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3 pointsPaul, June, and Jason discuss the 1984 martial arts action horror film Ninja III: The Domination. They talk about the V8 sex scene, aerobics, ninja possessions, and more. Plus, Paul sharess his childhood V8 recipe. Please visit these links Justice for Breonna Taylor Black Lives Matter Campaign Zero EJI Vote
3 pointsI was curious how much force it takes to crush a golf ball like the ninja does with his bare hands. It varies by brand but, according this this video, the weakest took 19613 newtons of pressure. According to this site, "excellent" grip strength is 141 pounds of force which is about 627 newtons. So, the ninja has hands about 31 times stronger than even the strongest person. https://www.topendsports.com/testing/tests/handgrip.htm
3 pointsI didn’t mean to be like “you guys aren’t doing enough” but I was trying to think of something actionable that the podcast could undertake. I am sure the 8% is correct where you are. In LA it is 11%. Let’s round down to 10. They have done 241 movies. I would argue they shoot try to have had 24 Black guests or thereabouts? And I don’t meant to say they have not because I can think of Nicole, Tawny Newsome, Hannibal Burress, Colton Dunn and Rhetta off the top of my head. I think they have had a fair number but maybe not 24. I could look at the list of guests on Wikipedia but I am lazy. Was just trying to be helpful not critical. Sorry i I have little to say about the film. I didn’t watch it. I do love the music in that clip. And I really hope we get “How Did We Get Scheer” category or supercut in the Howdies. I posted some time stamps of other examples in the Howdies thread if anyone knows how to do supercuts.
3 pointsPaul, June, and Jason incorrectly thought that when Chris drove away in the work van and abandoned her co-worker that she simply went home. When Billy was talking to her, he says that he has to drop his partner off. This is the cop who plays pool by himself at his home. (Clearly he can afford the pool table because he doesn’t own a car and needs other people to drive him to and from work). Chris recognizes the partner, who is sitting in the passenger seat. She leaves in the van to tail Billy and see where the partner lives. Then later that night she comes back and kills that cop while he’s playing pool.
3 pointsIs it at all possible that Chris was actually trying to turn Billy off by pouring V8 on herself? After hitting on her at the police station, not taking her very terse "no" for an answer, stalking her at her second job, standing on the sidelines as she is attacked by the gang of gym rat rapists/purse snatchers, threatening to "haul her in" after she handily defends herself from them, whisking her away in his Fletch-mobile against her will, petulantly negging her over her stance about not dating cops, and threatening to dump her in the neighborhood Axel Foley conned his way into in Beverly Hills Cop II, it's possible that Chris thought her best, last-ditch option for getting rid of this hairy-backed creep was to take him back to her junk-artist loft, don her blousiest pair of parachute panties, douse herself in sticky vegetable juice, and hopefully freak his shit out enough for him to want to finally leave her alone. Sadly, it didn't work. This episode featured one of the absolute best entries in what I hope will soon become a supercut compilation of Paul's misadventures which I lovingly refer to as "How Did We Get Scheer?" Virgin bloody marys and after school toy gun time?!? Please tell me a two sizes too big smoking jacket was also involved!
3 pointsI appreciate the sentiment and support the cause as well. I’ve been speaking out on police conduct for 25+ years. In fact, my family and I got one cop fired for misconduct through a lawsuit (long story). However, one thing I think many people forget is that blacks/African-Americans (not really sure there’s any consensus on what term is more appropriate) is that they compose only 8% of the population. People always talk about under representation, but I’d bet much more than 8% of new releases have a black lead or co-lead. The point being is that there are just a lot more white and Latino folks around. Asians, black, etc. are a tiny demo in comparison. My point really being that what people often tend to think of as a lack of proactive efforts at inclusion are simply down to sheer numbers. I get how some might be listening for a break from this 24/7 situation might not like it, but I feel/hope that, due to the type of person this show attracts, the mass majority will be and understand they can just fast forward past it if they don’t want to hear it. PS - I listened to the Stealth episode with the little Key & Peele guy. Bloodsport is my favorite HDTGM episode and Nicole was hilarious in that. Her guest appearance on The Meg was amazing too. She’s been a great regular. Can’t wait until the Arclight gets that special “Nicole Buyer will be yelling at the screen during this viewing” feature Jason suggested.
3 pointsNinja III = Free on Prime Video (w/subscripton) 4 Glaring Omissions: 1. Billy’s line: “Listen, there’s an officer in the the Asiatic Division. He said there’s this guy downtown that the local Japanese swear by.” Cause we all know how small, suburban Arizona towns in the 80s had police departments with African, “Asiatic,” Balkan, Indosesian, etc. divisions...I died! 2. The Doctor: “Physically, you’re great. I see no problem. You are under severe stress, of course. But otherwise, Dr. Bowen the psychiatrist you saw, said there’s nothing out of the ordinary. Aside from your exceptional extrasensory perception and your preoccupation with Japanese culture.” What stress aside from being stalked by Billy? What exceptional powers of extrasensory perception? What cultural obsession (a sword she found)? 3. Police Response Time @ Golf Course: Since the ninja is still at the golf course and how fast he is, we must assume this small town has been able to deploy roughly 50 cops and a helicopter within 2 minutes. Uh, not possible.  4. Police Batons: there’s a moment when a cop spins the baton for a sec at the cemetery fight and has the sound effect of an elaborate nunchucks display. But, more to the point, these cops know this ninja survived point blank shot gun blasts and machine gun fire and they’re trying to fight “him” with a stick? PS - Anyone else wonder why the cops were guarding the morgue inside and out like a Scarface mansion scene? Had they showed heightened alert due to the golf course events, it’d make sense. But as J,J&P said, they were casual & relaxed just hours after dozens of fellow officers were brutally slain.
2 pointsV8 should definitely have a product placement deal with The Fast & Furious franchise. It’s all about family! And what’s better for a growing family than 2 full servings of vegetables in every can. Vin would make sure the deal specified he can’t lose to a can of V8 in a fight. I can totally see it now: In the climatic scene Dom is thrown from his car and comes to rest face down against a wall. His crew run to him and look in stunned dismay at his white cotton beater soaked in blood, but just when all is lost, Dom rolls over and holds up a crushed can of V8 with a mischievous smile and says “I ain’t rebuilding this one.” Cut to rooftop gathering. The whole family raise cans of V8 high and in harmony yell, “Family!” THE END Directed By: Tall John Scheer
2 pointsArizona license plates are crazy distinct (or am I just thinking of New Mexico) and I missed that too. The canyons and mountains in the opening/around the golf course also don’t look like anything in LA County (except the course itself). But the area stands in for so many places it’s natural to assume it was shot here. And, the industrial areas and station almost looked liked they were shot on a big lot. Anyone else wonder why the cops were guarding the morgue inside and out like it was a Scarface mansion scene? If they had showed heightened alert or amazement at the golf course events, it’d have made some sense. But as mentioned in the show, they were casual and relaxed just hours after dozens of officers were brutally slain. PS - RE: June’s favorite art form/some well known forum member names, Lucinda Dickey was the of Breakin’ 2: Electric Boogaloo
2 pointsInteresting theory about the V-8 juice, but she was so strongly coming onto him that I just thought of it as more of a playful gesture. At the time, I actually thought it was foreshadowing for blood to be spilled for a moment. Paul’s home stories are sooooo crazy, that as hilarious/weird as that is, it’d be like wayyyy down on the list. Another one that’d also be way down on the list yet still funny that just came to mind for no reason was the signed Arliss Hat. But, yeah man, Paul has the craziest childhood stories and young adult misadventures (how I’d classify his desk-less, duty-less job where he was ordered to have lunch with Brittany Spears. I’m assuming Paul stories are a Howdies category. More omissions that just came to mind: -Police Baton: there’s a moment when a cop spins the baton for a sec at the cemetery fight and has the sound effect of an elaborate nunchucks display. But, more to the point, these cops know this ninja survived point blank shot gun blasts and machine gun fire and they’re trying to fight “him” with a stick?! -Police Response Time @ Golf Course: Since the ninja is still at the golf course and how fast he is, we must assume this small town has been able to deploy roughly 50 cops and a helicopter within 2 minutes. Uh, not possible.
2 pointsAlso, the licenses plates for all the cars are clearly from Arizona. It was suprising to me when I noticed it, though. There's something about the movie that makes you just assume "southern California." Hmm.
2 pointsChris' teetering stacks of manga and Sailor Moon cosplay outfits would have blown her doctor's mind.
2 pointsI appreciate what was said at the top about BLM and such. I am sure Reddit will hate it. One thing I would like to ask that the podcast do is try to have more people of color as guests. I know the guests are often friends and I get that, but sometimes that kind of insular community stands in the way of introducing new voices. I discount Nicole Byer through this podcast (and Girl Code gifs on Tumblr) and I couldn't be happier to have her in my life. I don't mean never have white people but make a concerted effort for more diversity?
2 pointsOh, I also wanted to share this video cause before I found it on Amazon Prime for free, I looked on YouTube and caught this scene. I thought this music was from the movie and thought “damn! this movie has got a killer sound track!” That song (especially starting at the one minute mark) makes the scene so much more compelling to me.
2 pointsThe modern depiction of ninjas is from the Kabuki tradition. The audience knew to ignore the stagehands, dressed in all black, as not part of the action of the play. But sometimes, an "invisible" stagehand would kill someone in the play, and that was regarded as a ninja secretly assassinating someone. Historical ninjas would never dress like that, even at night, as they are trying to blend in and such an outfit would be incredibly suspicious. As spies, they would want to avoid the kind of confrontation that would ensue from dressing like that. As much as anything, movies use that trope so the heroes can wholesale slaughter any numbers of faceless enemies without it being alarming.
1 pointOh, I didn’t mean to imply I thought you were being over critical for a second. I thought you had a great suggestion. I was more saying it in context of ongoing grandstanding at Hollywood about casting diversity. On that subject, Hulu has done a great job in some of its new shows, doing Hamilton style version of black actors in period era comedy- dramas like The Great (about Catherine The Great). I’d say 40% of the actors are black despite it being 18th century Russia and the cast is effing great. I think Paul was overly critical of himself, but it came from, obviously, a good place. Love Grudian’s science fact. Hilarious! Now, I want to know what science would say about their jumping ability.
1 pointCrazy, cause I immediately assumed it was Arizona and not LA (where I live). The deserts/brush land around LA do not look like anything seen in the golf course scene Also, they mentioned Beverly Hills maybe due to the beautiful palm trees, but the houses were all dumps. Clearly not Beverly Hills.
1 point
1 pointThe gang keeps referring to the movie as being set/filmed in Culver City, or outside of LA, but it's actually Phoenix. ‪‪I wasn't sure myself while watching it, but ‪‪the credits confirmed it was filmed entirely in Arizona, in Phoenix and area suburbs Glendale and Tempe, and Sedona, likely the scenes on the rocks/temple on the hill.
1 pointI enjoyed this episode, and while I love this movie, I agree with many of its criticism. For me this will always be a movie that had the potential for perfection but never quite reached it, no matter how many cuts of it they release. However, there's one thing that Amy and Paul neglected to mention in regards to this movie: Blade Runner was an essential work of art (in any format) that helped create the genre of Cyberpunk. Nothing quite like it existed before in the field of Science Fiction. Sure, there may be other works published before that could arguably fit into the Cyberpunk genre (a short story by William Gibson comes to mind), but Blade Runner has become the de-facto representative that defined the genre (again, not just in film, but in any art form). So, while I admit the film has flaws, I think it belongs on the links just because of its contribution to the field of science fiction. After all, how many films are there in the AFI top 100 list that define an entire genre.
1 pointI'd say this film is more influential than good. It looks create and is effective at creating a world, but it's not as effective at telling a story. I'd say I was getting off-topic, but since the podcast actually touched on these things: Trayvon Martin wasn't killed by a cop, but a civilian member of a neighborhood watch group (which reforms to police would be unlikely to affect). And "human capital" is a standard term in economics, which AOC herself used prior to objecting to others using it. Another economic finding is that our desire for uniqueness/variety as consumers is a big cause of rising "monopoly" profits. And the reason advertisers spend money on brands is the justified expectation that we will buy them is because others see what products we purchase and having seen the same ads can tell the kind of signal we are trying to send about ourselves. Deckard isn't really set up to be a replicant by the film. Ridley Scott seems to have come up with that after the fact, adding in unicorn footage from his next movie. As noted, it makes no sense to send an inferior model of replicant to "retire" tougher models. Rachel Rosen in the book is an attempt to disprove the validity of the test, under the claim that being raised on a space station resulted in a "false positive", though Deckard figures out that's B.S. In the film she's an unusual model in that it takes so many questions for the test to detect her. That seems distinct from the other models, although we don't have a name for that more psychologically human model. The character in the book is a bit more complex and perhaps has shades of being a "femme fatale" (although her only victim is an animal), but wasn't entirely coherent. I don't think this one qualifies as a "femme fatale" at all, since you can't really combine that with innocence. My understanding is that the scene between her and Deckard came off looking like a rape because the actors weren't getting along and so Ridley decided to lean into that if he couldn't make the scene as originally conceived convincing. I'm one of the few people who've read Alan E. Nourse's "The Bladerunner", and Billy Gimp is not a thief. He's a gopher for a doctor who provides black market medical care (medicine has been nationalized, and the above-ground variety comes with eugenic requirements for sterilization). Coincidentally, both scifi novels involve people getting around a city via flying cars. I haven't been able to find a copy of William S. Burroughs "Blade Runner (a movie)", which was never actually made into a movie but is how this film got its title. Ridley Scott owns the rights to it, but maybe someone could ask him for permission to adapt that story and then use a different title. For those curious how the film compares to "Do Androids Dream of Electric Sheep?", they were compared by What's the Difference here and Lost in Adaptation here.
1 pointI reread mine and see how it could be misconstrued. I'm very upset by the choices made regarding these two movies lol.
1 pointEp 142 The Phantom Best Story from Paul's Past--6:06 Paul's story of trying to ingratiate himself to his girlfriend's father through the Phantom and Dalmations. Best Audience Explanation Hope--1:02:55 Knitting Girl returns with a present for Paul and June and an extra large scarf for Jason's dick. (She was previously in Ep 136 Hell Comes to Frogtown @ 4:11) Best 2nd Opinion--1:28:53 A long post about how The Phantom helped the reviewer stand up to bullies. Best Guest Laugh--Ed Brubaker
1 pointA couple of nominees for the Paul's childhood stories category: Talking about dancing in the movie theater as a kid and his mom's second wedding song (Second Sight) His my buddy doll/adopting a cabbage patch doll (I *think* it was Striptease) His grandma telling him the story about the butcher and the camping story (Pinnochio) His mom buying him Tasmanian devil decorations for his dorm (Space Jam) And of course...trying to french kiss his mom after watching an episode of the Love Boat (Jaws 3D) Another possible category would be Paul & June at home stories: Their fight over a backpack June bought Paul (Jaws 3D) Paul getting locked out of his house and having to sleep in his car (Blues Brothers 2000) June being annoyed by the sound machine in their home (Shanghai Surprise)
1 point
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