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Showing content with the highest reputation on 07/30/20 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    I'm a little surprised no one has talked about Palm Springs, the new Lonely Island film. It's really, really good. Paul recommended it on his text line recently.
  2. 2 points
    Was never really a big fan, no. Some of it is funny, but I think they just kinda went too long and ran lots of things into the ground. I will say though, I think Canadians by and large have lots of great comedians because they do kinda combine the sensibilities of American and British humor. I do take pride that one of our national exports is funny people.
  3. 2 points
    Trailer Park Boys don't do it for you in the Canadian pride department?
  4. 1 point
    I'll trepeat and say that I thought Palm Springs was a delight and much better than what it sounded like just by reading the synopsis. On a very different register, I saw Relic and it really hit me hard. It's not perfect, it's not horror in the traditional sense ( more high fantasy IMO ), but it handles a very difficult situation in what I thought was a very sensitive and realistic manner. Emily Mortimer ( my bones! ) is as great as ever, and the two other actresses in the film are incredible also.
  5. 1 point
    I agree! One of the most entertaining releases I’ve seen this summer. A welcome break from stress. i would just recommend NOT watching the preview and go into the movie cold.
  6. 1 point
    It’s only like 82 minutes, so it’s a quick watch. It’s not awful, but it’s disappointing that it doesn’t do more with its absurd premise.
  7. 1 point
    Is this Money Plane movie worth watching? I am very busy getting things done at maybe 1/3rd of the speed I usually get things done...
  8. 1 point
    It’s thyme to nutmeg, I’m cumin.
  9. 1 point
    Nobody puts babies with the coroner
  10. 1 point
    I think a lot of what you’re describing can apply to depictions of Captain America too. It’s why people outside of America can be fans of his. As far as Adams is concerned, he was always fiercely anti-slavery, primarily through his religious beliefs. Remember, his son Quincy Adams was a staunch abolitionist as well and argued (successfully) in the Supreme Court in the Amistad case. That was based on his upbringing. Adams also made slavery illegal in Massachusetts when he wrote the state’s constitution. No, Adams was a pretty good dude—especially compared to the other founders. He was mostly into justice. He would defend slaves in court, and actually defended the British after the Boston Massacre because he was the only one in the city who would give them a fair defense. (He won that too) By all accounts, Adams biggest flaw was egotism. He always wanted to prove he was the smartest in the room. He also made some pretty unpopular blunders during his presidency with the Alien and Sedition Act and the XYZ Affair, both of which were incredibly dicey political issues that I’m not sure anyone could have navigated any better.
  11. 1 point
    I'm non-American! I was going to actually ask a bit about this. So this is from my perspective of my schooling growing up in Canada. We do study a bit about America and it's founding but not that much. We cover the basics like the thirteen colonies and taxation without representation which led to the revolutionary war. However in terms of covering the people involved and their roles it's not really touched upon. I'll come back to this later. Then next time we learn about America is the war of 1812 and then the civil war is briefly mentioned. We start looking at US politics and history more come 20th century particularly from the stock market crash and depression and lead up to war. When I was in school though, grades 9 and 10 history/social studies classes just covered Canada and Canadian topics with brief mentions of America where it considered us. Then in 11 and 12 we go to more global and world and really focus on 20th century issues which brings more of a focus on modern America. All this said I have two things going for me. One, American media. You learn a lot about these figures based on references in shows and movies. Before watching Hamilton my knowledge of the man was he was shot by Aaron Burr (thanks to a milk commercial) and he was on the $10 bill and something to do with the treasury (from Lazy Sunday). I know Button Gwinnett is a person who signed and was looking for him in the movie. The second thing in my favor is I love history. So I can name you most all American presidents from my own readings and that, but my main interest in from late 19th on. I love Teddy Roosevelt, my personal favourite, because his story I found really interesting and read about him and just what a larger than life man he was. Sadly I know not that much about the civil war or founding of America. I know most of the players in general overviews and that's about it. This I guess is a long winded way of saying I'm interested in the subject but not well versed so I spent a lot of time wondering about how accurate it all was. Like I know they aped the painting and I know that they are all the real people that signed and what not, but as far as characterization and events I am curious. As far as the jingoism goes I think I wrote about this on the Unspooled episode of Mr. Smith Goes to Washington. I have no problem watching American movies that pat themselves on the back as long as it for the right reasons. Mr. Smith is a good example. About a man fighting for what the country was founded on and should be about. America is a land of opportunities and founded on principles and ideals of people being free to be themselves. These are good things that anyone can get behind. When it starts to get eye rolling is when it is unwarranted or when America is just celebrated for being great end of story. Michael Bay slow motion flag waving montages come to mind as eye rolling and groan inducing. However, that can also go full circle to being funny like in Rocky IV. If you want to tell me America is great because America is great fuck yeah and you're not being ironic then it is, for me at least, hard to bear. Also, I hate interjecting modern ideals and values on past works. That's where I did have many questions. I would like to know if Adams hard line stance on slavery is accurate to the man and something he did fight for. I know he is one of the few of the first twenty presidents or so that had no slaves but not sure if that was his beliefs or just lack of land, money, etc.. Long answer longer, where does 1776 fit in with all this? I wasn't put off by it. Some things were a bit cutesy, like The Egg, but none of it really struck me as all that jingoist. While I did like the songs I enjoyed their debates and the politicking side of things more. I think what helps is that Adams is so well defined and driven. If he was more of a wishy washy guy that wasn't sure what he wanted I think I could have lost interest or felt it was too "pro-American" if you get what I mean. The fact that Adam was so adamant about his belief in independence and it was for the right reasons and he was unwavering in his beliefs helped it come off as a character piece and historical fiction without seeing overly patriotic. Two of my favourite bits were at the end was he little talk with Hancock about knowing where he stands and when he is debating if he is right to give up the fight against slavery and Dr. Hall comes in and talks to him. If at any point a character started talking about the potential the nation would have to be the greatest nation in the world where every man would be equal and free, I would have groaned. It never did. These were people being oppressed by a tyrant king and wanted their freedoms and rights. Who can't get behind that?
  12. 1 point
    As a fan of the original comic series and the recent Legion series on FX, I am looking forward to the release of The New Mutants. Will it finally come out next month? Who can say. https://bloody-disgusting.com/movie/3624655/watch-opening-scene-new-mutants-plus-wild-new-trailer/
  13. 1 point
    Youz a big fine vehicle, shorty who you parkin with
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