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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/06/18 in Posts

  1. 7 points
  2. 5 points
    So just a few days ago, I saw this thing go around twitter: Taxi Driver is exactly this as well, looking to be about one thing, but actually the exact opposite, which is a really tough thing to pull off. It felt like a lot of Amy's criticism was due to the people behind it, or the fans who misinterpret it, and not the film itself. The film itself, maybe it had misogynist origins, but the end result is a critique of this mindset. Which totally saves it, imo. That subversion makes this movie. Without it? Ugh. Imagine if Cybil Shepherd wasn't some whipsmart political woman, and instead just some undefined stock female character? I do get where Amy is coming from though, I don't want to think this is so great or hold it out as a favorite, because of who the people are who put Bickle posters on their walls, or look at the concession lady and think she's a bitch for turning him down. (It's similar to my feelings for the Grateful Dead haha - I like them but don't tell anybody.) But in the end, I side with Paul that there's so much going on here, levels on levels on levels, that I think this is pretty great filmmaking.
  3. 3 points
    I don't know if Im stingy with 5 star ratings or I just watch a lot of garbage?
  4. 2 points
    Finding out Tarantino loves this movie is not a surprise at all. When I watched it again this week, the scene with Martin Scorsese cameo made me think this of Tarantino because it's a director giving himself a cameo so he can use racist language and fetishize misogynist violence. Of the three Scorsese/De Niro movies, I'd definitely keep this on here. If I had to choose one to remove, I might remove Goodfellas.
  5. 2 points
    Having a child so I can insist that they call their blanket Softie the Softie over their loud and persistent objection.
  6. 1 point
    This is my question for myself. I've given just under 1% of all movies I've seen according to Letterboxd a 5 star rating. I haven't seen the entire AFI list, but of the 95 I have seen, only 7 got 5 stars. Am I just to hard of a critic?
  7. 1 point
    So far I've only given All About Eve and Singin in the Rain 5 stars out of the 11 I've seen, but I've also liked all of them except The French Connection which got 3 stars from me. Everything seems to be hovering around 4 stars because I like it but recognize it's imperfections, and with Singin in the Rain I just love it too much to give it anything less.
  8. 1 point
    "What do you like about this?" "It's rock and roll with a wide-angle lens." "You suck so much." It's fitting that this episode was basically a best-of (I know what best-ofs are) for the Scott & Scott podcasting experience. Looking forward to whatever they come out with next.
  9. 1 point
    Yeah, that's why I centered my arguments around there being better and more influential examples of horror and/or supernatural thrillers out there. But . . . I'm sure there are people who consider The Sixth Sense a five-star movie just on artistic merit, so it's hard to argue that.
  10. 1 point
    This podcast fills me with happy and joy. More so than anything except a fresh ear of hot buttered corn. Thanks Jess and Zack!
  11. 1 point
    Yea and that's why I can never really figure out how to answer that question. If it's not something I see as perfect, what moves it up into the list? Sixth Sense won't be in my top-100 after I finish watching every American movie (), I'm sure, but I just don't see how to argue the AFI on things like that... any more than I can argue Josie and the Pussycats on grudlian's. And the AFI has a long list of criteria laid out about what it looked for, which makes it even more difficult to be like "NO WAY."
  12. 1 point
    I'm pretty stingy about five star ratings, though on a list like this there will probably be a disproportionate percentage. There are also some where I did not rate them five stars, but I understand their place. Like, Bonnie and Clyde is not completely my cup of tea, but I recognize it was an important inflection point in American cinema so I do think it "belongs" even if it's not a five-star movie for me personally.
  13. 1 point
    Since I haven't watched this since theatres, I don't feel super qualified to say if this belongs but I definitely lean hard to not including it. Based on my last viewing of it, it was well crafted but not great. There are better horror, thriller, suspense movies that could be included in my mind if it needs to be replaced with a similar genre film. As for movies on the AFI list, I don't rank many 5 stars but I think I rank movies differently from others. 4.5 is, for all intents, perfection or near enough. 5 stars is for movies that have a profound personal effect on my even if they aren't flawless movies. I'm pretty sure I rated Josie And The Pussycats 5 stars and I can maybe admit it's not technically perfect.
  14. 1 point
    I can't quite figure out how to answer 'should this be on the list?' So far, I've rated 3 movies 5 stars. And looking at some of your Letterboxd lists, that's pretty normal. I'm inclined to think the whole list should be five star films. Are we saying there aren't 100 American five-star movies? I can't figure out if that's unreasonable or not haha. But if it is, most of us don't think many of these movies should be on the list... I am definitely curious to see how many of these top-100 I rate 5 stars.
  15. 1 point
    You’re fucked ostrich. Ain’t no 2 ways about it. Your way of communicatin’ with the other sex is gone. Best draft a prenuptial cuz this gonna Uggo
  16. 1 point
    no spoilers please! i had a busy day at work and did not get to listen to this one.
  17. 1 point
    Cant friggin wait for the pro v hope it's a live episode. Kinda crazy Moriarty's brother came to do the MacWeldon ad Anyways, I'm guessing the next guest will be Michael Ian Black so they can collect all the Stellas, so my question for the pcg is: How do you do it all so gracefully? Sincerely CK
  18. 1 point
    when erin described the lady's body it really caught my imagination and i couldnt stop myself from moaning "...the perfect woman..." out loud and now my wife is PISSED
  19. 1 point
    Very cool having a private hangout with 3 of my best friends. Thanks for the memories guys!
  20. 1 point
    Um... either we need to sit down and have a conversation about attention whores/people bored at work or you guys need to step it up a notch.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Where that alcoholic gorilla keep all that money at? #MeTooLoveKoko
  23. 1 point
    Jamie Foxx is a good enough actor that I am genuinely interested to see what he does with the role, that said he's terribly miscast and Bushmaster would have been an infinitely better decision. I understand that it was a non decision from the studio's perspective, there wasn't a chance in hell that they would cast a relatively unknown actor instead of Jamie Foxx. But I still think they made a fundamental mistake going for a bit of stunt casting rather than finding someone who really wants to make something out of the role.
  24. 1 point
    The science in this movie was so bad, Dustin Hoffman started a foundation to help scientists and filmmakers collaborate so that films like this have a better grasp on the science featured in their movies. Neil Degrasse Tyson who loves tearing apart the garbage science in movies has said that it's pointless for him to break down what the movie got wrong because EVERYTHING was wrong.
  25. 1 point
    Nicole needs to have Jason on "Why Won't You Date Me?" immediately now.
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