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Showing content with the highest reputation on 10/01/18 in all areas

  1. 5 points
  2. 5 points
  3. 4 points
  4. 4 points
    What I really want to know is why those people didn't let Jason hold their baby? Just for a little while.
  5. 4 points
    What accounting magazines do you subscribe to?
  6. 3 points
    I pick Apocalypse Now, and it's not hard. Platoon is a really good story; Apocalypse Now is an experience. That's purely about the filmmaking, not how well it depicts the reality of Vietnam.
  7. 3 points
    I haven’t listened to the episode yet so I’m not sure if the context, but I know my baby is *really* bad around people he doesn’t know. It could be that they were afraid the baby would freak out, which would force them to leave or for HDTGM to put the show on hold while they calmed their child.
  8. 3 points
    Jason requests stats on the effectiveness of diaphragms. Planned Parenthood says they are about 88% effective. But what I am curious about now is why the diaphragm has Kirstie Alley's voice. It is not a part of her or from her. The egg should have her voice. The diaphragm should be, like, Dr. Ruth or someone.
  9. 3 points
    So, this doesn't directly relate to this movie, and maybe this has been covered already... But has it been discussed that there is an HDTGM reference in Batman #55? Paul has shouted out Tom King's Mister Miracle several times. Looks like he's reciprocating some of the love.
  10. 2 points
  11. 2 points
    If Jason asked, "May I hold that baby?" I might let him. But instead, he says, "Give me that baby," and that sentence has never been uttered with wholesome intentions.
  12. 2 points
    It's a Get Out scenario. Poor Mikey is in the Sunken Place while Bruce Willis drives his body around.
  13. 2 points
    Yea when I was adding to my ongoing list, I thought a lot about Platoon. I ended up leaning slightly to Platoon, I prefer its tale and sort of more existential questions, but the vividness of Apocalypse Now was very close to making up for that.
  14. 2 points
    Interesting. The story in Platoon is a lot easier to digest. I did yell a warning at the screen, in both Platoon and Full Metal Jacket, there are things you don't touch and grab, and it happens in both movies, and each time I saw someone grab objects, I yelled, "no." So I was immersed in those movies. I think I lean on Apocalypse Now, simply because it came around, for me, at a younger age.
  15. 2 points
    If it existed, it would be "I Hate Math Monthly". (I'm not an actual accountant.)
  16. 2 points
  17. 2 points
  18. 1 point
    Yea and I think this is what the show is about. It's certainly what we always end up moving to every week in these threads anyway!
  19. 1 point
  20. 1 point
    Yeah. I appreciate that as well. I also like that Dap is intelligent but also wrong/misguided as well. He had very little respect for people he thought were multi-racial. And it shows a lot of ignorance to put that on a person. People literally can't control their ancestry but also the ignorance of going back far enough since he mentions "octoroons" that in the 1980s someone who was that racial breakdown could potentially have been the product of a slave master raping a slave. There's just something refreshing about our lead character being flawed like this where it's not a huge story point like Indiana Jones biggest fear is snakes so, of course, he encounters snakes. Dap's flaw is pride/ignorance but there's not a scene where someone calls him on it leading to a scene of reflection unless someone wants to argue WAKE UP is that moment for him.
  21. 1 point
    Agreed. We can really only speculate, but I'm guessing Gamma was supposed to be the most prestigious. But really, I don't think it would have mattered much anyway. I would guess that to Lee all fraternities are the same. Dap wouldn't have wanted him to join any fraternities. And the only only reason why Dap hates the Gammas in particular was because of Julian - and that's because, in a weird way, Dap kind of respected him. One of my favorite lines in the movie was when Dap says about Julian: "No, Julian is smart, Rachel. He's confused, but he's smart." It was nice to see a character recognixe that just because people disagree with one another doesn't just automatically assume that they're dumb. Dap recognizes that Julian is smart and that's part of the problem.
  22. 1 point
    While I understand the wanting to belong and sense of brotherhood I guess, again maybe partly my misunderstanding of frats, but aren't there other fraternities on campus? I guess I just stuck on the idea more so of why he had to be a "gamma" and not like say and "alpha" or "delta." He pledges to the fraternity of his cousin's seeming rival and as result puts him on the outs with him and have to interact in private. He is also put through more because of his relationship to Dap. If he went to a different fraternity things would have been different for him I image. Dap would probably still be against him being part of any fraternity most likely. I was just expecting or thought there might have been more to why he wanted to be a Gamma beyond "creates conflict and drama". Like that's where his father went, or a notable person was one or something.
  23. 1 point
    I was never in a fraternity myself (in fact, one of the things I liked about my school was that it didn’t allow them), but I had friends who were. Ideally, from a social standpoint, I think they help people make friends and give a sense of belonging - which can be important when it’s your first time away from home. Also, Post-college, they can help establish a professional network that you might otherwise be difficult to build from the ground up. That being said, there’s no denying that fraternities seem to foster a toxicity and elitism.
  24. 1 point
    Add me to that list as well. I was explaining to a friend why the other day. I liked Breaking Bad but they seemingly turn Walter White bad pretty quick. It's suppose to be this slow descent but it doesn't always feel that way. On Breaking Bad Jimmy even when doing shitty thing you still know deep down he's a good person and so conflicted and his relationship with Kim grounds that character and when he does fully turn it is going to be so tragic. Also people are quick to praise Mike and Chuck and that but Kim is the star of the show.
  25. 1 point
    Late to the party, but I thought I'd share my Titanic experience. When the movie was released, I was 18 and living abroad in a small city in Italy. I don't know if the film was received with the same level of mania in the States, but it seemed like the entire country of Italy collectively lost its shit. They went bananas. Shops started selling flags with DiCaprio's face on them, which people actually flew out their apartment windows, and the club remix of "My Heart Will Go On" was inescapable. I heard a rumor, which I never bothered to confirm, that the town where DiCaprio's ancestors lived renamed their town square "Piazza DiCaprio." My friend was obsessed and carried around a binder with film-related images from magazines. We attempted to make her a Rose dress for Carnival, but given that neither of us knew how to sew, it didn't go well. Personally, I enjoyed the movie, but I don't LOVE it, although I did enjoy the movie-going experience. At the theater in the town I lived in (one theater, one screen), you could buy one ticket and stay as long as you wanted. I had missed the first few minutes, so I was able to stay and see the parts I had missed. They also added an intermission to every film, no matter how long, so everyone could go into the hall and smoke. So very Italian.
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