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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/23/19 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    SPOILERS!!!! Here is a video of the Jackal's reveal---
  2. 2 points
    1. I think Green Book and Bohemian Rhapsody (especially) shouldn't be anywhere near Best Picture, but once they got the Golden Globes I knew this was a done deal. Haven't seen Vice yet. 2. I'm happy that Roma is getting a lot of love. First, I think it's great. Second, it's a black-and-white foreign-language film from Netflix. That's a lot to overcome, but it got the most nominations. 3. Minding the Gap getting a nomination is great! I can't explain why the Mr. Rogers doc didn't. (I also agree that RBG is just an okay doc about a great subject.) 4. Ethan Hawke deserved a nomination and had won almost all the critics' prizes going in, so it is weird that he's not in. 5. Black Panther isn't my personal favorite MCU (that's Guardians of the Galaxy), but it's one of the better ones and has a social message to help its campaign (always helps with the Oscars). Ryan Coogler is a legit talent who wasn't recognized for Creed. I'm cool with it being in the mix. 6. It was a GREAT year for movies. The Oscars just didn't get enough nominations for First Reformed or Eighth Grade or If Beale Street Could Talk or most of the more deserving American films this year. So, par for the course there.
  3. 2 points
    I am sure Mahershala Ali is good in GREEN BOOK. He's good in everything. The article I read about the Shirley family said they were not consulted about the movie, that the white driver and he were not friends and, in fact, he was fired. Mahershala Ali called them an apologized because he was told there was no close family left. https://shadowandact.com/the-real-donald-shirley-green-book-hollywood-swallowed-whole
  4. 1 point
    Are these nominations a joke? I'm kind of busy at work and can't do a long list of complaints. I'll say this though: Green Book, Bohemian Rhapsody, Vice and Black Panther for best picture? Get real.
  5. 1 point
    This is always a weird time of year for me living in Japan because we often don't get a lot of these movies until well after the Oscars. However this year I've seen about half of them and can see most of the others remaining. That said my overall all take on the nominations from what I have seen is.... ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ I guess this will motivate me to go out and see A Star is Born this weekend and watch Roma on Netflix.
  6. 1 point
    I haven't seen all the animated nominees, but I strongly suspect Spider-Verse really is the best movie.
  7. 1 point
    I wasn't surprised by what was chosen, but that's not saying I think they're the best choices. I was surprised Toni Collette didn't get a nomination and as far as Black Panther goes, I enjoyed it but I don't put it in Best Picture level, especially considering the film that was the impetus for the Oscars moving to the up to ten films for the award, The Dark Knight, was in my mind a more deserving film. I'm glad that Spider-Man: Into the Spider-Verse got nominated, but legitimately forgot that Isle of Dogs came out this year, so with those two and Ralph Breaks the Internet being among the nominated I'm glad to see that animated films that are being inventive with how they're animated are getting much deserved attention. I was surprised that Blindspotting didn't get at least a screenplay nomination as for first time writers, Daveed Diggs and Rafael Casal did a fantastic job in creating a vibrant and deep story with a very realistic feel. Also, how does Widows not get a cinemetography nomination or Stephen McQueen not nominated for directing?
  8. 1 point
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
  11. 1 point
    I haven't seen a lot of the movies but GREEN BOOK looks legit terrible. I love, love Mahershala Ali but if you saw the Hollywood Reporter roundtable that was going around Twitter yesterday? It made me want to see it even less, which is saying something. I have been pretending he is winning things for his performance as Uncle Aaron in Into the Spider-verse. I liked RBG but it wasn't super in depth. But then neither was the book it was based on.
  12. 1 point
    I vow to never get rid of my books! I love having them all over the place
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
  15. 1 point
    my questions for submission to the popcorn gallery: what's it like to go through the popping experience? does it hurt? what's the deal with those kernels that just don't want to pop? are you upset when someone adds sweet stuff to your exterior since you're generally known as a salty snack or is it like, something to brag about? if popcorn is like, baby corn seeds, does humans eating a bowl of burnt exploded inside-out babies horrify you or is that just how life is sometimes? what do you miss about being in the corn fields? from the perspective of the corn, was children of the corn still a scary movie or were you rooting for the children?
  16. 1 point
    the ep is a hit. to celebrate, let's do a popcorn gallery this friday evening, i'm clearing some stuff off my schedule should be good to go
  17. 1 point
    I still have far too many books, but something that helped me cull them, at least a little, is Kindle having a lot of classics available for free due to public domain. The formatting isn't always great on these editions, but it helped make some difficult decisions easier. Mostly, I kept my hardcovers and signed editions and got rid of all of my paperbacks.
  18. 1 point
    I'm legitimately SHOOK that Won't You Be My Neighbor didn't get a best doc nom!
  19. 1 point
    Books is gonna be the hardest thing for me as well, but a lot of them truly do spark joy and so I know they are good to keep. I think, though, I should add DVDs into this category because there are truly a lot that I just don't even touch anymore and with streaming it makes it a lot easier to watch things. Then I can make more room for books LOL!
  20. 1 point
    no spoilers but i think this is the best episode they've ever done
  21. 1 point
    I'm totally down for a Thursday showing! I'm planning on helping my mom start the Marie Kondo method this weekend cause I left a lot of my own shit in her house when I moved out so I'm gonna be a good daughter and actually empty my old room lololol so Thursday is perf for me!
  22. 1 point
    This info does not have me leaning towards liking it LOL
  23. 1 point
    Yea this movie made huge money, but it did do well critically. I know that Rickman was widely and deservedly praised for his performance as the Sheriff of Nottingham. I think my favorite part of this movie is Costner trying to play Robin Hood like he was Peter Pan.
  24. 1 point
    It wasnt a bomb though, it made about $390M at the boxoffice back in 91 and was the second-highest grossing film of that year
  25. 0 points
    For sure. I considered whether or not I should list Black Panther because it is good while Bohemian Rhapsody and Vice are both not good. But is Black Panther better than Sorry To Bother You, Skate Kitchen, Blindspotting, Eighth Grade, First Man, Leave No Trace, Private Life? In my mind, it isn't but opinions and assholes and all that. Crazy Rich Asians is in my personal top 5 but I wouldn't argue it's the best picture of the year. I don't have hulu
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