its Greco-Roman claymation (not actually a thing). I also own The Visitor, but haven't watched it because I keep meaning to watch it with friends. I've owned it for probably 3-4 years now. This is not uncommon with me. Still saving it. My understanding is.... it's an "ambitious" film.
  13. 1 point
    If they ever do Showgirls I'm just going to take over the boards. That's just how it's going to be. I'm not even sorry. I've spent too long trying to understand Elizabeth Berkley's motivation for acting like an electrocuted salmon during the pool sex scene. I'm also pretty sure Nomie was raised by rabid wolverines or some other animal based on her eating,claw dance work, and fondness for dog food.
  14. 1 point
    Speaking of conversations, I will give my usual pre-emptive warnings, if they ever get round to Ready 2 Rumble, and MK: Annihilation, I'm gonna be insufferable. But, if that MKA episode opens with "We're only doing this episode so Smigg from the boards doesn't kick my ass", it might be the coolest thing ever to happen in my life, and I've met Mike Tyson, and got into a "fight" with Ric Flair.
  15. 1 point
    No, you weren’t being a Debbie Downer at all. I agree with all the observations/frustrations people have talked about in this thread. I just mentioned those episodes as things to look forward to, not trying to be critical of what everyone else was saying.
  16. 1 point
    Oh, absolutely! I wasn’t trying to be too much of a Debbie Downer - at least I hope I didn’t come off as such Mostly I was bringing it up in the conversational nature we’re all talking about. I was just curious how everyone else felt.
  17. 1 point
    I will say, both Fateful Findings and The Visitor (NOT the Richard Jenkins movie)—which I saw live—will make for amazing conversations, whenever those episodes air. There’s always new stuff to look forward to!
  18. 1 point
    I hear you. It can be a real luck of the draw. I’ve had posts that I thought were killer that get ignored and others that I considered kind of duds that ended up being read. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ Good luck for Star Crash though
  19. 1 point
    Absolutely, that's why I'm chomping at the bit for Ready 2 Rumble, and Mortal Kombat: Annihilation, because for me, those conversations are gonna be fucking amazing. However, it would be rendered hollow on the mini-episode because Steve from Yellowstone calls from his car, "Hey, one thing I noticed... and here's one of the posts I Carlos Mencia'd from the board", and then hearing "Oh yeah, that's a great point, Steve from Yellowstone, bringing his A game this week!" No, Steve from Yellowstone didn't bring his A game, he brought someone else's.
  20. 1 point
    Now legit wondering why "Wilford Brimley charging out of fire on horseback" isn't every meme on the Internet; because honestly it's got about a million uses.
  21. 1 point
    Disagree. One of the best movies of all time.
  22. 1 point
    They are like the Mt. Rushmore of HDTGM. Well - four of them. Pacino, Cage, and Stallone for sure, and....I'm genuinely torn whether Travolta or Van Damme is more worthy for slot #4. Someone with artistic skill should draw the Mt. Rushmore of HDTGM.
  23. 1 point
    Why has this movie not been done yet???!?! There is a dick measuring contest AND an abortion montage set to U2! Plus one of the greatest endings of ALL TIME! Do this movie or I'll kill myself!
  24. 1 point
    Me and my brother have a bad movie night and this has become my gold standard for what we hope and wish for each time we watch a new one. What isn't there to like? Ridiculously bad acting and action, cameo by Taboo of Black Eyed Peas fame, and Nic Cage in the role of a lifetime... what's that? That's Chris Klein? Could've fooled me. He acts and looks like he's in a 96 minute audition for a Nic Cage biopic. Seriously, this movie is ridiculous and must be done.
  25. 1 point
    Based on the Street Fighter series of video games, this movie casts Chris Klein as an Interpol agent tasked to run the Thailand office. That is one of the least crazy things about this weird, incompetent, but still really entertaining movie. Mostly, I feel like a one man cult about this one, and feel like I'm the only person who's seen it. If we could get this movie onto the podcast, I'd feel a lot less like an insane street preacher.
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