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  1. 7 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? Since the very beginning. To make a short story longer, I was listening to Comedy Death Radio back in it's early early days, like episode 7 or so. I was always a fan of Paul's from Human Giant and various things he did and I remember him coming on to promote this new show he was doing with his wife and friend Jason. I love movies and Paul so of course I was going to tune it. I was instantly sold and in love and have never looked back. Favorite catchphrase? Not sure if it is a catch phrase per say but whenever I hear Jason or Paul in a real serious tone say "June, what did you think this was about?" or any similar phrase that starts with "June..." I start laughing before she can even respond in pure anticipation. Not strictly catchphrases but any Paul's Blockbuster or sad childhood stories and Jason's "Ladies, I'm single" moments always get me good too. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) Deep dives on JVCD's buns, June thirsting for Ernest, Sleepaway Camp confusion, Blowing out the candles, What is it's mission, spaghetti robots, what is a street fighter, and many many more. Honestly, I don't know the timestamps for them all are but if we could just get a compilation of Paul's Blockbuster stories I would be happy. On a personal note, I'll never forget when my Sharknado 3 comment was read and all the really nice things Paul had to say about it. The episode you revisit the most Sleepaway Camp, After Earth, Congo, lots of the ones with Jessica St. Claire The movie that you loved or hated watching Loved: RAD, The Wraith, Airborne and others in combination with movies I already loved like The Last Dragon or Miami Connection Hated: Seriously, fuck The Lake House. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine It's my Friday going home from work routine. For me the episode is released almost exactly when I finish work on Friday so I get to listen to it while I take my near hour long commute home. It's like starting my weekend off with a bang and ending my week with a laugh. Thursday is longest work day of the week and is also the night I watch a good 80% of the movies for the show. It's my punishment/reward for a long day's work. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I'll start off with the fluff first because that's easier than talking about feelings. I live in Japan so my options for streaming a lot of these things are limited. This means I often have to research the movie and go out and find a physical copy. This has led me to finding some other great bad movies but has also made me laugh a lot at the sometimes weirdly translated titles and promotional materials. Often trying to find a reason or why to the change is fun and interesting to me. On a deeper and more emotional level it is honestly all the incredible people I've met her on the forums for this show. It's starting to sound a bit like old hat at this point but it's so very true. I was listening to the show from the start but never thought about participating. I was having fun just listening. Then I noticed something in the first Sharknado movie, and I came to ask a question which was ignored. In fairness to the people at the time asking about a convenience store that is shown for less than a second in a very dry manner, not the best way to start. Then I started reading the mini-episode threads in which everybody was just talking. Some of it was about the movie and some of it was just talking about music, their lives, etc. I replied to one, and somebody responded back. So I wrote more and more people responded and I responded in kind. Just like that without any questioning or judging I was accepted by all the wonderful people here. It became a joy to check in every day and just see what people were up to or what they were listening to and things like that. I did my best to try and entertain people with silly stories or weird deep dives of small details that got to me. This year in September marks the 11th anniversary of my father's passing. Being away from home and not just away but far away made it very hard. I was very depressed for awhile naturally, but I thought I had got over it and got the best of it. I thought I had a handle on it because years had gone by and I was feeling better. Then about two years ago I had a string of very unfortunate things happen and I slowly became very depressed again. It was at this point I realized it wasn't a temporary thing because of my father's passing but it was something that had always been there that I had learned ways of hiding, ignoring and pushing it away. It took awhile but I started talking to professionals and soon things got better again. It was at this point I realized that I should focus on things that make me happy and brought me joy and one of those things was being here and interacting with everyone. When I came back I was warmly greeted and it was like I had never left and I realized how much coming here truly meant to me. Not only that but how much all of you guys meant to me. Though I have not physically met any of you, I have talked to a lot of you for a long time and do consider you friends. So much so I will refer to things you have said as "my friend said this" in daily conversations. It means a lot to me that random people that I have never met are willing to share so much of their lives and their personal problems, fears, desires, etc. with me. I feel some of the friendships that I have made here are stronger than some of the ones I've made in real life. I don't take it that lightly either. I am very humbled anytime anybody cares to hear what I have to say about something or even simply wants to know what's going on with me and my life. I feel like I can't scrape together enough words or the right words to say how I feel about the friends I've made and the people I've met here. Now with the ever growing MM threads and the rabb.it viewings and Unspooled I feel like I'm just getting to spend more and more time with people I like, getting to know more about them and even meeting new ones along the way. So simply thank you all for being there and thank you all for being so awesome. P.S: Though Ted Neeley handsomeness reports have stopped temporarily and the fact you all poo-pooed her raisin coleslaw my mother still checks in with me about you guys by asking me "what are your movies friends up to?"
  2. 6 points
    Reading everyone else's responses so far made me cry. I love all y'all dumb-dumbs so much it's literally bonkers. This is truly the best community and I feel so incredibly fucking lucky to have y'all in my life.
  3. 6 points
  4. 5 points
  5. 5 points
    As a relative newbie, I feel the same about this place. I had a hard time setting up an account up until the time the most recent changes were made to the page. I'm so glad to no longer be a lurker, and to have a community of people who have very thoughtful, kind, insightful things to say about movies, and the world. It's a great respite from everything else. Longer post with actual responses later.
  6. 5 points
    I feel 100% the same way. Love you, guys.
  7. 5 points
  8. 5 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? I don't know. It was 4-5 years ago. A friend recommended it out of nowhere and I just picked some recent episode that I had already seen the movie for. Then another and another. When I ran out of movies I had seen, I started watching movies just to listen to the episodes. Favorite catchphrase? A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) As Ms. Photo said, "What's its mission". Hearing this the first time is certainly up there with almost any moment from every podcast I've ever listened to. It just blew me away. Every aspect of it, from June's anger, Jason's infectious laughter. It's such a classic moment. The episode you revisit the most The Fast and Furious episodes get listened to quite a bit. Zardoz with just Paul and June because it's such a different episode and tone from the rest of the podcast. The movie that you loved or hated watching LOVED: The Fast and Furious movies obviously. Even if they weren't doing HDTGM, I'd be watching these movies anyway. I loved Runaway because I saw part of this movie as a kid but couldn't remember what it was called. All I could remember was the heat seeking bullet. Seeing the movie for the episode finally gave me an answer to a 30 year long question I had. Disaster Artist is great for seeing everyone in the movie and I think the only HDTGM movie to make me cry HATED: Garbage Pail Kids which I refused to watch again after seeing it years ago and it making me nauseous. Ninja Terminator and Yes, Giorgio were both real struggles. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine Every Friday, I start listening as soon as I get up. I can usually finish the episode during my morning routine before I get to work. I usually watch the movie Wednesday or Thursday night before the episode drops. The rest of the week is spent checking the boards here. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I think probably the biggest impact HDTGM has had on my life is creating a really great, welcoming community here on the message boards. I tried to join the boards like a year before I posted here and made an account but couldn't post for some reason. But I eventually made another account just so I could post with everyone here. This message board is certainly of the best, most open community I've been a part of. I even watched Monster Trucks for this community and that wasn't even a HDTGM movie. And throwing in Musical Mondays and the HDTGM Classics where we get together to (re)watch older HDTGM movies is one of my highlights of every month (and I don't want to say Unspooled's Facebook group stole that from us, but I can't rule that out...).
  9. 5 points
    Thanks, Shannon, for putting this together I'm not even sure where to start with this...but I'm sure I'm going to write too much. What was your first episode of HDTGM? - Honestly, I can't say that I remember - probably Godzilla or one of the others that I was already familiar with. What I remember more vividly was seeing this crazy banner ad on Cracked.com of three people (I didn't know who they were at the time) Photoshopped up to look like the movie poster for Junior. To be honest, it was a long time before I mustered the courage to click on that link. But day after day, it was there - luring me in with its siren song. I don't know who made that graphic, but they did an amazing job. It caught my eye and held my attention - demanding that I give this thing a chance. Favorite catchphrase? - June - "He's so small?" ; Paul - "Hello, people of Earth..." "When I worked at Blockbuster..." ; Jason - I can't think of anything specific, but I have always loved Jason's quieter moments. Especially in studio episodes, he'll say something quietly that kind of goes under the radar, but is really funny. The one that comes to mind right now was in I Know Who Killed Me and he says something like "I yelped. I Yelped Thai food restaurants because I was hungry..." Jason is incredibly witty and I love when that side of him shines from beneath the bombast (which I also love ) A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) - It's probably cliche at this point, but listening to them unravel the relationship of the people in the boat in Sleepaway Camp is pretty epic. The episode you revisit the most - I've always had a soft spot for Safe Haven. I also love Stayin' Alive and Tyler Perry's Temptaion: Confessions of a Marriage Counselor. The movie that you loved or hated watching - HATED: Hard Ticket to Hawaii and Ninja Terminator; LOVED: Rad, Last Dragon, Miami Connection What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff - I'm not even sure where to begin... I discovered HDTGM a little over four years ago. At the time, I was working a job that essentially had me behind the wheel of a car for 9-plus hours a day. While the job itself wasn't terrible, it was a pretty lonely existence. But one day, to my great fortune, I discovered this silly little bad movie podcast. Suddenly, the hours I spent on the road weren't so lonely. I had three or four friends in my ear discussing the types of movie's that I loved with the kind of humor and intelligence that I hoped I did when speaking with my own friends. And it wasn't just that they were funny, which, of course they were, but that they were legitimately good people. You could just tell. The way they spoke and presented themselves came off as so genuine - so caring. They lacked the artifice that one often expects from celebrities. So, the weeks began to fly by. I would laugh and feel so much joy and it made the whole work week that much more bearable. I couldn't wait for the next episode. Often, I would lay up somewhere and just listen through the newest episode before getting started with my day. It wasn't long before I wanted to be a part of the discussion. So I joined the Earwolf message boards, and, without hyperbole, it was one of my best decisions. Since then, coming to the boards has become a daily ritual for me. It's here that I've witnessed Paul's kindness and generosity first hand. And, for anyone who hasn't had the pleasure, Paul Scheer is, no joke, a genuinely good dude. He's always been encouraging and indulgent of us silly little forum people -our little community of continuity obsessed dumb-dumbs. It is also here on the message boards that I met some of the best people I have ever met. (Although, I've always maintained that HDTGM has always attracted a higher quality of fan, so I guess it's not that surprising.) There are literally too many people to name, but people whom I've formed real, lasting friendships with. People that I can't imagine going a day without speaking to at least once. The people on these boards have been with me through so many of my personal joys (the birth of my second son) and tragedies (the near-death of my father a couple of weeks ago). I know that with these people, I always have someone I can rely on. Whether it be a gif battle to pass a boring workday or a PM to ask if I'm doing okay, they are always there when I need them. These friends, whom I sincerely love, would not be in my life it weren't for HDTGM and that's something that is absolutely immeasurable. My life has changed so much since that day I wrote my first C&O on the side of a deserted country road. The job has changed. The kids have grown up (at least a bit). And the free time I used to have to listen to episode after episode has all but evaporated. But whereas other podcasts have been dropped, and I may not have the time to listen right away anymore, HDTGM has remained a fixture in my life - and will continue to be for as long as it exists. It brings me joy. It makes me laugh. And that's a priceless commodity. Every week, HDTGM pushes back on all of life's bull shit, and for an hour or so, you can forget about everything else as Paul Scheer, June Diane Raphael, and Jason Mantzoukas take you by the hand, look you square in the eye and ask, "Where does the butt start?"
  10. 4 points
    I'm so glad you were finally to come aboard. It's been great to have you here! Like I said, HDTGM attracts only the best.
  11. 4 points
    I still don't fully understand Fat's reasoning behind wanting to make Jayne Mansfield a star. We talked about some of the reasons, but one of the things he says is that he's planning his big comeback and he can't be seen with a nobody on his arm. This is crazy for two reasons. First, if she was just a nobody look at how everybody is looking at her while she is a nobody. She breaks that poor man's glasses because she's so beautiful. If Fats hits the town with her on his arm everybody would be looking at them regardless. They would look at her first and then be like "Say isn't that that washed up gangster?" That would get people knowing who he is again and she can just be a housewife like she wants. Second, if he wants her to be a somebody because her being famous will get him to be famous again, I don't think anybody would care about him. They wouldn't even be looking at him. Nobody is going to say "Gee, I thought he was washed up but if he can get her I guess not." I don't think so.
  12. 4 points
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? The Punisher with Patton Oswalt and Lexie Alexander. I was part of a different message board (Oleg Rules! If you get that you're one of my peeps) where we bonded over bad 80s and 90s action movies. One day this crazy (I say with love) German guy recommended that ep and I loved it, but I wasn't quite on the podcast train yet. Sometime later, I discovered it again (I'm not sure how, probably due to my love for The League and my own [and continued involvement in] Fantasy football and the joke that I was the Andre of our league) and I listened to their ep on Cobra and totally fell in love. Favorite catchphrase? Give me your baby A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) I don't remember the episode, but Jason talking about his love of Gilmore Girls for the first time. That lead me to the Gilmore Guys podcast and now Good Christian Fun. The episode you revisit the most Cobra The movie that you loved or hated watching Confession, I rarely watch the films unless I know them already and want to revisit or something really grabs me, but I do listen to every episode. Hudson Hawk made me realize how much i love that movie. Same with Rad How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine I'm a wedding DJ mostly, and that means I spend a lot my Saturdays traveling, sometimes for hours, to get to a wedding job plus an hour or two to set up. Knowing I have an hour or two of Paul, June, and Jason to keep me company every other week is a...well it's almost a blessing. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any sappy stuff I don't talk about this a lot, but from May 2016 to May of 2017, I was homeless. I was working two jobs, trying to get back on my feet but as I'm sure many of you know it's hard to get back on your feet. I was living mostly in hotels, but sometimes in my car. And knowing that I had HDTGM, Paul, June, Jason, and their guests helped get me through some dark times. I remember sitting in my car, in a parking lot of a Wal-Mart waiting for my job at a restaurant to start and listening to Rad I believe it was, and just founding so much joy in that episode. Thanks to Musical Mondays, I joined the board (Just before the High School Musical week, iirc). Thank you Paul, June, Jason, and all the behind the scenes crew of HDTGM.
  13. 3 points
    The Boys and JAMEELA JAMIL from The Good Place fix the TV rankings.
  14. 3 points
    II don't remember where I read it but this movie supposedly inspired John Waters to make Hairspray.
  15. 3 points
  16. 3 points
    I’m going to be wearing purple socks and a matching pocket square for the next live show. Hope to see you all there. Great post Dalton Just fantastic work out of you these days. Above and beyond Tiger. Hold on to that enthusiastic spirit.
  17. 3 points
    I can kind of hear a similarly but I know nothing about music. I do know that I love Julie London's Cry Me A River but I had no idea who she was or who the person singing the song was. I just know it came on like Pandora or a playlist someone made and I loved it but had no idea who it was . So that was nice finally having a face and a name for this.
  18. 3 points
  19. 2 points
    Tis the season for illnesses! I've also been dealing with a terrible cold for like all month it seems. I finally got better last week but still can't seem to get rid of my cough lol. I don't even have children lol just an office full of people who don't know how to be more sanitary!
  20. 2 points
    Side note on music: Julie London's husband Bobby Troup wrote the song The Girl Can't Help It.
  21. 2 points
    I don’t know a lot about the jukebox industry, or the famous Jukebox Wars, but I can’t imagine they held so much clout that they could make or break a music. Nor do I buy that musicians were forced to sign deals that contracted their music to only be played on a jukeboxes built by a specific manufacturer.
  22. 2 points
    Without any teenagers in it! The largest non-adult role is that little boy who says "if Jayne Mansfield's a girl, then what is my sister?" He's probably under 10 years old.
  23. 2 points
    Yeah. His appearances on Good Place are great because it's a guy I like on a show I like. But Gilmore Girls felt so good because I knew he was a huge fan of the show from hearing him on Gilmore Guys. I'm sure I cried when it happened. There's an episode of Gilmore Guys where he mentioned Hop Along as a record he liked and they played half of a song which they never do. I liked what I heard and bought the album. They have since become easily my favorite band of the last 10 years or more and I've traveled to see them live several times and met the band. And it's weird to me that I might never have heard of them if he hadn't said anything in one podcast.
  24. 2 points
    it's accidentally feminist, accidentally pro-rock and roll, accidentally a teen movie. that's just mindblowing when you think about it.
  25. 2 points
    I just want to give a quick shout out to the couplet in "Cool It, Baby:" I love your eyes, I love your lips. They taste even better then potato chips. First of all, I can't think of a less romantic/sexy food than potato chips (except maybe coleslaw). And secondly, it's not entirely clear if it's just the lips that taste like potato chips or if the eyes do too...
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