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Showing content with the highest reputation on 11/04/18 in all areas

  1. 2 points
    Dennis Haskins IS Dwayne "The Rock" Johnson in SAVED BY THE SKYSCRAPER!
  2. 2 points
    I don't think I can handle that much raw sex appeal
  3. 2 points
  4. 2 points
  5. 2 points
  6. 2 points
    We can watch it together! I've got us cute outfits...
  7. 2 points
  8. 1 point
    On the surface, yes, it doesn't seem like a David Lynch movie but there are little touches that sneak in that are undeniably him. Just some dialogue stuff and Lynch's fascination with small town life that stick out. If you think I wouldn't watch Dennis Haskins in Skyscraper or The Rock in Saved By The Bell, you don't know me. I think Rock could really improve the role of Mike the RA from The College Years.
  9. 1 point
    Not a genre I'm really good at naming examples from, but the one I haven't seen that comes to mind that I'd be curious about would be Lynch's The Straight Story (which I've heard is very unLynchian). It's been a long time, but maybe Tim Burton's Big Fish or Wes Anderson's Fantastic Mr Fox. I also want to say My Neighbor Totoro, but I'm not entirely sure why. Three out of the four movies seem based around appreciating someone after they're gone, or afraid they're about to go. I don't know if that's a mental block I'm having there. I really don't watch a lot of family, life affirming movies. =\
  10. 1 point
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  13. 1 point
    I guess better late than never. Though I feel like my experience with the show is much more mundane enjoyment compared to the rest of you. It really sounds like you guys built up a sense of community here that is touching. What was your first episode of HDTGM? Almost certainly The Room or Birdemic. I have other movie podcasts I listened to and to some degree I just enjoy hearing people talk about movies not that I've even watched, but the type of movies that I would watch. And while I had other more serious-minded film-based podcasts, I was noticing I was going to screenings of various midnight movie type of movies and that wasn't being represented in my podcasting listening. Weirdly, while I knew about The Room and Birdemic (looking back at my letterboxd account, that means I must have started listening around the first half of 2013), I had never seen either. So, I'm pretty sure that's what I was searching for when looking for a podcast to fill that itching niche. Favorite catchphrase? I'm not a big catchphrase person, but I guess... Hello People of Earth! Ladies, still single! I'm still not on Twitter, Paul. (Being someone who has still never joined twitter to date, I derive some weird joy from hearing this line). What is a Street Fighter? A clip or moment that you'll always remember? (timestamps are nice ) My memory resembles June's when it comes to the specifics of past episodes (though I remember they actually happened), so it's more like highlights for me. The Room being shot simultaneously on 35mm and digital, and I believe it was Jason speculating two realities in which The Room existed, one the 35mm and one the digital one, and the only commonality in terms of actors between them was Tommy. Or at least I think that happened. Maybe I just imagined it because I've read one too many Steve Erickson novels - which is also why that possibility just stuck with my imagination. All of Paul's sad childhood stories. June being away for a month and rather than watch the movies, send in summaries of what she'd guess the movies are about (I remember Superman IV being pretty great). Breaking down the Sleepaway Camp relations, because I went to watch it and thinking, I actually wouldn't have gotten this, and it totally seems like what teenagers would write in a horror movie. And, oh god, the faberge eggs... The episode you revisit the most I don't revisit episodes that often, but I know I listened to The Room episode before watching it. Probably after watching. And then when The Disaster Artist came out, again in preparation for that. How HDTGM fits into your weekly routine So funny thing, going back to the Birdemic. I listened to the podcast, laughed my ass off. Watched the movie, by myself on a lazy Sunday afternoon... and was bored. Yet, while watching it, I kept going, "I should be laughing at this. This is the type of movie I normally enjoy (confirmed later when I watched Birdemic 2)." Bad movies take a certain mindset and environment to enjoy. And I find myself wanting to watch them with other people which can't always be arranged. I find this podcast, on a weekly basis, gives me a favorable viewing of a bad movie; a bad movie that I may not have seen before. And it gives me a sense of how much enjoyment can I get out of these movies - you know, should I be able to arrange a movie night with friends to watch these things (which I don't get to do as frequent as I would like). The movie that you loved or hated watching For the most part, I haven't started watching the movies in preparation or response of the podcast (see above). I guess that might change now that I've joined the boards, so rather than save some of these to watch with friends some odd year out. I think the podcast did make me go watch Sleepaway Camp, which I did enjoy the hell out of. Outside of that, I already owned and loved The Miami Connection before the podcast covered it. It's definitely one worth owning. I think I didn't get to watch my episode of Hercules in New York until after the podcast episode. Movies I've mentally logged to watch in the future with friends (this can take years to resolve for some): intentionally campy fun: Action Jackson, The Last Dragon unintentionally comical that should be up my alley: Hard Ticket to Hawaii, A Night in Heaven, The Apple (though I think that one's been on my radar for a while) What the show has meant to you after all these years or any other sappy stuff The lolz! Yeah, unfortunately, I don't have any touching, sentimental stories the rest of you have, which have been touching to read. It sounds like you guys have a tight knit, or at least a supportive community.
  14. 1 point
    Omg! Omg! Omg! This looks like the best movie ever made! Thank you for bringing it to my attention. http://youtu.be/_aMZ37kiIKU And it says the production company is The Asylum. Am I to understand the makers of Sharknado are now making Christmas movies?
  15. 1 point
    According to Letterboxd somebody hasn't seen Paddington. That's a charming AF movie about family.
  16. 1 point
    Thankskilling is on Prime I think, the perfect Thanksgiving movie that will segue out of Halloween.
  17. 1 point
    It was great hearing some of these clips again. It's a true testament to the nature of this show that there can be so many great moments that I forget about some of the ones I loved the most. Here's to another 200 more great episodes!
  18. 1 point
    Question for you all. Now that Halloween is over, I need a new theme for the movies I watch (because my life demands order). Since there aren’t that many Thanksgiving Movies - besides Planes, Trains, and Automobiles, Dutch, and the Charlie Brown and Garfield Specials - I’m trying to find movies that are at least generally about gratitude, generosity, family, and thankfulness. It’s more the theme that matters, not the genre. I’ve never seen them, but I’ve already placed Eat, Pray, Love, Tyler Perry’s Family Reunion, and The Pursuit of Happiness in my queue. Can you all think of anything else/better? Thanks, guys! I know I can count on you! (Of course, I only need enough for a few weeks, because once T-giving is over [maybe even slightly before], I am 100% on the Hallmark Christmas movie train and I’ll be on that sucker for the rest of the year )
  19. 1 point
    I love this episode. It should be one of the ones that is always available like the Howdies. It touched on a lot of great moments (even if there was no mention of BLOODSPORT). I am excited for SKYSCRAPER. Going to rent it tonight!
  20. 1 point
  21. 1 point
  22. 1 point
    I had three weddings left in 2018 to DJ and this was my plan for this weekend. Then I got an emergency call asking if I could DJ this weekend. so I'm working the next three Saturdays. I'm so ready for wedding season to be over with. on a semi-related note, I worked as a "model" yesterday, filling in background shots, laying in a hospital bed, etc. for a marketing company who were taking pictures of a hospital remodel. I have so much respect for photographers who do this kind of work. All I was doing was sitting around for the most part and it was draining. I can't imagine trying to make pictures of a hospital look interesting LOL
  23. 1 point
  24. 1 point
    I just watched this for the first time since I was a kid. I don't have the words. HDTGM needs! needs! needs! to do a podcast on this movie. So much to unpack. Next level bonkers. This movie shoud be recognized for the masterpiece it is.
  25. 1 point
    Sometimes list on TV as Super Trooper Superpowers, weakness to 1 color, alligators, Ernest Borgnine, a lead actor who cannot speak English, giant bubble gum bubble Nothing beats Super Fuzz http://m.imdb.com/title/tt0082924/
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