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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/26/19 in Posts

  1. 5 points
    Anyone in NYC looking to watch Van Helsing, we'll be showing it on Thursday (3/28) night at 8pm at The Hop Shop in Brooklyn. We've got a projection screen, quality sound system, free popcorn, and delicious beers and cocktails. Let Mike the bartender (that's me) know you're there to ask "How Did Van Helsing Get Made?" Happy Hour goes from 5 to 8, so show up a little early if you want to save a few bucks on drinks. If we get good turnout we'll continue showing HDTGM movies on Thursday nights, so make sure you come out if you'd like this to be a regular thing!
  2. 3 points
    DEMI ADEJUYIGBE joins The Boys for The Masked Guest.
  3. 3 points
    I WILL NOT BE CONTAINED!!!!!!!!!! I would've said Day After Tomorrow anyway but LOOK WHAT YOU'VE DONE CAMERON!
  4. 2 points
    Is masks the new future of good podcasting? Recent evidence of good episodes sure suggests so! I kind of hope the next newest piece of earwolf merch is an HH inspired podcast mask so I can have hours of fun playing podcast at home!
  5. 2 points
  6. 1 point
    Three years later... https://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/aug/20/dick-van-dyke-cheats-death-sports-car-fire
  7. 1 point
    Apparently Peter Jackson owns one of the driveable Chitty's and drives his kids around New Zealand in it.
  8. 1 point
    Oh God I love that stuff. 90's Lifetime is amazing!!
  9. 1 point
    When I've seen stage productions of R&J it's usually Mercutio who gets the most applause in the curtain call.
  10. 1 point
    Yeah Mercutio is the real tragedy of R&J
  11. 1 point
    Everyone but Mercutio, that is. He’s neither Montague nor Capulet and the only person to see how ridiculous everyone is acting - and then is killed over their absurdity.
  12. 1 point
    I think that a lot of the misconceptions about R&J come from a very basic, surface level reading of the play. Most people have only ever read the play when they were in Grade 9/Freshman year of High School. It is usually a week or two long and is taught not by someone trained in theater but in English (this isn't to dog on English teachers--I HAVE a degree in English Education in addition to a degree in theater). It is taught as basic lit i.e. "you need to have a basic understanding of Shakespeare" and the language is a big barrier for a lot of people. If they have seen a production, it is Baz's Romeo + Juliet, which is good but you believe that they are in love. I don't think I've seen a production that plays up the absurdity of the situation. If we removed the names "Romeo" and "Juliet", if we removed the classical setting, if we cast appropriately, people would say that this is a joke. The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet isn't that two young lovers died (although it is tragic) but that EVERYONE was so stupid. The Prince's speech at the end is the crux of that.
  13. 1 point
    I really want to hear Jason talk about how much he loved Ladyhawk! I loved the fairy tale this was based on as a kid.
  14. 1 point
    I haven't read Romeo & Juliet since I was in high school, maybe middle school, but reading this thread, I realized I'm unclear how people view Romeo & Juliet - i.e. are they actually in love. Somewhere along the way I transitioned from thinking it's a love story (plus other stuff) to thinking, "oh, those two were never in love, they were just really highly, emotional, melodramatic teenagers." And coincidentally at the time, I was reading other people's posts, basically saying, "yeah, and Shakespeare dropped cues in the play to convey that." Googling, I noticed people often cite the parts about Romeo professing to be so madly in love with Rosaline, that he would die without her, right before he meets the next love of his life that he would also die without, Juliet. This both portrays him both as someone who loves being in love, and one astute take I saw, playing up the Italian stereotype of being overly passionate, setting the stage that he would be someone who could kill himself later, mostly on an impulse. I also haven't seen WSS since middle school or high school, and don't think I'll be able to make time for revisiting it now, but I don't remember any situations that might have been commentary on the silliness (or I guess stupidity) of the impetuousness of the drama of youth romance, since, no literal suicides. But I also haven't seen it since an age when I probably would have missed it if it was there.
  15. 1 point
    Lol - yeah, that’s cool. Here are my first five off the top of my head: 1) The Core 2) Blank Check 3) Live a Little, Love a Little (or some other Elvis movie) 4) Monkeybone 5) Town & Country
  16. 1 point
    Can *I* say Queen of the Dammed? Because it must be talked about! I don't really have a top five but I do have a number one and that is Showgirls. I find new movies I want them to cover every so often but Showgirls has been my constant. WE HAVE TO TALK ABOUT THIS BONKERS FILM!
  17. 1 point
    Here’s a question we haven’t asked in a long awhile: what are the top five movies you hope HDTGM will cover in the future? I think they’ve done a bunch of mine, so I’ll have to think about it myself... (Taylor’s not allowed to say Queen of the Damned )
  18. 1 point
    I've been a lurker here for awhile, not sure If i ever posted before this. I loved this episode, I thought Erin's voice was just fine. I thought she was really funny with her excitement. There wasn't any more yelling that I heard from most episodes. Maybe there was some more crosstalk then usual. Still havent watched the movie yet but this ep makes me want to watch it. I really can't believe there are people who will complain about a podcast because they don't like woman, I guess I really shouldn't be surprised should I? It's so simple if you aren't entertained by the show don't listen to it.
  19. 1 point
    The release date makes more sense now. As for other release dates throughout the year, I love how now apparently April is in the summer movie season, when only a decade ago the season started in June. This though is also do to so many attempts at tentpole movies being released the same time as one another. There were a number of articles a few years ago that discussed how 2017 and 18 were going to be huge moments of big movies cannibalizing each other's box offices, which happened in some instances, leading to some more visible spreading out. And speaking of Jordan Peele, if you haven't seen Us yet, do so because it is FUCKING AMAZING.
  20. 1 point
    This episode was good. I think Conan knows when to goof off and when to be serious and when the guests are freewheelin' improvisers, he'll match that too. Realignment isn't necessary. Keep up the great work on this pod.
  21. 1 point
    Well, based on the feedback I've seen from posting an opinion on the episode that didn't go over well, my infrequent enjoyment of this forum went to zero. I thought it was a pretty welcoming place previously.
  22. 1 point
    For the sake of your ego, Conan! Do NOT go head to head with Gourley when it comes to drawing!
  23. 1 point
    I was in love with this movie. It played all the time on cable around the same time that Girls Just Want to Have Fun was on a constant loop. I watched this on YouTube a while back. Well some of it, I couldn't get through it.
  24. 1 point
    This movie is absolutely fantastic, and probably one of the very few movies I wish had a sequel. I hope someday this is done for a live show along with The Cutting Edge.
  25. 1 point
    So looking forward to this ep! "PEACHES, PEACHES, WHATDAYA KNOW? PEACHES, PEACHES, EVERYBODY GO!" Wait, not that Peaches?
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