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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/12/18 in all areas

  1. 4 points
    I've been sick all of last week and wasn't able to participate, but I'm looking forward to this. I remember really liking Idlewild when I originally saw it
  2. 4 points
    I was just making some Outkast references is all, but I can see how it would come across crazy haha
  3. 3 points
    AlmostAGhost is about to make their first pick for Musical Mondays. What will it be? We're about to find out.
  4. 3 points
    The rooster is even more prominent in other versions of the poster:
  5. 3 points
    I have no idea what this movie is about but there's a chicken on the poster and I'm utterly intrigued so I'm in. I am obsessing over this chicken. I'm going in full June Diane Raphael on this one you guys and I can't wait!
  6. 3 points
    I'm looking forward to this. I'm not sure why I never saw this despite having all of Outkast's albums before this.
  7. 3 points
  8. 3 points
    From Amazon: "One of the few movies i love thats not porn. Ha ha.. I wanted it on blueray.." Five stars.
  9. 3 points
    I have tested and I can Rabbit Idlewild next weekend if people want me to I'm not aware of it available via streaming, but you can rent it on iTunes/Amazon/Youtube wherever for 3-4 bucks
  10. 3 points
    Sooo what's cooler than being cool? Let's watch the ATLiens from Stankonia, two dope boyz in a Cadillac. Aquemini. The most SpottieOttieDopalicious movie I could think of for this series:
  11. 3 points
  12. 3 points
  13. 2 points
    Well that's got to be the greatest honor EVER bestowed upon a piece of cinema! Fuck the Oscars this is what means you've made a real film!
  14. 2 points
    11/15 Ep. 27 - Mr. Smith Goes To Washington 11/22 Ep. 28 - Sophie's Choice 11/29 Ep. 29 - A Clockwork Orange 12/6 Ep. 30 - Rocky lots of movies about fighters
  15. 2 points
    If crazy terms are allowed then I might consider Cannibal: The Musical. Shpadoinkle!
  16. 2 points
    If people subscribe to Starz Video Channels on Amazon Prime they can see it for free. It might be available via Starz on other platforms. Also, apropos of nothing, shouldn't this movie be called JFK? Idlewild Airport was renamed JFK after the assassination. (It always throws me for a second when I hear Idlewild mentioned in Goodfellas.)
  17. 1 point
    Definitely don't look up anything beforehand. Just listen to a lot of songs by the Scottish band Idlewild and you'll be good.
  18. 1 point
    I'm quite interested in this! Not sure I want to look up what it's about before watching. Might be free for a rabbit viewing this weekend.
  19. 1 point
    You forgot to cite the critic... "...five stars" Leonard Maltin
  20. 1 point
    It is also interesting in that there seems to be ZERO breeze when they are on the helipad, which is at or near the top of the skyscraper. At that height they should almost need to be harnessed to the sides so as to not be blown off the side of the building. Mission Impossible Ghost Protocol is again the perfect example as there are real stakes as you see Tom Cruise is being blown against the side of that building while he's trying to hold onto the side of the building with the spy gloves he has, and that building is half the size of this one. Then you add in the turbine which apparently makes a crapload of noise, so I have no idea how much soundproofing the rich guy would need to put into his penthouse to mute that out, because from my experience of having a hotel a mile a way from an airport, the room still shakes quite a bit from passing planes, so his room must feel like a giant earthquake the entire day.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I was happy enough to hear "5, 4, 3, nose, 1" in two episodes in short succession, but hearing it five separate times today was more than any of us deserve.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I was hoping for a new Halloween episode too, but Gino on any episode is a win in my book.
  25. 1 point
    If one thing could ease the pain of no Halloween episode, it's 22 minutes of pure Gino up top.
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