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  1. 5 points
    Re: Pro Version. Sean was mentioning old bits and I wanted him to say "the popcorn gallery" just to get that dopamine rush when the song lazily backstrokes through old worn-in neural pathways and he didn't say it on purpose!
  2. 4 points
    TOM SCHARPLING makes his grand return to the show. Meanwhile on the forums, robotam starts a thread...
  3. 4 points
    Apparently Hayes was going to post this weeks thread also asking for popcorn gallery questions for episode 300. He saw I had already posted it and decided to “knock that idea on the head.” This isn’t confirmed, but there likely won’t even be an episode 300. Sorry everyone
  4. 4 points
  5. 4 points
    Scharpling never fails to crack me up, even if he is in league to try and take Sean out, sometimes.
  6. 4 points
    I'm still a little miffed at this Sharpling guy for saying he was glad my home planet was destroyed. My home planet is Earth man, what are you even saying?? I should get over it in a couple more years. Special shout out to robotam for his kind moderations.
  7. 3 points
    OK, let's play Six Degrees of Separation. This technically isn't that but still... I have Elvis' movie Love a Little, Live a Little (1968) in my list of possibilities because of Michele Carey. She has a big role in El Dorado, one of my favorite Westerns. Looking at her IMDB page it turns out she just passed away in November, on the exact release date of Girls! Girls! Girls!. I'm very sad I didn't hear about her passing at the time.
  8. 3 points
    I just saw Robin call Ross Sir Galahad. It reminded me of Elvis' movie Kid Galahad. I wondered if one led to the other. Turns out Kid Galahad was also released in 1962, three months before this movie! Not only that but this movie is the THIRD Elvis movie released in 1962! Previously he had done at most one movie a year up to 1961. He did two in 1961 and then ramped up the movies. No wonder he needed the Comeback Special in 1968.
  9. 3 points
  10. 3 points
    Finally making some time to comment on my own pick I had some oral surgery last Friday and was a bit knocked out with pain meds, and was probably thinking about Johnny's soliloquy from Dirty Dancing about how hard it was to have women throwing themselves at him and no one genuinely cared at him. That was my take on Russ. He was a man with a goal to get the ship he and his dad built together, and girls were a distraction. I do think all of the married women hit on him, and some of the guys too! I wondered why he was so hesitant to sing at the club. He could totally bank on his sex appeal and his talent without actually having to sell his body. Did working on the boat make more money? My first thought is, no, but that he just loved being on it so much. I'm so glad you all enjoyed this as much as I did. What did you all think of the song with the two girls at Paradise Cove? Oh, also, I was really surprised by how much I loved Laurel. Given the opening song, I really wasn't sure how much sexism I had signed up for. Not so . much, it appears.
  11. 2 points
    congrats on the thread robotam. really digging the vibe in this one
  12. 2 points
    I was surprised when Ross and Laurel go to Paradise Cove and the lady of the house calls out that Ross and Robin are there. Maybe it's me but Robin seemed too sour to want to go to a place like that and just hang out. I know we only meet her for a little while and she seems to make her peace with Laurel over Ross but I don't see her being as lacksadaisical as Laurel was as the guest.
  13. 2 points
    Loads of good episodes in these past couple of years. Keep Going!
  14. 1 point
    Ugh, just when I was actually starting to like this show. You can hear how I suffered through all this terrible podcasting in my new podcast, "How did this get podcasted?" coming soon to the Ear and animal (e.g. worm, wolf) podcast Empire nearest you! "Earworm... squish, the worm dead!"
  15. 1 point
    12th works better for me too
  16. 1 point
  17. 1 point
    On my Elvis movies list, Love a Little is my number two movie! (Mostly because it was cuckoo bananas)
  18. 1 point
    When I became a man, I put away my childish things, and if my mom asks you what happened to them just please tell her I left them at your house, like, not even joking.
  19. 1 point
    I have been trying to express gratitude where it is most poignant for me, and seems most needed. I hope this can reach Sean and Hayes at some point, but I went through a 'give-up-on-life' depression that (still) does not seem that long ago (about a year ago), that podcasts pulled me out of. Much more emphatically, Hollywood Handbook's Sean Clements, Hayes Davenport, Tom Scharpling, and even Engineers Brett Morris and Chef Kevin, (more recently - Engineer Jordan) -- by way of Comedy Bang! Bang! --pulled me out of that depression. It breaks my heart to recently hear episodes where they are *still jokingly* trying to come up with a way to 'salvage' their show. Their impact on my life has been invaluable. I would not ask them to continue a show they don't seem to like anymore, but I hope they find something they do like, because they have become my favorite active comedians. For completeness sake: I thoroughly enjoy Scott Aukerman and Comedy Bang Bang. I love him all the more for introducing me to and trying to help (for a time) 'dem flagrant boys. And THANK YOU SO MUCH Sean and Hayes for highlighting James Adomian's new podcast!
  20. 1 point
    Dehumidifier would be cheaper. I just think they sold to get Ross moving and stop waiting around for the right chance.
  21. 1 point
    It felt like it was pretty common. Maybe he shouldn’t have been so quick to turn her down if he needed the money so bad.
  22. 1 point
    I know nothing about fishing but I was very worried to see several fishermen on Elvis's boat( including Elvis at one point I think) wearing jeans. Do you have any idea how awful jeans are when wet? I would assume that you would wear something else ?
  23. 1 point
    So how many married women have tried to proposition Russ on fishing trips with their husbands do you think?
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
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