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  1. 1 point
    In Greek mythology Iris is the personification of the rainbow and is a messenger of the gods . She acts as the go between for the gods and humanity in several cases . She's not a literal bridge though. That looked like the Bifrost like you mentioned.
  2. 1 point
    great ep, i got a lot of weird looks from co-workers today.
  3. 1 point
    John Alonzo, the cinematographer of Chinatown says that as they prepared to shoot the final scene, Polanski approached him and said that he had decided to go handheld after Evelyn gets shot, to do it documentary style, panning quickly, and then craning up, still handheld. This shot posed a lot of technical difficulties for lighting, following focus, and finally, the issue of the camera shadow being visible on the actors. According to John Alonzo, Polanski told him "Put a hat on the camera. You’ll see a shadow if you look at the picture closely, but it will look like a hat shadow." So they put a hat on the camera. I tell this story because lost in the discussion of this movie on the podcast is the fact that Roman Polanski was a very shrewd and inventive director, but to hear this podcast you'd think he was a goon who did it for the cash, lucked into a good screenplay (despite the fact that the ending is all his), the actress directed herself, and the only good thing he did for the film was to let them call him a midget in the scene that he acted in. Roman Polanski the human may be indefensible, but Roman Polanski the filmmaker deserves a lot more credit than is given to him on the podcast, for this film. It was he who composed all the shots, it was he who decided to light everything without difussion, it was he who decided that every time Jake Gittes arrives at a house, he should have to walk up a hill, or up a set of stairs, to emphasize the uphill battle he faces. He may have done it for the money, but he exercised a lot of control over the film. It's perfectly fine to say, fuck this guy, I'm not watching his movies, but if you're going to watch Chinatown and engage with it, you have to acknowledge all of Polanski's contributions to its greatness as a film. All you have to do is look at his filmography and see the consistency of style, and the precision of his camerawork and lens choices, independent of who his cinematographer is. He trained as an actor himself, and he got great performances out of Mia Farrow, Catherine Deneuve, and Nastassja Kinsky - unless we are going to make the case that they also directed themselves. I'll quote John Alonzo: "Roman is a stickler for details. He wanted everything just right — Faye Dunaway’s fingernails, Jack Nicholson’s ties and coat, the color balance of the clothing against the wall, the perspective of the cyclorama, the backings outside the windows...So he led the way. He did this by staging the action in a particular way, by making certain words within a scene more important than others, by requesting that I light — and something not put light on — actors. There were times when he felt that he wanted the audience to listen to the words, as opposed to seeing the actors speak them. I hope I don’t sound like I’m overdoing it, but I really mean it when I say that he is a very thorough and investigative type of director who gives credit where credit is due. He figures that if he has hired certain technicians, they must be good at what they do. That’s one of the things that made working with him on Chinatown a pleasure." Finally, the podcast says that this was Robert Towne's first produced screenplay. That isn't accurate. He had already made The Last Detail.
  4. 1 point
    I'm just now realizing after watching that trailer than one twin was supposed to be a gun expert and the other one a karate expert. But I'm pretty fucking sure Alex and Chad do both equally well.
  5. 1 point
    It's an alright movie, not great but not bad by any standard, very weak ending. Not episode worthy at all.
  6. 1 point
    Starring Burt Reynolds in his Razzie award winning role. Directed by Arthur Fonzarelli himself, Henry Winkler. Blossom's Joey Lawrence sang the end title theme song. Tagline: One kid's fantasy. One cop's nightmare. IMDB Link
  7. 1 point
    I don't know if there was a forum for this one, but the gang has got to look at Exit to Eden from 1994! It's got Rosie O'Donnell wearing an S&M leather outfit, Dana Delany as a dominatrix, was directed by Garry Marshall, and it was based on an Anne Rice novel! This film turned out to be so bad, that Rice herself immediately disowned the finished product, saying that the addition of O'Donnell and Dan Aykroyd's characters was nothing like the book that she wrote.
  8. 1 point
    I looked up if this can even be found. It's so bad no one makes the dvd.
  9. 1 point
    Roger Ebert liked this movie of all things which caused him and Gene Siskel to have a debate about the film on their show! I believe they parodied that incident when they guest voiced on an episode of The Critic because of it.
  10. 1 point
    Bump, because this movie would be fantastic on this show!! And I totally agree about getting PFT as the guest if they do this episode!!
  11. 1 point
    Jerry Lewis, Madeline Kahn, Marty Feldman and Pat Morita (as a miniturized Chinese Ambassador) Based on a novel by Kurt Vonnegut. "A rich, beautiful couple give birth to deformed alien twins who, when their heads are together, are the smartest kids on the planet." Similar as Paul with "Nothing but Trouble" I saw this movie as a kid. Here is what I remember.... Chicken shit powered cars drive with coops on their roof. There are heavy incestual undertones between the deformed twins. It was the most bleak view of the future I have ever seen in my life. 2.0 stars on IMDB 40% on Rotten Tomatoes (somehow)
  12. 1 point
    thebusiness: I posted the full youtube link further up, you should really check it out (edit: even more now that the next two movies are already confirmed, and E2E isn't one of them). It truly is mindboggling that this got made. I really, really want June to comment on the outfits, and if Jason's head doesn't explode when he watches this I can't wait to hear his opinion on everything. Seriously, I want Jason to do a minute-by-minute review of this.
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    In case it wasn't obvious (and it probably wasn't), I didn't mean that. However, if this movie isn't at least a serious contender for the show, then the system cleary is broken. Dan Aykroyd. Rosie O'Donnell. private S&M island. Why aren't the masses behind this? If Jason had twitter I'd make my own account - there is no way this movie wouldn't be done if he knew about it!
  15. 1 point
    This movie is fucking screaming to be done with PFT as Garry Marshal. Although honestly if they ever do a Garry Marshal movie on here I think its only fair to start with The Other Sister because that movie is really something to behold.
  16. 1 point
    The existence of 50 Shades of Grey recently reminded me that this movie existed. Guys, this needs to be on the show. I haven't seen it in at least a decade but I have so much of it seared into my memory. The most weird part is when we see how Dana Delany first gets into BDSM in a flashback where she is seduced and spanked by her professor: Hector Elizondo. The police thing wasn't in the original book, and makes no sense. It literally feels like two people each holding different scripts ran into each other the pages got mixed up and they just decided to go with it.
  17. 1 point
    God I keep having memories of multiple people trying to murder the dog in this movie. Also I believe Chuckie is the same actor who played Kevin Spacey's shithead kid in The Ref.
  18. 1 point
    This movie is fucking nuts. I remember seeing this movie way too many times when I was a kid.
  19. 1 point
    Bump again. This is one of those early 90s kids movies that I watched a lot. Where Rookie of the Year played out your childhood fantasy of playing professional baseball. Cop and a half played out that phase of your childhood when you played cops and robbers. Rookie of the Year still holds up somewhat. Not as much as The Sandlot, but Cop and a Half does NOT hold up AT ALL! And Burt Reynolds is in it. Just asking to be made fun of. And then there's the Elvis doo-wop bad guy...... uggghhhhh.....
  20. 1 point
    Bump. What comes after L? Bow! Haha oh man, what a zinger!
  21. 1 point
    I imagine this movie may have already been mentioned as a contender for the show. But just in case it hasn't, I would like to throw the 1994 "comedy" Exit to Eden under the HDTGM bus. Instead of telling you why this movie is so, so, so ripe for scrutiny, I'll let the schlocky, cringe-inducing trailer show you: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=gzvoHzfiFOo How (and why) did THIS get made?!?
  22. 1 point
    Iman must have been thrilled that her name only appears in tiny print on all the promotional materials.
  23. 1 point
    For real, who would see that trailer or this poster and say "Oh, we gotta go see that one!" "This movie could have been MARVELOUSLY FUNNY if not for the terrible script and performances." -WBAI Radio, New York.
  24. 1 point
    Oi, this looks bad. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JscjAJSxP4U
  25. 1 point
    I failed to mention that Madeline Kahn and Jerry Lewis are playing their own deformed twin children in dual roles.
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