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Showing content with the highest reputation on 01/17/19 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    A local art house theater played this movie as their last movie before they closed forever. One thing Paul and Amy talk about is Red River playing at the end as championing how great Texas is. But the scene is specifically a bunch of people yelling about going to Missouri. I don't know if that's another level to the story of, even in the legend of Texas at its best, people are leaving.
  2. 2 points
    It's the. worst. wig. Also I didn't believe they had any romantic chemistry! I mean totally great bro energy with the possibility of falling in love years later lmao, but I'm thinking you give me two or three more adventures with those two and THEN I could believe they fell in love lol.
  3. 1 point
    I'm coming in fresh from seeing this movie and I don't know if I should tell you this movie was good or bad but if you're fans of those WTF moments in cinema history then you guys/girls out there need to check out this movie HORNS. I knew it was based off a book and it was staring DanielRadcliff but not much else I wasn't sure what to expect and to be honest I don't quite know how to explain it still. That said, this film starts off off outrageous and Then only continues to out-do itself from there. Everytime I get used to a new WTF they throw a new one in my face, seriously! I also got really into it (I now that sounds wierd) but I laughed thru like 1/2 the movie (in a good way). The flick was available Ondemand but it should be coming to theaters this month as well. Some movies are so bad they're good.
  4. 1 point
    when the red hair was CGI (when they were underwater) I was fine with it, it was her on land sequences...oaf. That all said, I loved the movie because it was just so batshit insane while managing to tell a pretty basic King Arthur story. I would have rather the only love story been between Kim Basinger and the guy that played Momoa's dad. At least that was the only love story I was engaged in.
  5. 1 point
    When Statham goes to choke Kim Basinger with the phone cord, it was so jarring. William H. Macy was delightful throughout, he was easily the best part of the movie for me.
  6. 1 point
  7. 1 point
    In Halloween 2010 all the kids were going to the party. The person I wanted to kiss told me to make sure I was there IN COSTUME. At that age you would do anything for the one you wanted to kiss*. I had work before the party and when it was time to leave work the door fell off. i had to hold the door up so that the alarm didn’t go off, while my coworker looked for a new hinge. It was hours before I left work.** Got home, got showered, got dressed in my makeshift matrix gear, got going. When I arrived at the party the person I wanted to kiss had already left and no one else was dressed up. so I drank a lot of vodka and kept doing the matrix bullet-limbo thing. The last matrix movie had come out 7 years prior. I don’t think I could have predicted then the way the golden globes turned out this year, so it’s impressive these guys did *Not judging, I would too. **It normally was, but this time it was even more hours
  8. 1 point
    Yes, but he’s less than vanilla. He’s just, like, an ice cube.
  9. 1 point
    That was exactly my thought the entire time.
  10. 1 point
    Maybe everyone had sex with Ta but no one remembers because it was so goddamn boring?
  11. 1 point
  12. 1 point
    I liked the little brother's dance even more than Helen's! Ok fine, I think I was projecting too much and was hoping she got to knock boots before getting written out of the movie completely. And would it be better or worse if every romantic rejection ended with your crush pushing you down a slide?
  13. 1 point
    She was cosplaying Ariel, right?
  14. 1 point
    I knew that "wetback" was a slur, but wasn't familiar with the origin of the word, so I started googling shit and came across this article. It's a bit long, but an interesting read, especially about the political climate of the time. https://lareviewofbooks.org/article/flower-drum-song-whitewashing-operation-wetback-message-1961/#! R&H had "lifelong interests in issues of social and racial justice, especially regarding ties between the United States and Asia." For real? Gene Kelly directed the Broadway production of Flower Drum Song Cam Bert mentioned this, but I had no idea that Juanita Hall was an African American actress In 1954, the INS launched “Operation Wetback" The original ending of FDS was more confrontational Re: Helen - I kept waiting for her to pop up at the wedding ceremony at the end! I can't believe we never get a resolution to her character after Wang Ta leaves her apartment. Also...did Wang Ta and Helen sleep together or did he only pass out? I liked her dream dance sequence a lot! As usual, even in her dream, Wang Ta was the blandest part of the dance.
  15. 1 point
    Helen sure is a tomato! It does make me wonder why it never happened sooner.
  16. 1 point
    I’m not going lie: I was crushing pretty hard on Helen. Ta doesn’t deserve her.
  17. 1 point
    Wang Ta danced with Helen and I'm pretty sure he sang briefly but never soloed. I think you hit the nail on the head my main problem with the movie. I get that Mei Li fell in love at first sight, Linda loved him for his wealth, and Helen had been crushing on him for years. Yet, outside of Linda I don't really see why that is. Wang Ta is handsome, smart, and rich but he is kinda blah character wise. If he was a bit more charming or charismatic I could see why Helen had been waiting for him or why Mei Li instantly feel in love with him. His falling for Mei Li is even more of a head scratcher. He liked her but then to jump to I must be with her, I didn't fully buy it. Also Sammy ends up with Linda and Wang Ta ends up with Mei Li but no love for Helen? Poor Helen.
  18. 1 point
    You should also watch Yojimbo some time. A Fistful Of Dollars is a remake of it.
  19. 1 point
    The crab thing (played by John Rhys Davies) is for sure the best character. I wanted it to have better music cues. I said on Twitter that they should've played Cher's HALF BREED while he rose up on the leviathan. No one else thought it was funny. WHY DID JULIE ANDREWS AGREE TO THIS? Does Warner have something on her?
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
    Forget Jacob's Ladder Scenarios, there's a caller on this episode who posits a June Lockhart Scenario!
  22. 1 point
    Was coming here to say the same thing. Seeing them made an already amazing show that much more forking great.
  23. 1 point
    Alert! Paul and Nicole Byer were on the Good Place this week. (West Coast, you still have time to see it live.) I was unprepared for how much I would squeal when I saw Nicole.
  24. 1 point
    Maybe his full name is Ralphesmee.
  25. 1 point
    What was with those three girls? And why were they dressed as child brides at the end?
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