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  1. 4 points
    If I know Jessica Fletcher, by the end of the movie she would have confronted Jason in a room by herself, got him to confess, and convinced him to turn himself in.
  2. 3 points
    I didn't watch this movie but I have a confession about the Second Opinions song. I used to think the Boyz II Men remix of Yesterday was the original. So when they were singing, "I had a moment of like "oh it's the Boyz II Men song.. wait. Stop it, Emily." Anyway. Just wanted to come embarrass myself.
  3. 3 points
    I would like to see an AvPvF. I wanna see if she can out-jog them all.
  4. 3 points
    She would definitely sass out the chief for jumping the gun on Tommy as well. We should kickstart the Friday the 13th/Murder She Wrote crossover I really want to see this now.
  5. 3 points
    Further proof of how terrible the gravedigger is at his job, or how drunk he was perhaps, was when he sees that Jason's grave was dug up. First he panics then he notices Horshack's leg sticking out of the coffin and is relieved to find out Jason is still there. Okay, ignoring the obvious fact he should have checked anyway, that's a perfectly normal looking leg and fine clean clothing. Jason was buried like ten years ago. If that really was his corpse, no way his leg or clothes would be in that clean and good of condition. I'm not saying you have the deductive reasoning of a Columbo or Jessica Fletcher, but some common knowledge about your job should be a thing especially when bemoaning that you're a high school graduate who earned your job.
  6. 3 points
    Mistake #2- Bringing Arnold Horshack for backup.
  7. 2 points
    The Boys welcome MATT BESSER back to the show to promote his new special Pot Humor and hopefully confess his crimes.
  8. 2 points
    Well in AvP fashion would Jess not team up with the Predator to take down the xenomorphs and then earn their respect? Or does it start that way and then she flips the script on the Predator? Sorry no Billy the Kid gun for you Jess.
  9. 2 points
    Jess is an endurance jogger, so I definitely feel like she could out last them if it came down to a cross-country, medium paced jog. I feel like she would find and exploit a Predator’s weaknesses relatively quickly, so she would be spending most of her time learning how to mask her body temp. I’m more concerned about xenomorphs. They tend to be quick and attack in claustrophobic places. Situations where being a strong jogger won’t benefit her very much. Aliens also don’t really have brains, so they aren’t really opponents she can out wit. It would be like playing chess with a lion. It would be a fantastic movie though
  10. 2 points
    What would be fun about Psycho is I feel like she would be very sympathetic to Norman. I think she would peg the twist almost immediately (while eating sandwiches beneath the taxidermy birds) and would spend the rest of the movie trying to help him. i think Fletcher vs Freddy would be fun. She deals in logic and he deals in dreams, so I think they have a very natural Batman v Joker dynamic.
  11. 2 points
    As our resident Jessica Fletcher expert, what what eighties movie monster or just any movie monster would be the best pairing with Jessica Fletcher? I know it's not 80s but I think her staying at the Bates Motel would be very fun.
  12. 2 points
    Most likely, she would first agree with him that Tommy is the most obvious suspect, but would then present all the reasons why he couldn’t possibly be the killer in a way that would allow the sheriff to both save face and allow him to believe that he came to those conclusions himself. (“Certainly, you’ve noticed the lack of blood splatter on Tommy’s clothes. And I don’t need to tell you that beheading three people with a machete requires the kind of upper body strength Tommy clearly doesn’t possess.”) But, yes, Jessica Fletcher vs Eighties Movie Monsters is definitely a movie series that needs to happen. Angela Lansbury is still kicking. I’m sure she would be game.
  13. 2 points
    So if we ignore his Town that Feared Sundown look in Friday the 13th part 2 you can say Jason is a simple man who knows what he likes when it comes to fashion. In pretty much every movie he wears a navy work shirt and some navy or gray docker. It's a simple and practical look. Sure every now and again he has some sort of undershirt or adds a khaki jacket but the look is pretty consistent. Yet for some reason, and this movie and this movie only does he decide to accessorize. First he puts on a pair of gloves and this works. He would go on to keep those gloves for the rest of his appearances. It's practical and makes sense. Touching all those dead bodies and welding weapons is hard on the hands and you have to take care of them. However his other decision of adding a tool belt to jazz up his outfit seems like a questionable idea. I mean it makes sense practically. Just carrying a machete around all day would kill your hand and your grip which you would need later for twisting heads and grabbing people. It would be better to keep it safely affixed around your waist. The downside is it is very hard to take a mass murder seriously when he's wearing a tool belt let alone one that clashes with his colour scheme so much. It's probably best the tool belt didn't stick around.
  14. 2 points
    I was surprised to hear Berlioz's Symphony Fantastique as the recurring theme. I'm sure many of you recognize it? The part that was used in the movie is it's most famous movement (Dream of a Witches Sabbath). It starts at about 46:30 in the above video. Some of you guys may know this piece of music better from the Julia Robert's 1991 Sleeping with the Enemy... or this little known movie called The Shining. It seems like a strange choice to use in a 6th installment of a Bogeyman franchise when it was used in arguably the greatest horror movie of all time.
  15. 2 points
    GUYS. I re-watched the movie this afternoon and I'm here to tell you mistake #1. Do you see what I see? Thom Mathews who plays Tommy is 6'3". With that information and looking at screenshots, it looks like someone buried Jason a whopping 3 feet underground. That's right guys, Martin, the drunken groundskeeper can squarely be blamed for this entire fiasco. He might be a "damn high school graduate" but I think he must've flunked math and or geometry. Either that or while digging a hole, shitfaced and stumbling, he got to about knee deep and said Fuck it. "Burying this unstoppable, serial killing machine in a shallow, badly sealed grave will never come back to haunt me."
  16. 1 point
    I know this could be a rights/royalties nightmare, but I often think how much I'd like to own a karaoke CD, mp3s, of the original songs that appear on Comedy Bang Bang. Tracks could include: Please Don't Joke About I, Robot This Christmas - by Scott Aukerman, Paul F. Tompkins, Eben Schletter Please Don't Joke About I, Tonya This Christmas - by Scott Aukerman, Paul F. Tompkins, Eben Schletter Pickup Truck Birthday Party - by Memphis Kansas Breeze Truck Prom Dance - by Memphis Kansas Breeze Truck Baby - by Memphis Kansas Breeze The Monster Fuck - by Leo Karpatze (Nick Wiger) and Scaroline That's Love - by Donny Gary (Drew Tarver) I Re-Use McDonald's Cups - by Donny Gary (Drew Tarver) Twenty-Eight Cell Phone Chargers - by Donny Gary (Drew Tarver) Dirty Diapers Full of Barbeque - by Donny Gary (Drew Tarver) Catherine (aka Ship of Love) - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) For My Son, Simon (aka Love Jail) - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) Jesus Christ is My One True Savior - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) I Know What True Pain Is (aka Love Gym) - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) Persecuted By The World (aka Love Eggs) - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) Betrayal of Trust (aka Restaurant of Love) - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) Existence is Emptiness (aka Train of Love) - by Martin Sheffield Lickley (Drew Tarver/Nick Ciarelli/Bradford Evans) Abracadabralifornia - by The Pepper Men Perhaps any "Freestyle Raps" by Amy Poehler, Neil Campbell, Paul Rudd, etc... And so on... Any other suggestions?
  17. 1 point
    Not trustin' I wasn't bustin', she pulled it out and made me shout! Where once was wee and wenie chowder, "Big Blue Balls gotta finish without-er!"
  18. 1 point
    Agreed, really great film. Got to see it at our local film fest a month or so ago. Apparently it has had a deep impact on Korea, which makes sense.
  19. 1 point
    So the one boy camper seems to have fallen asleep with a comic book open. Due to the limited appearances by the very visible character of El Aguila it is easy to recognize this comic as Power Man and Iron Fist #99. So what? Well, it is very odd. You see there is nothing about this comic that connects it to Friday the 13th or Jason at all. The issue starts with the titular characters falling off a bridge into water and El Aguila carries a sword which a machete kinda resembles but that's about it for tenuous connections. "So what?" I hear you saying, "It's just a comic book, they just grabbed one and threw it in there." No, that is where you are wrong. See there has to be more of a reasoning behind this comic choice. Power Man and Iron Fist #99 which has a cover date of November 1983 which means it really came out in September 1983. Jason Lives was released in August of 1986 which means they probably were filming early 1986 which would make that comic almost three years old at that point. Was their budget so tight that 65 cents for a current issue would break it so they had to pull something from the quarter bin? Maybe the camp had comics for the kids to read, but why would a newly re-opened camp buy a bunch of back issues? Also when you think about the timeline of the movie it makes less sense because this film doesn't take place in 1986! Part 2 is set two months after the first film, and Parts 3 and 4 follow the day after the previous films. So when Tommy appears as a child in Part 4 that's 1980. In parts 5 and 6 Tommy has now grown up which means this film is suppose to be taking place in 1990! So somehow a kid in a summer camp in 1990 is reading a comic book from 1983? Why? It just doesn't make any sense. Why would that be at the camp? Why would he bring a quarter bin comic to camp if it was his? Why bring or have the second part of a three part story arc? There has to be a secret meaning behind this issue!
  20. 1 point
    Just an FYI, I won't link it but this episode can easily be found online with a Google search. Zeke got his nose bit off. He became a plumber because he didn't mind the smell. There was a gas leak that caused an explosion killing Zeke. Now he wears a mask to cover his face and wanders the camp looking for his cursed plunger. If you have the plunger, he'll suck out your brains.
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    Correction So I'm writing the day after seeing this live in Berkeley while it's still fresh in my head, so I don't know what will make it to the final cut of the episode. So with regard to the overall timeline of the series, the first movie takes place briefly in 1958 when Mrs. Voorhees kills the two counselors that she blames for Jason's accident, before the film cuts to 1979 when the son of the original owners of the camp was attempting to reopen the camp. Part 2 starts with Jason, who had actually lived and was presumed dead only because his body was never found, is around 34 and has survived due to being taught survival skills by his mom as well as learning various things at the camp before his accident. Parts 2-4 basically take place over the course of a week as the camp is desribed as being quite large and the killings were taking part in remote areas around it so subsequent victims weren't hearing about the killings in prior films. Jason is only really knocked out at the end of 2 and 3 but is finally killed by Tommy Jarvis in 4, which leads to a copycat killing teens in a blind rage in part 5, followed by his resurrection in this film. The reason the actor's switched for Tommy between 5 and 6 was because the actor from 5 apparently was an actual counselor or something for a church group prior to filming 5, decided against coming back to the sequel, filmed another film, and then went into the seminary. This isn't the worst case of continuity error as in Part 2 Jason has a full head of hair and part of a beard while in 3, which literally set the following day, is completely bald and even more deformed. For the odd shifting tone, basically the writers were surprised to be doing another F13 movie, so they decided to voice that along with frustration with New Line by adding lines like the Gravedigger breaking the fourth wall and asking the audience "why would someone dig up Jason, can't they just let him rest already?" and a few other things like the snappy editing style that blended different conversations, which I have to assume insprired Luc Besson in how he shot and wrote the Fifth Element, which is filled with that shit. As for the rating, prior to this film all the movies had to be severely cut down because they were initially given X ratings, so the director didn't want to deal with that and went for a lighter overall film, which ended up giving it the best critical reviews of the entire series. The budget was also a big bone of contention between the director and studio, which led to some petty shit done by both sides. One of the producers was a real penny pincher and was actually calling dibs on various items purchased for production that he was going to take home when filming was over, namely a large and expensive swamp cooler. Upon hearing this, the director decided to get some payback for how little financial support he was getting by placing said cooler on top of the RV, right before they shot the crash scene, so the large box seen flying off the top of the rv when it starts flipping isn't a TV as Paul thought it was, but rather this massive swamp cooler that a producer was hoping to take home for himself. To answer June's questions, Jason did run after people in parts 2-4 because he was still a living person, it wasn't until this film to Jason X where he has supernatural powers due to being undead. His grave was also meant to be explained in this film as being paid for by his father, who had abandoned him and his mother when Jason was young, but decided that paying for the city to not cremate his son and have him properly buried would act as a sort of repentance. This alternate ending was cut because of the gravedigger being killed in the movie and the fact that the studio didn't want to have to worry about creating the dad's backstory in the sequel. Also Berkeley can straight screw itself in regards to hosting a show like this as they had a full theater of people on a 95 degree day and didn't turn the air conditioner on, until the near end of the show after Jason complained about it, but by then it was too little too late. It was literally cooler outside of the theater by the time the show was over.
  23. 1 point
    The Boys welcome back MITRA JOUHARI and JOEL KIM BOOSTER to audit their new podcast.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
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