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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/10/20 in all areas

  1. 1 point
    https://soundcloud.com/ashinyobject/put-on-your-gloves-for-plugs I've had at least one plug song used every year since 2011 and I'm hoping to make it 10 years in-a-row.
  2. 1 point
  3. 1 point
    I'm sorry but what?! Why *exactly* were you "forced" to give up your child? It sounds like you weren't an unwed mother, and you were paying for her care so financially it sounds like you weren't in too much trouble. So what happened?! What did Angelica defeat the Dark Lord as a baby and had to be brought up by muggles? I certainly wouldn't be as ok with that lame ass explanation as Angelica but as I have previously mentioned she's not sober enough to understand what is happening around her. Also she NEVER thought she was abandoned? What did she think she was kidnapped?
  4. 1 point
    I HAVE NEVER SEEN THIS RAP! WHAT IS THIS?! WHAT IS HAPPENING RIGHT NOW?! Two dog raps?! I feel... I don't even know. I'm in a state of Shock. I need one of those blankets. How did I live my life without this equally shitty dog rap?
  5. 1 point
    Maybe this is a stupid question, but how does the dog rapping help find the amulet? Because it seems like maybe the rapping was an unnecessary part of solving anything.
  6. 1 point
    Have you ever dunked on the devil in the pale moonlight? Hi I'm Michael Jordan and I'm the new Joker.
  7. 1 point
    I believe his involved in the whole amulet retrieval operation, but he never raps again—which is a shame. Also, why did Molly want a locket with a picture of someone else’s mother in it?
  8. 1 point
    This really threw me off. I'll admit I wasn't paying super close attention to this but this really really felt like it came out of nowhere more so than a lot of this movie. I don't remember seeing that dog in any other scene and there's almost no other songs and it's anachronistic musical style. I imagine the writer or director just said "Titanic is big. Rap music is big. Snoop Dogg is big. So, rapping dog on the Titanic will be huge!"
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    We need to talk about Party Time. Whose dog is that?! Why does he rsp? How does a dog in 1912 know rap? Was he planning this rap? Like is he the cruise director for the animals? Would you burst into rap about party time if a mouse thanked you for not ending up "in someone else's digestion "?
  11. 1 point
    We need to talk about how Angelica looks like she's on fucking heroin or something they entire film even when the boat is sinking. Bitch don't give a fuck because she is lost in the sauce. Or has a severe disorder. Like if course she's into the creep with a laundry fetish. She's too stoned to understand he's weird.
  12. 1 point
    I saw it on a date with a girl and her roommate, and her roommate's boyfriend last year. We watched this and Fateful Findings while drinking Moscow Mules and eating pizza . It was great. Cats were also involved. Honestly perfect date. Lure me in with promises of cats , bad movies anand pizza and I'm yours. Sadly she moved to Japan and we lost touch.
  13. 1 point
    I'm literally just sitting here cackling actually petting a white fluffy cat like a Bond villain. YOU ARE ALL WELCOME!
  14. 1 point
    I'm REALLY interested to hear how gigi-tastic first found out about this movie.
  15. 1 point
    I literally cannot believe that this movie ends with a “Hey, the movie’s not over yet...” That is fucking bonkers!
  16. 1 point
    I don’t know about you, but I enjoy graffiti that randomly mentions a music genre— which would be a non sequitur if not for it being anachronistically performed at that very instant.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    as far as Star Wars goes the Machete sequence is the best. If you watch the films in numerical order the story becomes that of Anakin, and he really doesn't have much of a story arc. He's an annoying kid, to shitty teen to evil adult, with a completely unearned redemption at the end of his story before the new sequels (7-9). If you watch the Machete sequence the films main story arc rests back on Lukes journey which is a much more interesting journey and the prequels become a point where we learn of Anakin's history along with Luke. This way we go from Empire "I am your father", Luke studies this history and trains his skills so when he shows up in Jedi as a full fledged Jedi knight it's a more believable reveal. It also re-enforces his choices throughout all 9 films. Now to beer, in Canada the two biggest beer brands are Molson's and Labatt's. The top spot has been switching back and forth between Molson Canadian and Labatt's Blue. Prelude to a Kiss came out when Labatt's Blue was still on top but Molson was just about to launch their new "I am Canadian" campaign that would put them on top to this day. As it stands Molson Canadian is the second most popular beer in Canada and has been since it overtook Blue in the 90's. The top beer here, Moosehead.
  19. 1 point
    Looking at some trivia for Veronica Mars. Episode 6 was written by Kareem Abdul-Jabbar. Yes, that Kareem Abdul-Jabbar.
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    As the person charged with cleaning up the mess when real trolls show up here, OP's criticism of the show is pretty mild. HDTGM has unquestionably gotten more political since 2016, going so far as to publish minisodes about June's book and an interview with a local politician. I skipped those, not because they don't align with my politics—I'm an atheist feminist who would be delighted by either a Warren (sigh) or Sanders presidency—but because my podcast time is increasingly rare these days and I can barely keep up with the main episodes, let alone side missions. When this thread was started, I hoped it would be met with the stony silence it deserves and then forgotten, since it doesn't violate any of the stated forum rules or warrant deletion. Some of the responses are getting close, though.
  22. 1 point
    Friend, assuming you are asking this question in good faith, I will say right now that there really isn't an alternative. Discussions of art and culture are inevitably going to intersect with politics, because you can't discuss the messages behind the media without revealing at least some your political orientation. I would suggest instead examining within yourself why you would expect to avoid "politics" in general or if it's really just a particular kind of politics that bothers you and why.
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Street Trash is not bad, it's AMAZING. and absolutely next level bonkers
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