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  1. 6 points
    I LOVE THIS MOVIE!!! This is absolutely my childhood in a nutshell. Every girl I knew in school watched this and I'm pretty sure we watched it every year in middle school choir, and then once in high school choir for nostalgia. What I love is that there's literally no questioning about the racial choices of which actors play which role. I think I do remember questioning how Bernadette could have two birth daughters of different races but then just shrugged and accepted it because THIS MOVIE IS FUCKING GREAT! I think any problems anyone could actually have with this movie stem back to the actual Cinderella story itself rather than something this movie actively did. It's a great movie y'all, and if it weren't for how much I actually genuinely loved the newest live action remake this might have been my top of all the adaptations.
  2. 5 points
    Serious question. Why did the slipper survive when everything else vanished at midnight? I admit I never considered that until watching this yesterday. I was wondering how Whitney was going to explain the midnight limitation, To the writers' credit she effectively said "It's a movie. Relax." I liked that but it got me wondering.
  3. 4 points
    I apologize for letting you all down because I definitely binged the entire Nailed It Holiday episodes on day one. Jason's episode was so funny I was crying (as hard as Rob was) and watched it again with a friend later lol. Jason, now you HAVE to do Nicole's podcast. The people need to know why you won't date her.
  4. 3 points
    Apparently that slipper was made out of safety glass. (Seriously, it never broke no matter how big a foot was jammed in it!) We watched...
  5. 3 points
    I think there was probably a conscious decision that race doesn't exist at all, which just goes to show that it does matter to some extent
  6. 3 points
    Here's the thing that really jumped out to me: How does the prince not recognize Brandy? How does no one recognize her? Normally, I always chalk that up to being a fairy tale or maybe there are some similar looking women in the village or "magic" of some kind. But Jason Alexander makes a point to say to Bernadette Peters something like "We think she was probably younger than you." That line really broke the immersion for me because you can get a general age for her but you haven't narrowed it down "definitely not a white woman"? You could have went down the line and easily eliminated 90% of the women in city. I commend the movie for having an interracial romance on a mainstream television show in the 90s but it's really silly in a movie with a mystery woman.
  7. 3 points
    Personally, I really enjoyed this version far more than the animated version - even with the distracting “Nineties-bass.” Regarding the slipper, I think that’s a holdover from versions of the tale that weren’t based on magic. However, as far as this telling goes, I think it just says that the Fairy Godmother actually had the power to keep Cindy a princess if she wanted to, but if she did, there might always be a question as to whether the Prince’s love was unconditional or if it was only because she was princess. The fact that Cindy is of a lower station is an important part of the story, so it’s important that the Prince accepts her for who she really is. Also, placing the shoe in his hand forces him to be proactive. Like, he could have just been like, “That sucks. Oh well...” The shoe shows to what lengths he’s willing to go to find his one and only. At least, that’s my rationale
  8. 3 points
    Yea this happens in every version of Cinderella I've seen (and I watched 6 different ones this weekend haha) so it's just part of the lore. I keep waiting for at least one version to explain it.
  9. 3 points
    I’m not sure how much I can pop in this week, but I love this movie a lot so I HAD to watch it. I wrote a bunch of notes while watching so I figure I’ll just dump them here and then check in later to see if they sparked anything sorry in advance
  10. 3 points
    They mentioned in one episode that they use convection ovens, which cuts down in actually baking time. And if they use the chiller to cool cakes, it might work if everything went perfectly. I think they probably give the same amount of time the professional in the test kitchen uses but that’s a handicap in itself. I mean in Great British bakeoff they usually get HOURS to complete their showstoppers. But maybe they realize more time is just prolonging the inevitable lol might as well give equal time for people that are just going to fail anyway.
  11. 2 points
    Paterno Returno is already one of the funniest riffs to ever be produced by the Earwolf family. I've gone back to it about 8 times already.
  12. 2 points
    I dunno, it's not as beautiful as the usual Spielberg effort, but there are still some great shots in there. And IMO, it's still terrific visual storytelling, the kind of movie where you can turn the dialogue off and still generally understand what's happening.
  13. 2 points
    100% thought if the same thing - I love Practical Magic!
  14. 1 point
    Next motherfucker leaves the "O" off of opossum gonna spend the night with Scabby Pete in the haunted fuck chair.
  15. 1 point
    hi brian, first time fan, first time caller. i got just one question for you: who are you and are you who you wanted to be when you were young (as that one song by the killers goes)?
  16. 1 point
    That sounds right to me. I was commenting while watching on how they had a Filipino actor playing the interracial son. Unfortunately he doesn't appear to be related to Ricardo Montalban so the prince's carriage probably doesn't have rich, Corinthian leather.
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
    As someone who isn't much of a baker, are the times they get to make these cakes realistic? Could a professional baker who never saw these particular cakes make one of them in the time given? Because 90 minutes to recreate the massive designs seems impossible.
  19. 1 point
    I don't know what it's like to lose a dad but I lost my mom and went through a six year period where someone close or related to me died every year. I second @taylorannephoto that if you ever want to talk to someone about anything I'm here. I also know that talking about how you're doing constantly can be draining so if you just want to enjoy shifty films that's ok too.
  20. 1 point
    Right?! I had to find out on Tumblr! How dare you guys keep Nicole and Zukes sweet sweet chemistry to yourselves!
  21. 1 point
    Double fired because I didn't even know Nailed It! had new episodes.
  22. 1 point
    I screamed because I am hoping for some serious Wig Talk. Also you are all FIRED for not telling me Zouks is in the New Year's episode of Nailed It.
  23. 1 point
    Everyone else:you are lying. The boys are at pcast me: pcast is a shite name. merry Christmas everyone.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Apparently, the boys have been banned at the last minute from doing an episode entitled Carl Tart, Our Flagrant Friend. They will need to do an emergency record that they haven’t prepared for. So there WILL be a popcorn gallery. They won’t even find out the guest (Brian Huskey) until they walk in the studio. So send in your questions ASAP.
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