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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/02/18 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Sorry I kind of missed this one. I’ve been dealing with some stuff for the past week. I started watching it, but didn’t get a chance to finish it and my rental period expired.
  2. 3 points
    Some podcast audiences are a little more sophisticated than others. While some listen and say "That's a shirt!" the smarter ones listen and say "Mmm, yes. That's a book." https://imgur.com/a/MzCYV7d (also, I still haven't figured out how to post pictures so I stopped trying)
  3. 2 points
    Hey checking back in on the forum for the first time in a while, it looks all new! and the liking system has changed. While I'm not sold on the new forum style; I AM sold on HH still pumping out the best podcasts every week!
  4. 1 point
    you should all consider subscribing to masterclass on stitcher premium, and get ready for season 2 which launches this wednesday. get a free trial with code "MASTERCLASS". shonk teaches writing to bang this season, you won't BELIEVE what happens next
  5. 1 point
    All of this explains SO much. The biggest laugh I got in the movie was when Toshi and company are getting rescued and someone says, "Looks like a giant shark!" And then Statham gravely intones, "It's a megalodon." HOW does he know this?! All we've seen is that a submarine he was performing a rescue on was attacked by "something" he never actually saw and then the ship blows up. Based on that and someone else seeing a big shark, your mind immediately jumps to: "Must be a prehistoric creature no human has ever seen alive! Of course!" What? Usually in a movie like this there's a few scenes of people not knowing what's going on and having to take their evidence to some scientist or something, trying to determine what the monster is. Not here. Statham just knows. No one questions him.
  6. 1 point
    Watched this again recently and realized that it's essentially the concluding chapter in the Fugitive/U.S. Marshalls films.
  7. 1 point
    So Rainn Wilson was evil from the jump? Because he gave money for bullshit stuff but not for child care? I agree with Muttnik that the Meg must be inbred as hell. Google search tells me the average shark lives for about 30 years, but the longest lived was about 275 years. The species megalodon disappeared from known science about 2.3 million years ago. Even if they *all* live 200 years (and I'm not even sure if it's the big ones that live longer), that family tree is becoming more of a shrub every 30 years or so. That's thousands of generations. I guess what bothers me about the secret habitat scenario is that there was no attempt to imagine how it might have adapted in those 2 million years. Like what if it had become transparent and the humans couldn't see it or something? I'm just spitballing here. They didn't even really use the powerful jaws of the megalodon in a cool way. I agree with all of you that it should've bit through that helicopter, like one of those flying sharks in South Africa. Because apparently megalodon could eat through bone. So let's see it bite through some shit! I wanted more stuff snapped in half, I think. The Meg really just behaved like a movie shark (that is a shark that goes after humans as usual prey, not one that only bites humans on accident or in extreme situations like real sharks). I'd like to have seen it go after, like cruise ships or maybe some marine life they kept at the research station. Maybe the little girl could've been friends with one of those whales and watch it get eaten.
  8. 1 point
    Nicole needs to have Jason on "Why Won't You Date Me?" immediately now.
  9. 1 point
    Speaking of the Meg's secret ecosystem, this shark is inbred to hell and back, right? I didn't get a chance to see this movie yet, nor have I read the book so I don't know what this underwater ocean was supposed to look like, but how many megalodons could have gotten caught up in it millennia ago? There could only be so many fish, squid, and smaller sharks before they resorted to cannibalism and thinned what numbers they had. These Megs should be in dire straits. Personal gripe. I get that this movie was in development for twenty years, but can we please take a break from the dinosaur and megalodon hype train? There are so many amazing prehistoric animals that never get a chance to shine. Give me my Megatherium movie!
  10. 1 point
    I’m afraid Dr. Moreau that your unorthodox medical procedure gives me paws.
  11. 1 point
    I really disagree with this. As Amy and Paul pointed out, the film is about communication: between Malcolm and his wife, between Cole and the ghosts, and most markedly in my opinion, between Cole and his mother. Their relationship throughout most of the film is cute, but it's built on lies. (Case in point: one of their happiest exchanges in the movie is when they're making up stories about what happened to them that day.) To me, the climax of the film is the scene in the car, where Cole finally has the courage to share the truth with his mother, and his mother, while skeptical, finds the compassion to accept his truth. Upon this week's rewatch, I found myself thinking that if the movie had ended at that scene, it still would have been great. As much as I think that the twist is one of the all-time great twists, it almost ends up doing a disservice to the rest of the film because it's the main thing people remember and the main thing people think about when watching. But I absolutely think there's a great film surrounding that. Whether it's a top 100 film... that's tougher to say. I think there are probably better films that could have taken its place on this list, but I'd call it a shoo-in for top 200. This is a great take. As much as I like the film, its narrative weakness is 100% the "resolution" between Cole and the ghosts. Like, that ghost in the attic that beat the shit out of him for no reason is going to talk out his problems with this kid?
  12. 1 point
    I occasionally do a German language podcast where I exclusively review american brand name beers, like PBR and highlife ect. I've never released it.
  13. 1 point
    hey if any of you guys feel sad that you missed the glory days of forum hangouts come catch the magic this weekend. it wont be exactly the same because we wont just be talking about HH but you can make me talk mostly about HH if you want
  14. 1 point
    I went to see the MEG. CRAZY RICH ASIANS was showing in the theater next door and I could tell who was going to which movie just by looking at them (there was one couple I wasn't sure about buy they turned out to be stragglers for MISSION IMPOSSIBLE).
  15. 1 point
    Yay, I just started with Season 1 Ep 1. Is that Chuffed Kevin doing a silly voice in the intro?
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    i say we post any college newspaper articles we've written in hopes of them getting read on next week's pro version. i'll start: here's a review of "the life of pablo"
  18. 1 point
    I'm still finishing the pod, but I wanted to react to Amy's comment about Willis' acting. She mentions that he had some emotion in the first scene, but is too stiff for the remainder of the film. Is this not because he's no longer human from then on? I sort of took this as a conscious decision, and not bad acting. He's supposed to be distant and sort of odd, right?
  19. 1 point
    I like toasty socks as much as the next guy. But this is ridiculous! also pro V and Mclass were great
  20. 1 point
    Oh man, what a ride! It feels like just yesterday I started this episode and laughed with joy, laughed with tears, laughed with surprise, and laughed with funny. I think I figured Esther out... She is like super humble! Little? Doesn't know how to do the show? But is actually a huge megastar and rocks the show in the socks region? Haha, yes! Have a great summer (please print this into your yearbook) (ps: i am not Henry's son, not graduating yet or ever, stop asking)
  21. 1 point
    I seriously threw my hands over my eyes and did just a little scream due to this shocking image and thought that my computer had been hacked by pranksters. I'm not upset, it was a good trick and you totally got me! I imagined the skull saying "hahaha, have a nice day" over and over and boy it chilled me to the bottom of my bones!
  22. 1 point
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    robotam, i've been hinting at who i think the next episode's guest is with my popcorn gallery submissions, and you guess it right on the first go? something's fishy—i call teh 1337haxorz.
  25. 1 point
    Is Ben finally gonna become the ByeBye Man?
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