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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/11/21 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    We watched: (Sorry, nothing pithy this week. I’m in the weeds this morning.)
  2. 2 points
    I might want to walk back some of my defense of the forums. I wasn't aware you couldn't reach them from the front page since I just have them bookmarked. So, I generally don't go to the front page at all. That's technically not an issue with the forums I guess but it's an issue.
  3. 2 points
    I meant to respond to this earlier. @AlmostAGhost, @JammerLeaand I continued the conversation with Paul beyond what I posted here. After speaking with him, it’s clear we all want the same thing: a thriving community. However, as he pointed out, Earwolf has done a pretty piss poor job of making the forums accessible (not his words). A few years ago, they stopped creating threads here, basically leaving it up to us here to do it. In and of itself, I don’t think that’s terrible, but as Paul pointed out, if you are a new poster, there’s not an easy way to access them. It’s easy for us because we visit frequently enough, but if you go to the Earwolf homepage and click the “join the discussion” button on any given episode, it takes you to a broken link. Also, a lot of the “contact” information redirects people to Twitter, Facebook, etc. As you can imagine, this must be very discouraging to people who want to post here. Of course, none of us had any idea about this. It’s no wonder the forums have been seeing less and less traffic. Anyway, we’ve been trying to put together an official Discord for the show that will mirror the set up of the forums as close as possible. I hate to abandon forums here, as I do prefer them for a lot of reasons, but without Earwolf’s support, I don’t know what else we can do. I will say, having played around with Discord since Friday, it’s not bad. It’s definitely different, but like you were saying about change — it comes whether we want it or not.
  4. 1 point
    Yeah, I was pretty disappointed to hear that the forums aren't easy to access now, especially with this being a source of material Paul uses for corrections and omissions. If people can't easily find the forums to participate, then participation is going to continue to be low.
  5. 1 point
    I kind of hate it when people ask how something got made, and the answer is drugs. It always feels sort of lazy to me. However, watching this, I don't think it was made because of drugs, but I think it is meant to be watched while high. There's not really much of a plot, so my mind would wander from time to time, and then, suddenly, there would be, like, a chicken talking. This wouldn't be explained. It would just kind of happen. I think the kind of X-Rated Sesame Street, ADHD-ness of it is meant to be taken in all at once. It's made for you to just catch certain things on different viewings. Not that I would want to re-watch it, but for, like, the kind of people who would want to.
  6. 1 point
    That's fair. If you can watch it for free, it's worth looking at, but bail when it gets too much. Like, again, I don't mind so much if things want to push boundaries, but I like there to be some kind of point behind it. If it's just sort of shock value for shock value's sake, which doesn't really work for me. Literally, it starts with some minstrel show nonsense, and ends with a group number with a whole bunch of nonsense in there with, seemingly, no purpose. Like mermaids and Jesus with a crucifix, but it doesn't really add up to anything other than, "Are you offended yet?"
  7. 1 point
    But seriously, I had a massive migraine yesterday and couldn't start watching this until last night. I just finished it. Honestly, I'm not too sure what to think of it. Let's see if I can work it out. My prevailing feeling is one of nausea. Like, the whole thing is gross. Not just with the sexism and racism, but just everything about it turned my stomach. However, I think this was absolutely the type of visceral reaction they were hoping for, so, like Mission Accomplished? It felt very student art filmy. Very punk rocky. very John Waters-y. But, without the deftness of any of those things, and kind of fails at everything it is trying to do. Like, if I look at it at a Comedy, I don't think it's very funny. If I look at it as a Musical, *most* of the numbers are intentionally terrible. It also misses me as an Art Film as it seems to lack a point beyond lets be as offensive as we can be. I mean, there's a word for people like that, and it's "asshole." So...the movie is kind of a big asshole. Again, I feel like that was very much the intention of the film, so I guess it succeeds. In a weird way, I'm glad I saw it. It's definitely not something I would have ever picked for myself, I hadn't even heard of it before, and that's what I like about Musical Mondays. It forces me to go outside of my comfort zone. That being said, I would neve want to watch this ever again. It is pretty fucking distasteful -- lol.
  8. 1 point
    Me watching this movie with my eyes closed and fingers in my ears humming...
  9. 1 point
  10. 1 point
    Sorry I missed it! Going back to work after winter break + all the crazy-ass events last week made me totally space out on it. Hope it was fun and hope to catch it next time!
  11. 1 point
    Earwolf: We’ve cut off ease of access to the forums. Also Earwolf: The forums are clearly dying so we should stop supporting them.
  12. 1 point
    hey so this was taken off tubi within the last week! i went to watch it and it's gone. i know it was there earlier, i had looked for it.
  13. 1 point
    She was also in a Logan Paul movie. Amazing.
  14. 1 point
    I had a great time last night, all!
  15. 1 point
    The Muppet Chrismas Carol gets some British love in this clip. It starts just before 1:10 if the link doesn't take you there.
  16. 1 point
    If you've heard the Oingo Boingo song Forbidden Zone then you've heard the movie's title track.
  17. 1 point
    I'm going to be disappointed if that actual intersection isn't in the movie
  18. 1 point
    The other reason for picking this movie is 2020 had a lot of nice, family-friendly movies (lipstick nipples aside). I wanted to put 2020 in the rearview mirror.
  19. 1 point
    Both Thomas Jane and John Cusack have been starring in some absolute dogshit the last few years. And its only after reflection that I have to wonder how in gods green earth Cusack managed to have a career as long as he did. He really is the human equivalent of like a bland piece of toast. And why is Thomas Jane always wearing some fuck awful wig in all his movies now. Or has he really decided that long wavy locks is going to reinvigorate his career?
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