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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/03/18 in all areas

  1. 6 points
  2. 3 points
    First of all, Fast movies? Yes! That's a great idea! Second, have any of you motherfuckers seen this?!?
  3. 3 points
    According to Letterboxd somebody hasn't seen Paddington. That's a charming AF movie about family.
  4. 3 points
    It was great hearing some of these clips again. It's a true testament to the nature of this show that there can be so many great moments that I forget about some of the ones I loved the most. Here's to another 200 more great episodes!
  5. 3 points
    Question for you all. Now that Halloween is over, I need a new theme for the movies I watch (because my life demands order). Since there aren’t that many Thanksgiving Movies - besides Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Dutch, and the Charlie Brown and Garfield Specials - I’m trying to find movies that are at least generally about gratitude, generosity, family, and thankfulness. It’s more the theme that matters, not the genre. I’ve never seen them, but I’ve already placed Eat, Pray, Love, Tyler Perry’s Family Reunion, and The Pursuit of Happiness in my queue. Can you all think of anything else/better? Thanks, guys! I know I can count on you! (Of course, I only need enough for a few weeks, because once T-giving is over [maybe even slightly before], I am 100% on the Hallmark Christmas movie train and I’ll be on that sucker for the rest of the year )
  6. 3 points
    Oh my God! It's been too long since I've heard that "What's its Mission?" clip. I'm dying. That's still so amazing. And Jason's laughter for "What's a Street Fighter" is pure joy. Thanks for 200 episodes!
  7. 2 points
    Is Danica Mckellar the queen of holiday themed, made for tv romance movies now? I saw she's done 9 Hallmark movies since 2015
  8. 2 points
    Omg! Omg! Omg! This looks like the best movie ever made! Thank you for bringing it to my attention. http://youtu.be/_aMZ37kiIKU And it says the production company is The Asylum. Am I to understand the makers of Sharknado are now making Christmas movies?
  9. 2 points
    @Cameron H. I’m waiting too, although Love at the Christmas Table almost broke my resolve the other day
  10. 2 points
    Fuck yeah! Amazon knows what's up. I swear to God I would start watching them now, but I'm trying not to burn myself out on Christmas on the third day of November. I saw 12 Dates of Christmas come up the other day (thank you, Sara K) and I was so tempted to watch it. I hope there will be a new Christmas Prince this year. That movie was amaze-balls. 2 more weeks and it's on...
  11. 2 points
    Forgot to tell you that Amazon Prime started recommending Hallmark Christmas movies to me already.
  12. 2 points
    There's Hannah And Her Sisters and Alice's Restaurant. I haven't seen Pieces Of April but I know it takes place on Thanksgiving.
  13. 2 points
    Thankskilling is on Prime I think, the perfect Thanksgiving movie that will segue out of Halloween.
  14. 2 points
  15. 2 points
    What's the character Amy Poehler plays that always says "and I've got one leg..." That is what I keep thinking of while watching Skyscraper.
  16. 2 points
    I messed up the hosting so I will fix it in the meantime and do 2 shows on Sunday: 6 p.m. Eastern and 9 p.m. Eastern. I think the link above should work that day as well.
  17. 2 points
    I love this episode. It should be one of the ones that is always available like the Howdies. It touched on a lot of great moments (even if there was no mention of BLOODSPORT). I am excited for SKYSCRAPER. Going to rent it tonight!
  18. 1 point
    I legit laughed out loud for 20 seconds from the title alone.
  19. 1 point
    I keep trying to watch it, and every time I try, something comes up and I have to stop watching. I think I’ve made it 1/4 through. The thing is, though, if I were really into it, I feel like I would remember to finish it. Yet I never do. I know everyone seems to love it, and I want to love it too (if only to validate our friendship), but maybe I just...don’t. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    One Hit Wonder of the Week: "IF YOU HAVE FOREVER, DOES ANYTHING MEAN ANYTHING?" by 80s teen pop sensation June.
  22. 1 point
    Sorry for the late post dudes and dames, but I wanted to give myself enough time to think about this sort of thing. ONWARD! What was your first episode of HDTGM? I don't quite remember the first episode I listened to, but I know it was very early because I made the conscious decision to go back and revisit all the ones I hadn't listened to and the only one I had missed was 'Burlesque.' I am old, but not as old as possible. Favorite catchphrase? "WHAT'S UP JERKS?!" is something that runs through my head QUITE FREQUENTLY. I love it. And "what's it's mission?!?!" crippled me with laughter when I heard it the first time. I think I was at the gym. People must have thought I was going into cardiac arrest. I just stopped breathing I was laughing so hard. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) Trying to suss-out what happened during 'Sleepaway Camp' will always be hilarious to me. I remember watching that movie and enjoying the insanity of it but not really being bothered by the total lack of logic. Listening to the episode though, it hit me pretty hard how it makes no fucking sense, and hearing the hosts trying to make sense of its madness both made me laugh and question reality. The episode you revisit the most Honestly, I don't revisit episodes much. I have so many things to listen to or watch, I don't have time to revisit old episodes of anything. If I have run out of podcasts in my queue, I'm listening to an audiobook or some prog metal band from Finland or something. The movie that you loved or hated watching Liked: Con-Air, Sleepaway Camp, The Room, Action Jackson, Miami Connection, and Time Cop are all stand-outs to me. Any time an insane movie moment can get Jason to become enthusiastic and gleeful, I am all about it. Also, Running Man and Hercules in New York because Schwarzenegger. Johnny Mnemonic because Keanu. The experience watching 'Nothing But Trouble' was particularly unpleasent, both because it's fucking gross and because I have a lot of affection for Dan Aykroyd. Nothing makes you feel uncomfortable like watching someone you enjoy do something disgusting. 'After Earth' was both nonsensical and fucking boring. 'Night in Heaven' was a recent entry in the "this is uncomfortable" canon. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine I usually like to listen to this at night after I get home from work or running errands. I need something calming in my brain after dealing with, you know... people all day, and this hilarious bit of cinephilia podcasting helps me process the end of the night. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I love movies and I love podcasts. SHOCKING, I know, right? But this podcast, along with you wonderful folks on the forums, have helped educate me about how to talk in an auditory medium about a visual medium. It's not exactly easy. Like a lot of people posting here, my mental health issues have been rather rampant in my own brain throughout the timespan I have been posting here, so it is an absolute joy to find a place on the internet that is positive and encouraging, that increases me knowledge of film, makes me a more discerning film viewer, and gives me something to smile about every time I come here. Thank you all. Pertaining to that, I have recently done guest spots on several film podcasts I admire (if any of you follow me on Twitter, you are probably aware of my incessant posting about them) and I think my ability to converse on those podcasts is directly related to how I am able to converse with YOU PEOPLE and, from listening to HDTGM proper, how to keep things entertaining when TALKING about a visual medium. Spiraling from those podcast appearances, I recently had the opportunity and privilege to perform/speak at an event at the Alamo Draft House in Brooklyn called Kevin Geeks Out. It's a monthly show of a rotating subject and, for October, it was shock rock. I chose to discuss my love for Rob Zombie and his film 'The Lords of Salem,' an act I would not have had the confidence to do without the film discussion bootcamp that was HDTGM and the boards. THANK YOUS WONDERFUL PEOPLE.
  23. 1 point
    What was your first episode of HDTGM? I found HDTGM in 2016 through another podcast while I was working at a soul crushing office job. I started at the beginning with Burlesque and I managed to binge through the entire catalogue in maybe 3 months. I had never even heard of the gang before listening. Favorite catchphrase? I love What’s up Jerks! I yell it in my car. A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) I cannot remember the episode but I died laughing in my chair when Jason revealed that clowns plagued his neighborhood growing up. The episode you revisit the most Face off and Con Air... family favorites before and even better now! The movie that you loved or hated watching I did not enjoy Free Jacked, but I’ve been pretty lucky finding bad movies I actually enjoy. I see a lot of hate for Ninja Terminator here but I friggin had a ball watching that movie! I thought there was something incredibly entertaining watching a movie made of stock footage for other movies. What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff I’ve discovered an entire genre of podcasts through HDTGM. Through this show I found Spontaneanation and many comedians that I would have never found otherwise. And thank you so much Paul for picking my comment on the Wraith, I know I won nothing. Like I mentioned before my old office job was killing me but because of this show I felt like I spent my days there with friends. I quit that job, I’m in a much better place now and I’ll bring you guys wherever I go. Thank you so much gang for being there and it was a dream come true to see you live in Denver! It’s honestly my dream to be a guest on the show, but we’ll see where the next 200 take us Oh and as for the next 200 I will shamelessly plug The Core, PS I Love You and The Reign of Fire for future episodes
  24. 1 point
    Pentatonix guesting on A Very Wicked Halloween then Brett Gelman on Hollywood Handbook!? File these two under the "Epic" category!! Then give yourself a raise, my administrative assistant who files things for me. I'm a benevolent executive willing to put my money where my mouth is, or rather my money where my employees' mouths are as I would like resign and turn this whole thing into an employee-owned collective!
  25. 1 point
    Guys a forum i've been going to for years now is closing down soon and its really bumming me out. A place thats been a huge part of my internet life is about to just go away and theres nothing anyone can do. Value what you have is my point i guess. especially with the internet these things can just fucking go
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