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Showing content with the highest reputation on 05/04/20 in all areas

  1. 5 points
    I wouldn’t have minded the time jumps as much if it wasn’t supposed to be the same character. I might have that wrong and it might just be to show which actor was making the jump. For instance, the first Rumer Willis vignette is titled The College Boy and The Young Wife. The next is The Young Wife and The Husband. THEN it’s The Husband and The Young Thing, set on The Titanic. Both Young Wife segments happened in later decades so The Husband traveled back several decades if it is supposed to be The Husband. if you need me I will be over here binge-watching 7:35 in the Morning (the original pick).
  2. 5 points
    To me the biggest problem with this movie is that they have all these things but don't ever really use them to say anything interesting at all. First, the time jumps are entirely pointless. They really wanted to do solider going to war, Titanic and Cher's Believe but couldn't do them all at once so they came up with this time hoping as an excuse I'm pretty sure. The time jumps go forward and backwards but really tell us nothing. Titanic aside, is there anything gained from putting any of the stories in that time period and not the present? Would the music producer/singer be any different in 2017 than in 2002? In 2017 couldn't you pick up a guy in a bar by saying you're writing a screenplay for Brad Pitt? Nothing is gained or no extra insight is given by having these things set in the different time periods, so why not put them all now? Also by having the actors play the same "role" I got confused because they time jumps were not extreme enough. I literally thought the nurse was the same nurse, and Rummer Willis was the same wife. It's only because her hair was different that I eventually clued in (though her story was somewhat similar which didn't help) but make the jumps a bit bigger or clearer if you are going to do it. And it's not if it's saying "being a nurse in the 60s is sure different than being one in the 40s" The actors playing the same role in different times doesn't change anything because it's who they are interacting with that changes (or doesn't change) their treatment not the time.
  3. 4 points
    I’m a half hour in and I’m going nuts.
  4. 4 points
    I feel like I've been watching Hello Again all weekend, so how is it that I still have an hour left?! Help me... They should've made Cloud Atlas, the musical.
  5. 4 points
    Like from the trailer and the name I thought this would be something a long the lines of "these two souls keep finding each other in different generations" but it was literally "Oh, you'll be used in 1902 and 2002!" I think that's a big part why I couldn't get behind this because while the details varied it was that message which just shows you "Oh you think this might turn out different, nope! Sucks here too!" Like I get that maybe the idea is that they wanted to play with different social classes and be like "see we're all the same" but I don't think that came through as much as "don't have sex, you'll just end up being used"
  6. 3 points
  7. 3 points
    That’s definitely weird. According to Wikipedia (so you know it’s true) the musical’s author came up with the different decades precisely so he could use different musical styles.
  8. 3 points
    Unrelated to the movie, but a thought I kept having during the movie was "Did anybody from Glee go on to do anything?" Like Cheyenne Jackson got aboard to the Ryan Murphy train, so he's been steadily working. Lea Michael was thrown a Ryan Murphy shaped bone with Scream Queens, but outside of that what has she done? What have any of them really done? Maybe they're more busy in the theater, I don't know. Also, how badly screwed Jenna Ushkowitz on Glee? They just didn't know what to do with her after season one. In fairness after that it became the Lea Michael and Chris Colfer show and there was no room for any other characters that weren't in those direct stories. But Tina, once the stuttering was over just faded into the background. I don't know what show I hate watched more, Glee or True Blood.
  9. 3 points
    I didn't mind the time jumping, but yea, there's no real point to this film. Except maybe that 'love sucks, don't trust anyone' which is a pretty unenjoyable message.
  10. 2 points
    To those watching it I would say the last bit is a lot better. Once you actually spend time with them and not just focus on the sex. I just watched this yesterday and the only songs I vaguely remember are Cher's Believe, a kinda silly one about getting a blow job in a boat and the one with the guys getting married. My lack of ability to recall any words I think says it all. So aside from autotuning the one song they're all the same sounding and the fact that they talk sing everything sometimes it's hard to tell when they were singing a song versus just talking.
  11. 2 points
    It has a very “I’m winging it” quality to it. It’s kind of how I felt about some of the music in Jesus Christ Superstar, but less memorable. Like, you can’t hum along to it or anything.
  12. 2 points
    Of what I've seen so far, the music seems I dunno, anemic? "Unremarkable" is fitting too. The only song that managed to get stuck in my head is Neil Diamond's Hello Again. Good luck!
  13. 2 points
    What did you all think of the music? I liked a couple of songs (one by Rumer Willis and one near the end) but mainly I found them completely unremarkable I'm still baffled why they didn't match music style to the era. I guess the '70s one was vaguely disco-ish, but that seemed like a real clear choice to be doing in a musical like this and they didn't.
  14. 2 points
    Bakshi will forever have my love for Fire And Ice:
  15. 2 points
    1. I love that Tall John Scheer pronounced my username as something like "renounce-able shaw". 2. Terry Pratchett does everything JK Rowling does (and more) but does it with more thought, humor, intelligence, humanity, and pathos.
  16. 1 point
    Sadly, I completely forgot about this because I was filling out job applications all week. Everyone’s reactions makes me weirdly thankful for ...annoying paperwork???!!
  17. 1 point
  18. 1 point
  19. 1 point
    I'm 20 minutes into Hello Again and I'm hating my past self.
  20. 1 point
    I agree. It’s fantastic world building, but the stories themselves are pretty clunky—particularly the later books, which I feel really needed some editorial oversight. Like, I get she was making people a ton of money at that point and it’s hard to say “no,” but there are plot lines that are introduced and dropped with no resolution or impact on the overall plot. For example, Hermione’s S.P.E.W stuff is a nice idea, but really slows the momentum of the books down—especially when you consider it never really pays off. The last page of the last book ends with Harry demanding a sandwich from Kreacher for Christ’s sake! Lesson clearly not learned! (Although I’m sure she has a BS excuse like, “Just because you defeat one evil doesn’t mean prejudices don’t still exist,” or some such. And even if that actually was her intention, it comes off sloppy.)
  21. 1 point
    I will say I don’t think the HP books are as flawlessly executed as Jason thinks they are (maybe we gotta get DanRad back on the show) but they are very good and something I recommend as comfort reading. JKR reminds me so much of Hermione when she is mad. She goes scary places. Anyway, I look forward to future articles about George RR Martin’s “petty” revenges on the show runners.
  22. 1 point
    Fucking. Cool. World. I absolutely loved that movie as a kid (probably not the greatest movie for a kid to watch but Can't wait to rewatch it now
  23. 1 point
    In response to the first caller, I think it’s best to maintain a certain level of continuity even though you’re at home. Lunches shouldn’t be that difficult if you were already preparing lunches for school. You can just make a lunch the night before, put it in a lunchbox, and give it to them for lunch. You don’t have to straight up cook every meal just because you’re home Also, we try to take our kids for a walk or bike ride twice a day—practicing safe, social distancing, of course. Nothing super long, but long enough that they can run and get some of their energy out. This way they are less inclined to be crawling all over you while you are trying to work. Also, there are a ton of really cool educational apps out there for kids that can keep them pretty well occupied without being total brain rot. The Google Arts & Culture also app provides virtual tours that my kids love. Nothing is perfect of course, but these things have worked pretty well for us.
  24. 1 point
  25. 1 point
    Mods, please feel free to edit if I messed anything up, I was just so excited (I Kermit flailed) because we're finally getting Cool World! ::DJ airhorns:: You can also watch Cool World through Tubi. A part of me still feels like the initial Sonic trailer was a scam and intentionally bad to drum up outrage/press/general interest and the final product always existed.
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