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Showing content with the highest reputation on 08/03/18 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points
    There were only two joys I got from this film... the first was perking up towards the end of the film and exclaiming... "Is that my boy blue?" Sure enough, the old man on the gurney is the same actor who portrayed Blue in Old School. The second joy I had, is knowing the editor warned us at the very beginning of the film that this was going to be a painful watch. Right after Giorgio's first song in the church, we cut to a little boy yawning. If that isn't a sign to the audience that they better buckle up for this horrendous experience... I don't know what else would be.
  3. 5 points
  4. 4 points
    After a brief hiatus, I got so excited to catch up on HH when someone told me that there were lots of Chef Kevin bits and segments on the show now. Imagine my disappointment when I tuned in to find out that he had NOT actually been dismembered.
  5. 3 points
  6. 2 points
    I contain multitudes!
  7. 2 points
    Loved this episode and this film, but yeah, definitely agree that the racism needs to be addressed, especially in light of how influential so many of the movie's images and characterizations were (not in a good way). King Kong's depiction of indigenous people as "savages" threatening white women and the connection of Kong with the image of African-American men as beasts who were hell bent on stealing white women cast a pretty long shadow (King Kong wasn't the first movie to do this, but I'd say it's one of the more memorable examples). There are a lot of great books / articles on this subject & one of my favorites is Fatima Tobing Rony's The Third Eye: Race, Cinema, and Ethnographic Spectacle, which has a section on King Kong. Watching the movie also brought back memories of this Vogue cover and all the controversy it caused at the time. King Kong has a long historical reach.
  8. 2 points
    Wow...mind blown! I totally didn't see this but yeah, it absolutely makes sense. (Or it could just be that romance tended to be super stilted and awkward in 1930s films. Or it could be both.)
  9. 2 points
    Let's all comprise. Kevin stays and Jordan becomes everyone's favorite engineer. I mean, first time on mic and she breaks out that leaf blower sound effect! She's HH bound all the way.
  10. 2 points
    Kevin's mom is definitely a MILF. Mom I'd Like on Forums.
  11. 2 points
  12. 1 point
    "I like a bigger boy." ... "I like a bigger boy."
  13. 1 point
    Even if Paul and Amy end the pod at 100 eps, we can use the forum still on a weekly basis and go through the 1998 bonus films and then a world cinema list, or any list we want. I say let’s worry about it in 80 weeks tho haha
  14. 1 point
    Raymond Burr's character's name is Steve Martin.
  15. 1 point
    For sure. At the end of this pod, I’m absolutely going to be digging through a ‘best foreign film’ list or two.
  16. 1 point
    I really feel like people are missing out if they're watching the version with the opera edited out...
  17. 1 point
    At risk of arriving late to the party, https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=UWEjxkkB8Xs this video is very very very good
  18. 1 point
    Suffering from Shingles and Ready to Mingle!
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    just want to say how truly grateful I am for H&S showing me love on the Chef Kevin AMA Pro Version and on this week's HH. for the past few years both my parents have had Alzheimer's disease, a form of dementia. my Mom was diagnosed in '04, my Dad in '15. during these years HH and this forum have provided a much needed escape from all the hellish bullshit of reality. making the pictures especially, getting lost in pixels for hours has been a valuable coping strategy throughout my Mom passed away in April. I played ukulele and sang at her funeral. so to have the boys be so nice on top of doing their great funny shows makes me feel that despite life's gloomy dark thunderclouds dropping constant pain and sorrow, sometimes a warm ray of light might shine through, offering a little hope and healing
  21. 1 point
    OK I listened. When they said the guest was going to be Guy, they weren't kidding! Boy, is he ever!
  22. 1 point
    one of the first instances of "The Podcast Sound," Treese's use of the 4/4 time signature in this podcast segment theme set a precedent that every segment theme song would seek to replicate, often with disastrous results. Some historians would argue that "The Podcast Sound" never actually existed, as Treese would go on to more traditional podcast duties with famous guest spots as "before everyone knew he was wack" Elon Musk on Podcasts Are Wonderful, and others, before finally stepping into the co-host's chair, playing himself in The Official the Orville Podcast's "Numbers Guy" Tim Treese. With the updated software to the Earwolf forums, rumors abounded that the Popcorn Gallery Theme Song would finally be getting its due in the annals of recording history, but as any true fan of the genre knows, history can only crystallize looking back on the hits with the benefit of time. For now, we can just push play on the new forums and listen and enjoy, to the humble strums on his soon-to-become Signature Edition Squier "Treesocaster," as his voice dances in and out of the gallery, performing an essential task, explaining the inscrutable Popcorn with something that is all too absent from these days of Premium episodes and subscriber only reward q&a's: passion, spontaneity, creativity. If you liked this post, I'd love to do more like it. These podcast history posts are very important for me to do and Im hoping to build some trust with you, the reader. Please emoji react and tell just one other person about my posts that you think might like them. Until next time... ?
  23. 1 point
    Next week's episode 250 seems like a milestone number. Next week's Brett Gelman seems like a milestone guest.
  24. 1 point
    This is a good one. I especially liked the funny parts
  25. 1 point
    It's Friday, there's a bunch of new movies out but I'm too tired from the work week to focus on anything good so my friend and I say luc besson space madness? Ok that should be entertainingly bad at least. and I fucking love scifi AND bad movies. My friend and I walked out, like, 15 to 20 minutes from the end of the movie. Cause we just couldn't take anymore. It's so disorienting, random, meaningless, disjointed, boring and cliched. Might have been racist too. Script is fucking brutal, there's no antagonist, you'll hate the protagonists, you'll never know where you are and why you're there, the soundtrack will put you too sleep, you'll be upset by a 10 min scene fetishizing some primitive pixie species of aliens. OMG by the time Rhianna shows up in a 5 min shape-shifting burlesque scene I was losing it. and then she actually stick around for a half hour delivering terrible lines?? Fuuuuuuuck this movie. My whole experience was a melange of boredom, disorientation and confusion. NOT a fun combination. It's maybe his worst film yet. No, definitely is... Don't actually want an episode about this but I would enjoy June trying to understand this piece of trash. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=cPeqNTqZNN0
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