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Showing content with the highest reputation on 06/10/20 in all areas

  1. 4 points
  2. 4 points
    One crazy item in Chris’ apartment not discussed in the episode was the working pay phone she has on the wall. It’s even odder because there are at least two other normal phones seen in her apartment. How many does she need? The scene where she uses the pay phone is also odd. The phone rings and instead of saying ‘hello’, she immediately says ‘Billy where are you?’. Do her ninja skills include caller ID? Also it’s weird that she’s wondering where he is. He had canceled their date earlier because he told her he had to work late. Why was she still expecting him at her apartment? Are they already living together?
  3. 4 points
    I’m loving all the new people on here! Welcome to all! I don’t really have much to add regarding the movie itself, but as Paul seemed to be struggling to identify the type of tank top that Billy was wearing without referring to the offensive colloquial slang that is often used, I just thought I would contribute that the technical term for those types of tanks is an “A Shirt.” Yeah, maybe a lot of people won’t know what you’re talking about if you refer to it as an A Shirt, but that’s on them. If they’re curious, they can look it up.
  4. 3 points
    Did anyone else think her "apartment" was an employee break room when they first showed it? All the stuff like the pay phone and arcade game, being attached to the gym seems much more like a break room than someone's home. I definitely didn't realize until much later that she lived there. Don't start this again!
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    I stand corrected. Raisins are hot as fuck...
  7. 2 points
    By not adding raisins you're not adding the sex appeal.
  8. 2 points
    Aside from V8, what is the least sexiest food/beverage? My vote will always be for coleslaw.
  9. 1 point
    Comedy is subjective but my balls aren't cause they are no joke
  10. 1 point
    I'd rather just play the Bioshock series again, it deals with the ideas of the book a lot better than the filmmakers ever could. Also it is amazing that they could not get a single actor to return from one film to the next, as if three different studios were tasked with making the movie, and the person in charge of it all just said "fuck it, we'll take pieces of each and make one saga." The only reason I could see them covering this series is that it is chock full of HDTGM All Stars from a cursory glance of the casts.
  11. 1 point
    Geeky computer whiz Paul (Jeffrey Byron) is not happy to discover that his long-suffering girlfriend, Gwen (Leslie Wing), has been abducted by villainous sorcerer Mestema (Richard Moll). Mestema promises to release Gwen if Paul can complete seven different challenges in seven different realms. Paul consents, and Mestema equips him with a computerized wristband capable of firing lasers and transports him to face the perils he must survive if he ever wants to see Gwen again. This movie has 7 different directors!!!! Also known as RAGEWAR.
  12. 1 point
  13. 1 point
  14. 1 point
    Thank you. I thought they had but didn't quite remember.
  15. 1 point
  16. 1 point
    I invested a lot of money into the youse-cream and wealse-cream industries and it was the worst decision of my life.
  17. 1 point
    So June Kept talking about a bloody marry using Clamato juice, This wouldn't be a bloody Mary but a Ceaser. the main difference being Clamato juice has a "dried clam broth" as described by the website. While the main difference being clam juice, both are prepared and served the same way. It might be a Canadian thing but here most people don't use a "Ceaser mix" (as is insinuated when googling Ceaser the drink) most people just use Clamato juice.
  18. 1 point
    No I didn't sadly. I was too intimidated by Kris Kristofferson's beard.
  19. 1 point
    Technically, HDTGM did Jazz Singer, but I’d be down for some Yentl
  20. 1 point
    Well I don't want to speak on too much authority, I have lived in Japan for 16 but not born here, but this is pretty spot on. Japanese do believe in spirits and ghosts and them haunting and residing in places, but there is no real history of them possessing people. There are those than can channel spirits but for actual ghosts stories of a possession nature are indeed very rare. Quick addition to this. The one man we see the black ninja killing is eye patch's father. He actually cries out for his father in Japanese.
  21. 1 point
    Good shout outs to character actor James Hong. Like bumping into an old friend, it’s always a pleasure. “Hey! It’s you! Wow, it’s been a while!” Of course, we greet each other with a rueful smile, as once again Hollywood casts a Chinese-American actor to play a Japanese man. But then again, maybe that fits in a movie where a Chinese medical shop performs Japanese exorcism, or the fact there’s a Japanese temple in Arizona where Chinese kung-fu is being practiced. But do Japanese ghosts possess people? There are a ton of Japanese ghost stories and their urban legends are notorious, but the kind of ghostly possession featured in Ninja III falls more into the Western ideas, like in the tradition of Regan in The Exorcist or Emily Rose. In these stories, it’s demons going into the body of another, with the horror being a loss of control and individuality, the helplessness and victimizing. Japanese spirits are yĆ«rei (“faded souls”) more distinct from demons. They’re more like “haunting” kinds of ghosts, even violent ones, similiar to a poltergeist. These are called onryƍ (vengeful spirit) and will feature in movies like The Ring and Ju-On (The Grudge). Possession in the way we might think of does occur in a couple of ways, but it’s not easy to do a one-to-one translation for these kinds of ideas. You can think of one way as similar to channneling, like how mediums invite spirits into them. Another way is to use haunted items and risk being influenced by an accompaning spirit. Still not an exact Emily Rose scenario, and the horror is more existential, a kind of warning— against attachment that Buddhism says is the root of suffering. The closest we get to Regan & Emily is a unique Japanese possession featuring a ikiryƍ, or a “living spirit.” Here, it’s not a dead person at all, but a consuming spirit that detaches from someone living to afflict others. The most famous story comes from the Tales of Genji, the classic ancient hero of Japan. Here, a mistress of our hero Genji grew so jealous over his wife that the jealousy became a ghost and possessed the wife, afflicting her with mental distress and leading to her death in childbirth. The horror here? I dunno, probably patriarchy. (Standard disclaimers that the world of Japanese ghosts is prolific and tied intrinsicly to culture/religion, and I am only a hobbyist looking to learn if others can correct or expand on anything.)
  22. 1 point
    Yes, that cast does exist within one movie, the wonderful D.C. Cab. If you weren't convinced already by the casting of Mr. T and Gary Busey together, then I will tell you this - This marvelous movie was written by Joel Schumacher. Yes, the man that gave Batman nipples in those terrible Batman movies. Even Bill Maher, Otis Day, Paul Rodriguez, The Barbarian Brothers, and Bob Zmuda have some screen time in this picture. What's crazy is the movie tries to teach racial equality, but just comes off completely racist. Then there's also a flame thrower for absolutely no reason, an amazing speech given by Mr. T in front of the Lincoln memorial, and a plot that changes so much that in retrospect you have no idea what the movie was about. You must watch this movie. So bad that it's entertaining. IMDB description: The tale of a hapless group of cabbies and a rundown cab company owned by Harold. Albert comes to town with a dream of starting his own cab company but needs to motivate Harold's employees to want to make something out of themselves. It is only when Albert is kidnapped that the cabbies must decide whether or not they are loyal to Albert and his cause.
  23. 1 point
    The big movie debut for Andy Kaufman. Not good. Sooooo disappointing for fans who loved his weird standup, Elvis imitations and Mighty Mouse. Bernadette Peters is her usual awful self, Randy Quaid looks like he is coked to the gills and everything is just so slow and bad. Rip this turd apart.
  24. 1 point
    “Cowboy Sans Sheriff” for Dalton’s book font feels like a missed opportunity.
  25. 1 point
    You can watch Paul's reaction to the most recent performance for yourself. (Spoiler alert: you're wrong.)
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