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Showing content with the highest reputation on 03/20/20 in all areas

  1. 3 points
    YAY! I WIN! AND John butchered my name TWICE, in DIFFERENT WAYS! I don't think they need to see Resident Evil, they already did Ultraviolet which is basically bargain bin RE anyway. Yeah... It's not like it's a deal breaker or anything. If you SO is uncomfortable with something, don't ask/guilt/force them to do it. Also, you don't have to share everything.
  2. 3 points
    I kind of have to disagree with Paul on the boyfriend who objects to violence in movies having to just suck it up and watch it. My immediate reaction to hearing this was that this person is maybe justified in their reaction (obviously, we need more information on how specifically they reacted). For all we know, this person has some past trauma they aren't comfortable discussing yet with their SO. I'd say this is something they need to talk about before just telling them they need to just go along with watching a violent movie even if it's semi-cartoonish like Harley Quinn is.
  3. 3 points
  4. 2 points
    12 Monkeys. 28 Days Later (I haven't seen 28 Weeks Later.) The recent Planet of The Apes prequels technically count and are decent.
  5. 2 points
    No, you’re good. For some reason they stopped creating threads for this and Unspooled. We’ve all just been taking it upon ourselves to do it. Thank you for doing it
  6. 2 points
    Hope nobody minds that I went ahead and started this topic, it didn't seem like there is some kind of rota for it so I hope I didn't overstep. As for the mini-episode, thanks Paul. For many of us, I think having the things we love still coming along at the usual times is a comfort for that stupid part of the brain that generates anxiety. Should you watch Resident Evil? Ordinarily I would say yes, at least for the very first one, which I thought was OK at the time. But, depending on how you feel about watching a series of films based on videogames about a biohazard, it might be a bit much for now. But if you're up to it, the first one is a solid horror picture, and much like Underworld, the quality drops off after that.
  7. 2 points
    It’s been awhile since I’ve seen it, but totally QotD over this. The score is by freakin’ Korn.
  8. 1 point
    Advice for callers from Florida! A woman falls under a train and triggers June's panic response, but they are both ok. And, should Paul watch the Resident Evil films? Paul also offers advice on the Paul Help Line, goes through Corrections and Omissions for Underworld: Blood Wars, and checks in with Devin and Cody for recommendations on how to spend your isolation time. Plus, find out which movie will be covered next week!
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    The Crazies was a plague right? It wasn't really focused on a virus/disease as I recall but probably fits on a technicality. Omega Man definitely has its charms but I really recommend Last Man On Earth with Vincent Price which is based on the same book. It seems mostly forgotten but I loved it the first time I saw it.
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
    I’m down to watch it! But honestly, with the salary of a special ed instructional assistant—and I’m lucky to have that, I’m fully aware and thankful for that right now—I have to be choosy about how I spend my money. And PURCHASING Cats—sight unseen—just seems like a step too far. I’m happy to rent it, but it doesn’t seem to be available until April 7th. And since schools are still going to be closed, I can wait. That said, if there is a way to watch it without spending $20+, I’m into it. And I Think you’re right to be terrified, Also, I think if I watched it stoned, there are 50/50 odds that it would haunt my dreams.
  14. 1 point
    Red, brown, yellow, green, and white: a rainbow coalition of bodily fluid
  15. 1 point
    I have to disagree. It's pretty good, and though it has some classic Cage freak-out moments, they don't have the 'what was he thinking?'-quality because his character literally goes insane. Yeah, him angrily reminding his family that the own alpacas, or furiously dunking fruit in the garbage can is crazy and funny, and it's supposed to be.
  16. 1 point
    As you know @taylor anne photo and I have been rooting for Queen of the Damned to finally get it's due and take it's rightful place in the HGTM Pantheon. Apparently Averly has deemed it not HGTM material according to Paul. I disagree and think that it would be much better than this film. I'm not sure if it's because of Aaliyah's untimely death or if she truly doesn't understand the joy of it's silliness. I think we would have had at *least* two pages on the fashions alone. But I digress. I personally just don't understand why they picked the 5th movie in a series where there's some pretty serious backstory involved. It's hard to talk about a film if you can't understand the context. I honestly don't know if it's even fair to mock some of the stuff because while it's a bonkers film I feel like some of the bonkers stuff would make sense if we knew the backstory. I get that the films and the stories they tell might be dumb but in the context of those stories they make a kind of sense. So It does feel kind of weird that we are dissecting this when we have no understanding of the world or background of this series. Yes this film should be accessible to people, and again this movie is bonkers, but a part of me does wonder if we had covered say movie number one or another self contained movie like I, Frankenstein (or my beloved QotD) would we have a better discussion about the movie and understand it more? Is it fair to go after this movie for things we don't understand when it clearly has a complex worldbuilding and story arc over movies?
  17. 1 point
    It’s like my mom thinking she can only access her email from work.
  18. 1 point
    You're going to have a hard time finding anything like HDTGM that is either non-political or right-leaning. We live in a world that is actively battling with fascism. People who are as funny as out three hosts are empathic, and they will not be able to ignore the reality around us. And nor should they.
  19. 1 point
    Friend, assuming you are asking this question in good faith, I will say right now that there really isn't an alternative. Discussions of art and culture are inevitably going to intersect with politics, because you can't discuss the messages behind the media without revealing at least some your political orientation. I would suggest instead examining within yourself why you would expect to avoid "politics" in general or if it's really just a particular kind of politics that bothers you and why.
  20. 0 points
    Tried Kast earlier tonight with my friend and the video kept stopping so we gave up. I dunno if it's affected by the increased demand during the pandemic.
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