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3 pointsUsing A Mighty Wind to fill our sails, we sail on to...?
3 points
2 pointsIf you happen to be a fan of Prince and The Muppets, have I got a treat for you! I vividly watching it when it first aired but haven't seen it since. https://youtu.be/t_Xq-mUlq5o
2 pointsI haven't watched the movie, but I remember not liking the soundtrack. It was the first Prince album I wasn't really feeling.
2 points
2 pointsAlso, favorite song!? There is no way yo pick one. I mean you have to decide what you want to hear first...jazz, classical, r&b. Rock, gospel, pop and THEN narrow it down from there. Lol But lately I listen to this one a lot...
1 pointI'm gonna say Purple Rain is the better movie because it has more actual musical performances in it. Sometimes it seems like they forgot to include those in Under the Cherry Moon.
1 pointThat's the thing that I can't figure out about Prince. Is he allowing himself to be the bad guy, or does he actually think these characters are likable? My first impression is the latter, but then there are so many weird comedy bits that it's hard to know how seriously he takes any of this.
1 pointIf you're sexy and you know it, clap dat ass Scottspoopydrawers
1 point
1 pointEver since Russell Crowe pointed this out in an interview (referring to Tom Cruise), that has always been a benchmark for me - is an actor willing to look like the bad guy or be unlikeable to the audience? That's the difference (or a difference) between an actor and a star.
1 point@Blast Hardcheese, should I buy Graffiti Bridge? Iām looking at it real hard...
1 pointI agree u all must watch P.R. & Graffiti Bridge (which in my opinion is the worst of all, but its Prince so I am still obsessed with it. When he passed i got a phrase from the song mountains tattooed on my arm with his signature. (BTW I am writing with his abbreviations 2 save space & cuz its cool. Lol Also, there is the concert move Sign of the Times. I am a deep Prince Fam (he asked us 2 not say fan because it comes from the work fanatic & has a negative tone). I have sooo many things I could say being a local MN girl who grew up in the 80s & spent many nights just trying 2 be where he was. UTCM is close 2 my heart cuz my friend won tickets 2 the local premiere that played in a tiny theater downtown St Paul. We even went 2 the after party but being so young & having a curfew we didn't stay which is one of my big regrets (I have many). I have another really special story that happened a few weeks later that I regret not having a camera for...oh the 80s!! Anyway, with the many times I have seen the film and the knowledge I have from people at the time, here are some of my thoughts.... There was NO chemistry between Prince & KST. She wasn't feeling him at all. So during the kissing on the boat you can actually see her disgust & forcing herself to kiss him back. I think she was a great actress because she is a good actress but recasting to someone that had more chemistry probably would have been better imo. His relationship with Tricky, I don't think it was supposed 2 be sexual but they loved each other & were life long friends. But I did wonder if it was more 4 Tricky!? He has a lot of emotional moments where he is hurt by Christopher's actions. Where he is jealous of Mary. At least that's how I saw it, he wasn't mad at Christopher 4 getting Mary but more mad that Mary was taking him away. The song Sometimes it Snows in April that plays at the end shows the love from Tricky's perspective. But careful...since Prince left this planet in April that song will tear u apart 2 listen to & has become THE hardest song 4 fams! I think also that Tricky was the money guy cuz Christopher is a wild thing that can't be tamed & he had no time or patience 2 figure it all out. The car scene where Christopher is in the back seat silent, I feel like at that age this is EXACTLY how Prince would tell a woman he cared 4 her. My fav scene is the tub where he leaves the phone msg. I could watch him in a tub speaking in that romantic tone again & again! Lol Also the black/white filming was Prince's idea & although he was fought on it he won. It was actually filmed in color & there is a color version out there. Prince was dating Susanna Melvoin at the time & he was madly in love with her. She was there in France the whole time & talks about it in interviews. In fact, he proposed 2 her but she eventually broke it off & broke his heart. Check out the song Empty Room 2 hear the pain from that relationship. 4 those that don't know, the silliness in the film IS Prince. Besides being mysterious, sexual, giving, & sometimes scary, he loved 2 prank people & joke around. Google the gangster glam video where he is rollerskating ! You're welcome!
1 point
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1 pointI think my biggest complaint about this movie is I wish there were more songs. Songs would kind of start and not really go anywhere. So...if anyone wants to post their favorite Prince songs here, Iād love to hear them
1 pointI mean, yea. That's how I became a superfan. Haha. It was like, I knew his hits. Started checking out more and more and couldn't stop thinking about him and the songs. He's a fascinating and really complex guy. One of my best friends wrote a biography of Prince and there are so many stories. Juxtaposition is a good word, because he tends to be a juxtaposition of so many conflicting things. That's what's so fascinating. Cherry Moon has a lot of the themes that show up in all of Prince's music and art at the time. Rich/poor, seduction/sex, jokes, androgyny, style. And as Jason said, rascally. That's why I loved the film. I know it's not great and probably could have used some co-director helping guide it better, but it is so full-on Prince in so many ways.
1 pointA couple months back, a bunch of us forum folks watched and discussed Purple Rain, and something that struck me watching that movie, and something that continues in Cherry Moon, is that Prince seemed to be completely unafraid of coming off as the bad guy in movies that centered around him. This is especially evident in Purple Rain where his character, The Kid, is extremely flawed and problematic. I think it would be tempting for a musician at the height of their fame to want to be portrayed on film as a sort of idealized version of themselves, and I find it absolutely fascinating that Prince was unafraid to play the more unsavory characters and allow his co-stars to play the moral centers. Similarly, as discussed in the podcast, I always think it's endearing when celebrities allow themselves to come off as goofballs. Especially for someone like Prince dabbles with artifice. It's an interesting juxtaposition to see someone who is both acutely aware of their carefully calculated image and also doesn't really seem to care if that image is slightly tarnished. Honestly, the more I think about Prince, the more I like him.
1 pointI'm positive that this is not an original observation on my part (but I'm too lazy to Google it, despite being on a computer at this very moment), but did Prince invent the emoji? In his song titles, Prince would often substitute words with letters and symbols (i.e., U for "you," 2 for "to" or "two," a drawing of an eye for "I," etc.) That carries over to this film, where the first note his character, Christoper Tracy, receives reads, "She wants U. Ask for the moon." The song "Love or Money" (the B-side for the song "Kiss" from the accompanying soundtrack for this movie, Parade) is billed in the credits as "ā„ or $." Even the subtitles (on Amazon Prime, anyway) utilize this Prince alphabet, as well. I disagree that it was a mistake not to film this movie in color. This movie has a weird timelessness in black in white that, if it was filmed in color, would have dated this film horribly. Under the Cherry Moon feels like an issue of Interview magazine in movie form, so the black and white film choice seems in-line with that high-fashion aesthetic, as well. A couple of times during this film, we see a middle aged man in a hat with two beautiful women in tow. Were they supposed to be the Greek chorus of this film? Or is Nice just that small? The best part of this movie for me was Prince taking a bath, with a hat on, yelling "FASCIST!" while dive-bombing a rubber duck in rose pedal water. The rose pedal budget for this film, by the way, must have been insane. Paul, you and June MUST watch Purple Rain. It's a great, albeit slightly flawed film that also features Morris Day (who almost steals the show). However, if and when you guys watch this movie, it must be a double feature that also includes the sequel Graffiti Bridge, which I guarantee will floor you beyond anything you've witnessed in Under the Cherry Moon. Graffiti Bridge, Paul: I shit you not.
1 pointhttps://uproxx.com/movies/verotika-review-glenn-danzig/ Vince Mancini at Uproxx just reviewed Verotika for its release on Amazon Prime and he too makes the comparison, calling Glenn "the goth Tommy Wiseau". Seriously, this movie needs to be the Halloween 2020 submission.
1 pointOK, so I had to pause the movie to post this, in the scene where the 'child bounty hunter'/'child abductor' is being stopped by the trucks after kidnapping the kid, there's a certain friend we might all know, one that's no stranger to child abduction and high stakes competitions located across state lines that minors have to endanger themselves to get to in the nick of time. The video game tournament was not double elimination though.
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