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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/05/20 in Posts

  1. 3 points
    Am I the only one who remembered that a casino having War as an actual card game that you could play was a joke in Vegas Vacation? So apparently there are real casinos that offer it? (I keep trying to include a screenshot, but the forum's uploader keeps failing)
  2. 1 point
    I want to go back through that first Kelsey Grammer scene and count how many times he calls Edge's character "Jack." Has to be upwards of a dozen. Did Andrew Lawrence think we might forget the lead character's name? Or that his first name even matters when it's as generic an action-hero name as "Jack Reese?" (In fact, Jack is easily THE most common movie character name.) Mysteries abound!
  3. 1 point
  4. 1 point
    Dreyfuss should have stayed retired after Poseidon. It's kind of understandable to see how this movie wasnt able to achieve the same level of success as My Big Fat Greek Wedding, instead of writing her material from scratch it looks like she punched up a script based on someone else's experiences.
  5. 1 point
    To take my mind off the current situation I’ve gotten into collecting things and I started with unemployment benefits.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    Great choice! Was also one of the movies I was tempted to pick for my last choices.
  8. 1 point
    I can't believe they didn't talk about my man J.R. Crocket and his amazing fake mustache. Other things I loved: the on screen text for the locations. At the museum is just says "art museum". At the Money Plane Terminal, it says "Money Plane Terminal. Undisclosed Location." Undisclosed to whom? The characters all know where it is, there's no plot point of having to figure out where the Money Plane takes off, and it seems to be just an airport: there's even other airplanes, presumably not related to the Money Plane scheme. The only people to whom the location is undisclosed is us, the audience. The opening narration is also great. "A job well done has three critical parts. 1: The team. 2: There's how things are, and how things appear to be. 3: Your plan A is only as good as your plan B." The last two statements are in no way 'parts of a job'. The movie literally forgets what its opening narration is supposed to be listing after one item.
  9. 1 point
    I think it's a subconscious influence on this choice.
  10. 1 point
    Similarly to June, I also had a lot of questions about the legal aspect of having a criminal casino on a plane. But I thought to myself: "I can finally use that transportation law class I took in law school". Most of this is managed by the Tokyo Convention of 1963, which has been signed by 186 countries, including the United States and my home country of France. To summarise it, the State of registration of the aircraft is competent to exercise jurisdiction over offences and acts committed on board even in international air space. I would point out that it is illegal to buy a plane and not register it; this would fall under the jurisdiction of the country in which the sale happened. But if we assume that the plane is registered, it is actually fairly simple to determine the jurisdiction of a plane, and therefore none of these activities would escape the law just because they are in international air space. It would be a different story if this was not a money plane, but a money skydiving session (sequel?). Fun fact, a way more complicated question is the citizenship of a baby born on board of a plane whilst flying in international air space. This actually depends on a lot of factors but in some cases, a baby could have a claim to U.S. citizenship if they were born in a plane within 12-nautical miles of the ground, the delimitation of international air space. In other cases, a baby could even become stateless, i.e. with no citizenship. Who thinks transportation and international law is a blow-off class now, dad ?
  11. 1 point
    I'm not saying that The Concierge and The Bookkeeper wanted their plane to be robbed, but I think that they knew it was being robbed and didn't really care. First, the excellent pilots. They make it a point to mention how smooth and seamless the take off was. Yet later in the flight the plane starts bobbing and weaving about and all they can say "I assure you we have excellent pilots." Don't you think somebody in charge might check with the pilot if there is a problem or if they hit turbulence or something. Nope. Just carry on business as usual and lots not think about this or look into it anymore. Later on when token female member of the team needs to sex up a guard, Edge puts on some rock music. This entire flight has gone music-less and then all of a sudden a rock song starts playing and as suddenly as it starts it also ends. Everybody aboard looked confused by this but did The Concierge or The Bookkeeper go to check out what the deal was? Nope. That was odd but carry on. Finally the moment Edge plays the Grumble ranting over the loud speaker The Concierge is immediately on the phone with ground people to take him out. The message wasn't even half way done by the time this call was made. I'm thinking that they knew from the start an attempt was going to be made on the plane. They just wanted to find out who was behind it to get their revenge. They let all this carry out and the moment The Concierge heard the voice he picked up the phone to a team that was already on standby. In reality this is a bumbling team of useless losers who were lucky enough to rob a casino plane that was more concerned with landing a bigger fish than stopping them.
  12. 1 point
    As the man that suggested True Stories, I am 1000% in approval of this!
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Man v. Man gladiator fights Man v. Apex predator (tiger, shark, bear, etc.) Going back to my original comment in this thread about Andy Lawrence basically cribbed a bunch of ideas from other movies, the one he kind of failed at stealing from the most was the direct-to-DVD third film in the Hostel series. That movie is set outside of Las Vegas and in this version people aren't really paying for the ability to torture someone, they are betting on how they will either die or how long it will take. One guy the bet is how many arrows it will take to kill him and another I think was how many pounds of live bugs would he have to ingest before dying. It wasn't bad given that the movie was a rush job for the straight to video market, but the games offered in that movie were a hundred times better than what was in this one.
  15. 1 point
    I think it’s safe to say we were all a little disappointed in the games offered on the Money Plane. Out of curiosity, what kind of depraved attractions were you hoping would be featured on board?
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