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Showing content with the highest reputation on 09/01/19 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    So I was confused by the character of the albino stalker. I mean if you're going to have a whole movie set outside at the beach making a character an albino seems like an odd choice. On top of that to play him as if he has some sort of disability is another weird choice. I was curious what else that actor, Scott Prendergast, had done because he looked kinda familiar. So I pulled up his IMDB and guess what? There is a The Hottie and The Nottie extended universe! Turns out years before The Hottie and The Nottie Scott Prendergast made a short filmed call Anna is Being Stalked. That short film is up on YouTube and here it is: He's playing the exact same character! Everything is the same. The name on the shirt, the albinism, the weird ticks, everything! This short came out years before The Hottie and The Nottie so more likely The Hottie and The Nottie is part of the Anna is Being Stalked cinematic universe. I still want to know why this guy is playing the same part. Did the director know him and threw him in as joke? Did he audition because of his past experience playing a stalker? Blake Harris get on it!
  2. 2 points
    Yes, Christine Lakin! And yes, she is better-looking than Paris Hilton. I actually thought her performance in this movie was very good, much better than anyone else's. Like, June's turn to start liking Nate at the end was barely motivated by the writing (if at all), but damned if she didn't try her best to sell it in that final scene. No way her efforts could have saved this movie, but I appreciate the effort.
  3. 1 point
    I absolutely loved this movie and for me it didn't feel too long as it basically had the same tone and style for the majority of the film, outside of the ending. I'm honestly surprised that he didn't make this his final film since it's such a love letter to Hollywood's Golden Age, and it honestly amazes me at the incredible number of well known actors who were in this movie, many with zero lines, just to be in a QT movie. I was going thru the IMDB cast list for it and was stunned seeing the names mentioned and trying to go back in my head of where I might have seen them in the movie. If Brad Pitt doesn't get a Best Supporting Actor Oscar nod for this it would be a complete travesty, as it would if the young girl actress who talked to Leo on the Lancer set or Bella the dog as they were complete scene stealers. I will say it was weird watching this movie and its ending and realizing that on numerous occasions I was within arm's reach of Tex Watson because of my job, it was a instant thought that popped into my head as I was driving home that was a weird sense of unease. Though in usual QT fashion, I was laughing at the scene of the Family members fanboying out realizing that they were just yelled at by Leo's character who they watched on TV when they were kids, even though they were still trying to complete their given task.
  4. 1 point
    At one point Johann says the the problem with June's teeth is that she has 'fluorosis' which I had never heard before, but after doing some research is an actual malady. And June and Jason's point about June being the victim of neglect as a child seems to have merit based on what WebMD says about fluorosis. Fluorosis is described as "a cosmetic condition that affects the teeth. It’s caused by overexposure to fluoride during the first eight years of life. Fluorosis first attracted attention in the early 20th Century. Researchers were surprised by the high prevalence of what was called “Colorado Brown Stain” on the teeth of native-born residents of Colorado Springs. The stains were caused by high levels of fluoride in the local water supply. Although fluorosis is not a disease, its effects can be psychologically distressing and difficult to treat. Parental vigilance can play an important role in preventing fluorosis. A major cause of fluorosis is the inappropriate use of fluoride-containing dental products such as toothpaste and mouth rinses. Sometimes, children enjoy the taste of fluoridated toothpaste so much that they swallow it instead of spitting it out. But there are other causes of fluorosis. For example, taking a higher-than-prescribed amount of a fluoride supplement during early childhood can cause it. So can taking a fluoride supplement when fluoridated drinking water or fluoride-fortified fruit juices and soft drinks already provide the right amount." WebMD also states that only 1% of all cases of fluorosis are considered severe, which is what June's case would be described as. To have such a severe case, my guess is that June's parents were giving her fluoride supplements with the same regularity that Arno's mom gives him holiday snacks.
  5. 1 point
    Once Upon a Time in Hollywood is Thank God This Got Made material. Seriously, it was really good, and it's getting great reviews from critics. Those who think it's too slow must have attention-deficit disorder. And this is coming from someone who thought Pulp Fiction was a bit overrated. If HDTGM decides to cover this movie, I will no longer listen to their episodes.
  6. 1 point
    As someone who has played a mime (granted, it was in a play that I wrote), I say: fuck clowns. Also, what do you do about a grade 1 crush if you skipped grade 1? Asking for a friend. Just kidding, obviously I am not my own friend.
  7. 1 point
    Holy shit, this looks AWFUL. Is it just me, or does Meg Ryan appear to have a British-y (because it’s not exactly British) accent in some scenes and not in others? Anyway, this looks like it has stranded a strong cast in a cutesy made-for-tv premise (perhaps a sub-par Lifetime film?). The idea that Einstein is a shlubby dude whose primary goal in life is to help Tim Robbins hook up with Meg Ryan is BONKERS. This same director made Roxanne, a movie that I would watch over this one any day of the week. That movie was good, this one just looks...punishing.
  8. 1 point
    I legit created an account to keep this thread going. The world needs the HDTGM treatment of this insane movie. His mullet is wet from start to finish. So much to love about this movie.
  9. 1 point
    I did. I had a crush on a girl from that time. Of course nothing overtly romantic or anything just I thought she was very pretty at the time and she was super smart and we had the same friends. Because we had mutual friends we'd hang out in groups after school and on weekends sometimes. As elementary school went on I still always liked her and that feeling never went away. We ended up going to different junior high schools and that would that last I would see of her. Fortunately four or five years later along came the the internet era and MSN Messenger and ICQ. I got in contact with her again via a mutual friend and we started talking online. We'd talk every so often over the course of a few months with a lot of "remember this person?" and "do you still hang out with so-and-so?" As we'd been talking again for a few months during one of the "remember the days" talks I decided to tell her "I don't know if you knew, but I always had a crush on you in elementary school." To which without reply she blocked me. I never talked to her again. She didn't know my intentions so I get it. I was bringing it up as a funny tidbit for conversation but I get how she could have seen this as me trying to ask her out or something. Fun post script! A few days after this all happened I was informed by friends that a girl I was crushing on at the time in high school really liked my acting in the school plays. I thought I would take this opportunity to ask her out on a date to which she replied "gross, kill yourself." These two events in such short succession made me unable to express my feelings for years! Wasn't high school fun?
  10. 1 point
    I know they get second opinions from Amazon but I thought this one on IMDB deserved to be seen. Note the star rating.
  11. 1 point
    They brought this up during the episode but, despite its incel-ishness, the sole credited writer is a woman named Heidi Ferrer. She apparently quit showbiz in 2008 to become a Lifestyle Brand, which might be a convenient cover story when The Hottie and The Nottie destroys your career.
  12. 1 point
    you know your movie had a fuckboi when the opening scene with a woman smashing a guitar over a man's head has you screaming "YAS GIRL!" I'm a bisexual woman and watching this movie I came to realize that Paris and June should have ended up together and had the only healthy relationship in the film. They lived together, have a deep close relationship between the two and have for years, care about the others happiness and want the best for the other / support them. They belong together! I don't think Paris would have ever needed June to change her appearance. I think she supported her friend for her friend's sake but I truly think she loves her just fine. They are so clearly in a sapphic relationship and if this movie wasn't written by incel Nice Guys I would love to see that explored. Except not because watching Paris Hilton act is far too painful. But the story of women constantly being sexualized by the male gaze while in a committed same sex relationship is nothing new. The optics can get worse on both sides if the woman is bisexual, pansexual, or queer like I am reading Paris's character to be. Then both lesbians and men judge you as not being one thing truly. Men tend to try to " turn " you regardless whereas some lesbians just refuse to have anything to do with you.
  13. 1 point
    I haven't finished the movie yet but I need to write Gloria Steinem a personal letter of apology and donate to the Geena David Institute on Gender in Media like NOW. The shame and more importantly THE RAGE I feel as a woman and an intersectional feminist! Ooooh boy!
  14. 1 point
    I think it’s only on VOD. I live In Seattle and I don’t think it will come out here at all.
  15. 1 point
    I feel that they’ve truly fucked us here. They didn’t like all the feedback from the Little Italy episode, were rubbed the wrong way by the classic Torontonian need to be recognized as notable outside of our own little world, and decided to just take us to the bone zone by saddling is with a ridiculous non-movie that we can’t even gain access to. This, despite my repeated pleas that they do Slumber Party Massacre II. I even promised to let Jason hold my baby if they did SPM2. I’m still going to attend, but will definitely leave the baby at home. Might bring my copy of SPM2 and give it to Paul. On second thought, it’s too valuable to me, but I would consider giving him the DVD case with Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen inside.
  16. 1 point
    I really enjoyed this movie, I would also definitely recommend watching it. Andrea Riseborough is fantastic and I bought them together, their little life in the woods was cute. My only complaints would be that once or twice the movie felt like it was trying to hard to be weird, and there are two rando off-screen deaths that didn't sit right with my soul given everything going on in our current flaming hellscape. Great otherwise though, I would watch it again which is more than I can say for a lot of stuff I've seen lately.
  17. 1 point
    My biggest fucking gripe with them cancelling the original Law and Order is how fantastic Linus Roache was taking over for Sam Waterston. He was an absolutely perfect fit for the show, and Sam Waterston being promoted to D.A. just seemed like a brilliant way of keeping him on as they introduced Linus into the role.
  18. 1 point
    Just watched this on Amazon and can't recommend it highly enough, it's that good. For how insane it is it has a perfect 80s feel and amazing performances from Cage and Lonus Roache, and a great cameo from an always awesome Richard Brake. Cage doesn't really say anything for the first hour, allowing others to build the story up, so when Cage becomes the focal point there is a range of emotions he has to work through to get from point A to point B. He is nuts in this but in a way that makes sense for the movie.
  19. 1 point
    The movie was made over 4 years with the sketches being filmed when they could convince someone to sign on. Basically, someone convinced Hugh Jackman and Kate Winslet to be in a sketch. Here's an article on it. http://www.theguardian.com/film/2013/jan/29/movie-43-hollywood-humiliation
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